Weary Widow / Comments

  • Yeah, I know. D: I'm still scared to death. I feel bad about lying, but if I told the truth I'd be grounded for life or something like that. :\

    :D! I didn't know you made it! It's beautiful. :]]]]
    July 25th, 2008 at 06:13pm
  • :D

    Yeah, I think I'll tell her tomorrow...I still hope she takes it well, haha. I am nervous, though. :\

    And yeah, I like 'em too! Yours has an awesome color scheme. ;DD
    July 24th, 2008 at 02:18am
  • Yeah...hopefully it'll be fixed by tomorrow. D:
    And I'll just finish up my subscriptions and then I'll head straight on over to AIM. :]]

    My mom just got home and said she had a workday from hell. D: I don't think I'll tell her tonight.... :hug:
    July 24th, 2008 at 02:11am
  • :hug: I have your email now...but my mail service is down and I can't get to my inbox, so I can't put it in yet....
    And I still haven't told my mom or my dad yet. :\ I may do it tonight if she's not in a bad mood from work, otherwise I'll be grounded for a while, and we don't want that.
    July 24th, 2008 at 02:00am
  • Yeah, I know. I don't think they'll let up though. My mom was almost crying because she's so scared for me. :\ I told her that I'm careful, and even though I've told some little white lies ( "Everyone that has my email is someone that I've met face-to-face before." ) I'm overall pretty safe about my internet experience.

    Oh, well that's good. :D I'm glad your mom's cool with things like this. It seems like every mom other than mine are all relaxed about the internet. I think my mom watches too many crime investigation shows where they talk about fourteen year old girls being abducted by fifty year old guys on MySpace and stuff. *eyeroll* :arms: And yeah, I think we've been talking for about four months. :D

    My basic plan of action beforehand was to tell her that you and I became email buddies a while back during the schoolyear. We had just traded emails up until that point. Then, you painted this picture for me and decided to send it to me. Because we met through school, it would be all right if I gave you my address because it would be safe (even though we didn't, I still trust you. :D). The only problem with this is if she wants to see your email address (which I obviously don't have). But I dunno, it's a pretty loose and not-well put together plan...I might have to come up with something else...

    Yeah, I'll be pretty bummed if I don't get Frank...... :hug:

    Oh, and I'm going on AIM now, so I'll talk to you more there. ;D
    July 23rd, 2008 at 03:25am
  • Hahaha, exactly! It's great all around. :D

    Awwwwww, thank you. :arms: And I should get them soon...hopefully. Though I just had a talk with my mom, and she's freaking out over the fact that I'm talking to people who don't go to my school...so now she's restricted me to two hours per day during the summer and then as soon as school starts I can only use the computer for homework purposes. :[[

    I don't know what else I can do here! We don't really have anything else that occupies me...I mean, we'd have more art stuff and notebooks and more things for me to do if we had the money, but we don't and...yeah. :\

    So, I think I should think up a more foolproof plan for my parents to believe me when you send me that picture of Frank. x]
    July 23rd, 2008 at 03:08am
  • Haha, yay orange paint! You know, supposedly, when you look at the color orange, you're supposed to gradually get happier....
    Maybe looking at your profile long enough will help. Or maybe it's just a picture of the man in it. xD

    I'd love to see the pictures! See, I feel all bad now 'cause you're showing me all these pictures and I haven't really got any for you...just wait till I get my digital camera in September. xD Anyways, I got two pictures taken of me today but I don't really like them at all....well, you'll have to see them when Becca emails them to me. x]

    Have fun painting the church tomorrow! :D
    July 23rd, 2008 at 01:57am
  • You're welcome. :arms: :D

    So, how did painting that church go? :]]]
    July 22nd, 2008 at 08:49pm
  • Oh yes, as always. xD

    July 22nd, 2008 at 03:13am
  • THANK GOD. I dunno if I can take anymore of Ray's shite. xD

    Oh, and I'm going to restart my computer now, so hopefully it'll be better once it's back up again. :]]]
    July 22nd, 2008 at 02:12am
  • Ohhhhhhhh. : D I understand now.

    AND YAY. Yes, it's bothering me severely that Ray is too drunk to notice anything going on around him. >< But I'm glad Liz finally makes him. x]
    July 22nd, 2008 at 02:04am
  • Yeah, I heard about that movie. SOMEONE DIES IN IT!? D:
    I didn't know that. xD

    But yeah, use some of your sadness to write that story. It's definitely sad....
    I have a question.
    Is Ray ever going to become sober again?
    July 21st, 2008 at 03:17pm
  • That sounds fun, I'm glad you got to see your relatives. : D

    Nothing much, I changed my mibba signature (again! XD) and I want to change my INO signature but TekTek is being mean to me. D:

    And I just split-up my one-shots folder to honor the new rule about that AND created collections for all of my stories to go into. XD
    July 21st, 2008 at 02:14am
  • Hahaha, yeah, I know. :]


    So what's new in Megan-land? XD
    July 20th, 2008 at 09:49pm
  • I did have a good time, and it was amazingly fun! I rode the Maverick first thing, it was pretty awesome. : D

    And it's no problem. :hug:

    I MISSED YOU TOO! :D :arms:
    July 20th, 2008 at 02:27am
    July 19th, 2008 at 01:19am
    I tried baking cookies yesterday (because I'm a horrible cook and I know that there was no way in HELL that I could bake cupcakes XD) but I...failed, at those too. XD
    So I may try drawing him, but we'll see. Haha.

    You enjoyed window washing? XD

    Well, like I've said before, I'm going down to Cedar Point tomorrow...so I won't be back for a couple days...I'LL MISS YOU. :D

    :arms: :hug:
    July 16th, 2008 at 11:06pm
    *laughs hysterically*
    I read that in a story once.
    Gee called Ray, "Yeah man, my bro with a fro." xD

    Ahhh, okay. :]
    Motion sickness = bad.
    Okay, if/when we go anywhere together, we shall go to someplace that ISN'T an amusement park. Like...a shop, or whatever. :D
    *doesn't get out much*

    Hahaha, I know!
    I love INO.
    You could join me in the What Are You Thinking thread that I frequent.
    There's some pretty cool people there. ;D
    But I'm still content with comments and PM's. ^_^

    Mhmm, I just read the new chapter and commented! Though I probably should have read it sooner, but my internet was down and I couldn't see the stories that were updated until today. D:


    Hahaha, and no worries about two comments. ;] This is why I keep two windows open - one with my profile and one with the other person's profile, so I can see exactly what I need to reply to. XD
    July 16th, 2008 at 02:05am
    Like you didn't know. XD

    Hahaha, when I'm actually on a roller coaster, I'm normally, "OH MY GOD, THIS IS FREAKING ME OUT." but then I get off of it and I go, "Dude, that was awesome. Let's do it again!" xD

    Ooooh, really? I'm gonna go add you right now. I'm human malfunction. :DD
    July 14th, 2008 at 06:42pm

    Nothing special is going on with me...we're driving down to Cedar Point (I'm assuming you know what that is because you live in the same state XD) Thursday into Friday this week, so...that should be fun. ^_^ Other than that, not much.

    Ooooh, yay! INO is an awesome place. It's where I spend my time when I'm not on mibba, reading, writing, or messing around with graphics and such. XD
    July 14th, 2008 at 05:51pm