My Art

I am so unbelievably fucking mad at Firefox and Livejournal. Yesterday I was posting on my LJ and Firefox kept on crashing in the middle of it. Well I figured since LJ auto saves my post would be fine, including all the pictures I posted. Nope. All gone. GAH. Computers are so...*makes strangling motions with hands*So I'm posting the same entry here, except slightly condensed. Good news is that you...
April 3rd, 2011 at 06:58pm


I am so frustrated right now I just want to scream and cry and break things.1. My art project is a piece of shit. We're doing the subtractive method on scratch board for our texture unit and I just completely messed up. I brought another piece of paper home so I could try again, but I messed up again! *slams fists on keyboard* a,ksam,sdm xdz d xddz xc2. I brought my cello home this weekend so I...
December 19th, 2010 at 07:53pm

So much, so much, too much!

As I type up this journal entry the crust for the pumpkin cheesecake sits in the oven, while on the table the pecan and pumpkin pies cool. Thanksgiving is on the arise!A thought just crossed my mind: Why don't I write more of Autre? I seem to be quite in the "food" mood.Besides baking desserts in advance for Thursday, my cello sits idly on the living room floor in front of the TV that bares the...
November 24th, 2010 at 04:48am


I went to the hair salon on Thursday to get my hair dyed for the musical my high school is putting on called South Pacific. Since I've never dyed my hair before, my mom decided to take pictures of the life altering process.In the musical I play a Polynesian/French maid/servant/nanny who looks after Emile de Becque's two kids and cleans. I'm from France, so I would have been able to keep my hair...
November 13th, 2010 at 06:44pm

"Remember, remember the 5th of November..."

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.Yes, folks. It is indeed the fifth of November. Some of you will recall said memorable quote by V in V for Vendetta while the rest of you sit puzzled wondering why everybody has set the quote to their status on Facebook.ANYWHO, fifth day...
November 5th, 2010 at 07:10pm

Tu aimes le musique?

Bonsoir, my fellow Mibbians.Fun Fact: My dad pronounces Fur Elise "fer-ehl-see" and baroque "buh-rock."Last night was the school's orchestra and choir concert. The choir being the bigger part of it, seeing how there's four choirs. Woman's Treble Chorale, Chorale, VBC (Voces Bel Canto), and Concert Choir. Treble wears green robes (the same robes freshmen wore last year), Chorale wear red robes, VBC...
October 22nd, 2010 at 04:52am

Sundays Are Depressing

Fridays are the best because when you get home from school (or work, unless you work on the weekends) you just think ahh, I can stay up late and sleep in tomorrow. Saturdays are nice because you get to do whatever you want. Saturday evenings sad because you think of how tomorrow is Sunday, the day before school. Sundays are downright depressing because you have to do all the work you...
October 17th, 2010 at 07:21pm

Les livres, les livres, les livres!

I find it amusing that as soon as I start writing actual journals without flaunting "comment swaps" or "questions" in them I get no more comments. Amusing, not surprising.You guys make me cry.My dear sister Lilly picked up a new book for me to read at the library today (even though I've already started and have yet to finish Mockingjay, The Lightning Thief, and City of Bones). The book? One of her...
October 14th, 2010 at 05:10am

Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night...

Ever get those, wonderful, amazing, happy-surges? When suddenly you're filled with this delightful feeling of "everything's gonna be alright."I'm experiencing one right now. I'm so happy. Maybe it was caused by my sudden motivation to walk to Walgreens and browse around, and then watch some Harry Potter. Those movies are amazing. I love them. I could watch them all day. And I do. ;)So on the...
October 2nd, 2010 at 09:13pm

Au Revoir!

But not really. Maybe you've already noticed, but I've been going on the computer less and less. It's all in attempt to cut back on my technology use. Instead of killing my brain by sitting in front of a hypnotic screen, I'm going to try getting outside and doing something else with my time. Like writing, drawing, mostly reading, and definitely practicing my cello.I'll still get on now and again...
September 25th, 2010 at 04:56pm

Someone's in the kitchen with Kelly...

I'm baking again. This time it's strawberry bread. You can expect to find more pictures posted in my journal tomorrow. Hopefully the bread tastes as good as the muffins I made.Somehow the result of dieting and depression has resulted into developing cooking as a new hobby. It gives me something to do and gets my mind temporarily off of him.So I've started a new blog I call The Hungry Hungry...
September 9th, 2010 at 12:37am

Lots of pictures.

Here's some eye-candy for you all. Those who read my last journal know I made blueberry muffins for Labor Day yesterday. And man were they good. The batch made over a little over two dozen.Go Wisconsin Badgers! ^^,I drew some pictures also that I promised to post in my next journal entry. A sort of "moon goddess" and a portrait of myself from sixth grade. I don't know if any of you bothered...
September 8th, 2010 at 01:09am

Muffins! Contest, anyone?

It's muffin time! We have a carton of blueberries in the fridge and my mom wants to use them before they get bad, so I'm going to make some blueberry muffins. I probably won't eat them though.I hate fruit in my pastries. It's just...weird.Oooh, I also have this new contest. Check it out please? Murderer Among Us.Multiple times I've attempted to start a contest but they've all failed miserably...
September 6th, 2010 at 06:21pm


My computer doesn't suck anymore! Yaaaay! My dad reset the hard drive so now it doesn't freeze for fifteen seconds every minute. So now I can do normal things on the computer again. It also means that I'm going to be on the computer a lot more.It's amazing outside. The corners of the windows are dotted with rain while it pours outside. The grass is a vibrant shade of green. It's dark out and the...
September 6th, 2010 at 04:38pm

School Stuff and Story Stuff

I FINALLY got my schedule! Well, I didn't really get it, more or less found it posted online finally. Here's what I got:1st hour - Orchestra - Malloy2nd hour - Human Anatomy & Physiology - Chybowski (1st semester)2nd hour - Civics - Ziebarth (2nd semester)3rd hour - Concert Choir - Brusubardis4th hour - English 10 - Carter5A - Lunch5B - Study Hall - Boyd6th hour - French 1 - Piittmann7th hour...
August 20th, 2010 at 11:44pm

Some stuff here, some stuff there.

Dude. I'm seriously music deprived. I've been listening to the same songs on my iPod for months now. You gotta help a fellow Mibban out. Suggest some bands/songs to me please?My computer had to have it's hard drive reset so my iTunes had to be redownloaded, which means I can only plug in my iPod in to charge it, not to add more songs. So I'm stuck with all the albums I have already. Bah....
August 18th, 2010 at 09:17pm

High School Drama On Mibba?

No, no, no, no, no, my dearies. Definitely not. There's no drama on Mibba. You are in the Journal sections. Where people post their journals. The purpose of a journal is to be personal and get your feelings out. Of course it's going to sound like there's drama on here! I mean, my real life journal I keep sounds like a fricken soap opera.Really, guys. If you're reading someone's journal, you're...
August 17th, 2010 at 11:29pm

New Story!

FINALLY! The first chapter to my new story is posted! For the past month or so I've been planning out this new story idea I have, actually writing out the plotline in a notebook and getting key points down. I've had the first chapter down in my head for a while now, and I've finally decided to write it and post it.Sooooo. What do you say? You read and comment on my first chapter of Synced and I'll...
August 17th, 2010 at 10:28pm

Blah blah. BLAH.

Mmmm. Special K cereal = yummy. I had a horrible dream that we had a few milk jugs in the fridge and my sister was drinking a little of each and kept on saying that they were all spoiled. D: Turns out the milk expired years ago.I've been getting into the habit of waking up early since I got back from camping. So now I go to bed earlier and have more quiet time during the morning to do whatever I...
August 17th, 2010 at 06:27pm

Annnd I'm back!

I could read journals on here all day, I swear I could. But I need to get a start (and finish!) my contest story that's...sort of due today. So I'm going to write a quick journal entry and get my ass into gear.My god, I can't write two whole sentences without sneezing onto the computer. Most days I wake up feeling like a truck hit me and go into a sneezing fit. Yeah. Allergies. Aren't they...
August 14th, 2010 at 04:25pm