FallingForFree / Comments

  • haha totally STRANGER DANGER lmfao!
    but no worriez, he's 18 years old, lives about two hours away from me, totally hawt, totally awesome and is the exact opposite of my ex. my ex was pretty much scene emo, but my current boyfriend now is just well normal....if you call hyper 24/7 normal lol!!!! but yeah he is no 40yr old!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and good girl for saying yes....but you gotta give me detail to detail of all your dates....unless you guys have sex then no thank you, i dont need to know all that information;D
    October 13th, 2009 at 01:01am
  • OMGOMG!!!!!!!!! im so excited for you! wait....what did you say, yes?????? you did say yes right???? or did you leave it as a maybe???
    if you said your not too sure considering he is your friends ex, tell her how you feel about him and ask if shes cool with you going out with him...just an idea....

    but if you said yes, then congrats girl=P

    btw, im officially unsingle today....dont ask but i met him online, then we talked on msn, and then we met face to face....a really weird meet up, but thats okay....as long as hes not a 40 yr old perverted man then im coolXD
    October 12th, 2009 at 03:02am
  • WHAT?! i mean he kissed you, so he obviously has some feelings for you=P maybe he's too shy and doesn't know how to ask you....ha, if i lived there, i would so try to hook you guys up, cause that's what i do! oh well, who knows, maybe he will ask you out tomorrow or tonightXD
    October 8th, 2009 at 01:46am
  • so that mr hottie guy that kissed you is now ur bf????? congrats kiddo, u should post pictures up of himXD i wont steal him. i swear i wont!!!!!
    October 7th, 2009 at 05:25am
  • ARE ya sure you wanna get to know me'z???? cuz i liek happen to be the biggest freak on earth LMAO!!!!! nah don't worry, but still, i get to be very loud, and i iz very randomish! i think very pervertdly, and well yeah....im just a really hyper person to be around with lol! but i guess thats what you call cool=P

    and you seem pretty cool!....we otta pick out a day where we get to meet each other=)
    October 7th, 2009 at 05:24am
  • haha luckiez you!!!!!!!!!!!!! how hot was he? what did he look like? is he like eighteen or something???? what kind of car does he drive???? lmao, you oughta know by now that i like wannaz know every friggin detail that you got lol!!!!!!!! yes...im stalkin'z you!!!!!!!!! okay, i will stop being weird nowXD

    anywho....was the kiss like totally awesome???? lolXD

    and noez worriez about acting like a loser...you shoulda seen me when i had my first kiss lol! after my ex kissed me, i accidently blurted out 'OMFG! that was totally friggin amazing! how did you do that?" yes i actually said that....he just laffed tho and said that it was a guy thing....ohkaii lol!!!!!!
    October 5th, 2009 at 05:26am
  • dont we all feel tired??? lolz!
    haha, wanna know what the best thing ever is? okay, the other day i had a huge geography test to do, so before class me and my best friend ditched art class and went down, and got a whole bunch of energy drinks (Monster), and i chugged down five, so by the time i got to geography, i was completely hyper. and i got my test back with a perfect A! it was great, now on im so gunna be drinking energy drinks before tests=P
    anywho, i shall not be random and ask my dear friend how her very interesting life is going??? are those silly teachers treating you alright? or are they being tooo mean???
    October 4th, 2009 at 05:20am
  • Hey, i have new poems.
    Come by and take a look.
    September 27th, 2009 at 08:34pm
  • lol! of course theres nothing wrong with hot guys stalking me on myspace lol! kind of entertaining....and isn't everybody's life boring? or is it just us teens? my folks complain all the time about how bored i get, but really, what is there to do in life?

    and sweet that you found a few colleges! im hoping to get into an acting school of some sorts, if i didn't mention that already lol. if not, then go into art school.

    you know what i really want to do now? i want to take a long long nap, and never wake up cuz im that damn tired.
    September 26th, 2009 at 02:35am
  • hmm whats new? ohkaii, apparently there is this gy on myspace that is stalking me via msn and facebook, kinda creepy but he is so damn hot lol. anywho, my best friend in the whole entire world which happens to be a guy moved away, and now i feel like crying, but im not cause he promised to visit me. and apparnetly im getting a scholarship for acting....super stoked cause i love acting with a passion! ooooh, and my acting class is doing Alice In Wonderland....and my teacher sadly wants me to be alice...weird lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

    what about you???
    September 25th, 2009 at 03:55am
  • lol wow, i have no idea how to say this, but you sure have some tripped out classes! i mean, in my school, there is no such thing as english 3 or honors US history or stuff like that. pretty much, its just very simple. english, history, geogrpahy, biology, chemistry etc etc.

    and my voice is doing better, i just have to learn how to shut up=( lol!

    and yeah, i went t one of their concerts in vancouver. although, i nearly died of a heart attack when synsyter gates and vegeance walke out on stage. lol, my friends had to literally hold me down=P we were in the second row, so it was all good.
    September 23rd, 2009 at 04:38am
  • lol thanx, i finally realized that my last name was sooooo lame considering how i hate my name to start with, so i changed it to my absolut favorite guitarist in the whole world and yeah. im pretty much obsessed with a7x, it makes me laugh!
    what classes do you have??? and i know im lucky, im having so much fun now!!!!!!! but guess what? on thursday, i have to recite a monologue in front of my class, and sadly i got sick last week, and i woke up this morning with no voice at all. i cant speak or anything!!!!!! im scared, i need my voice to practice=(
    September 22nd, 2009 at 05:06pm
  • lol sorry about taking forever to answer ya back=)
    please forgives me=(
    anywho, i never thought about getting his number, i was just to overly concerned about his lil spying brother lmao! kinda creeped me out in a very awkward way=P
    and holy man, i just started school like two weeks ago, and damn ive been busy as hell. see, i only have acting, art, photo and geography. but for some reason, i have a suspicious belief that my geogrpahy teacher knows that his class is the only academic course i have for this semester, cause he has been loading me with piles of homework....and surprisingly enough, i actually have been completeing it lol! i hardly ever do my homework, too lazy but whatever, i do surprise myself quite a bit! i just hope im passing!

    so what about you? what have you been up to lately??????
    talk to ya soon....lol, i should be on more often so no worries=)
    September 21st, 2009 at 03:23am
  • I have many"seem yo be friends"...does that count?
    September 20th, 2009 at 01:14am
  • maybe you're right...I hear everybody (girls) hates her...But the boys don't ...they say we only hate her because we're jealous of her beauty...Some boys are afraid of her I think...
    September 19th, 2009 at 07:27am
  • hehe..well I wanted to cry a while ago...coz it was our stats. and we needed calculators. I forgot mine and asked a girl (all the boys' crush) if i could use hers ... instead of lending it to me she just sneered and rolled her eyes...i really wanted to poke her eyes out...T_T....huhuhuuhuhu...
    September 15th, 2009 at 01:01pm
  • 2nd year highschool...I think when converted to your system...8th grade?

    to make sure...What is the year or grade of typical a 14 year old?
    September 14th, 2009 at 12:34pm
  • Well I love reading books too but i prefer to read books that are printed than those which are in the net...I like walking and listening to japanese music..I'm in the second year how bout you?
    September 13th, 2009 at 07:41am
  • I'm good too...so what do you like to do?
    September 12th, 2009 at 01:27pm
  • HI!
    I'm ninya!
    Nice meeting yah Rissa!
    so how are you?
    September 12th, 2009 at 03:59am