The Violent Cupcake

The Violent Cupcake
United States
Joined date
December 28th, 2008

Here's What I'll Tell You

I am me.
Out of place.
And lost in thought.

I have a need for other people to like and admire me, yet I tend to be critical of myself.
While I have some personality weaknesses I am generally able to compensate for them.
I have considerable unused capacity that I have not turned to my advantage.
Disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, I tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside.
At times I have serious doubts as to whether I have made the right decision or done the right thing.
I prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations.
I also pride myself as an independent thinker;
and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof.
But I have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing myself to others.
At times I am extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times I am introverted, wary, and reserved.
Some of my aspirations tend to be rather unrealistic..

Je n'aime pas des personnes. Ils sont bruts et démarrer drame. J'aime à vivre dans ma propre monde, de façon s'en occuper.


You don't have to read these. Just some quotes that have, at some point in my life, sparked my interest. A few from books, several from friends, and others I haven't the slightest idea from where they came:

"Sometimes, life has a way of putting us on our backs to force us to look up." -Charles L. Allen

"My favorite sport is your mom." -Elana.

"When they were good, they were very, very good. And when they were bad... They were perfect."

"Beauty without intelligence is a masterpiece painted on a napkin."

"You're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. But if you do, you'll usually hurt someone."

"Happiness born of passion is short-lived."

"Wouldn't it just rock and roll if liking someone meant they had to like you back?"

"All you do is sit on that computer." -"no, I sit on the chair."

"You're only young once, but you can be immature forever."

"Some guys look at you like they want sex. He looks at you like you've already had sex, it was great, and now you're just friends -- even though you want more."

"You're friend's poetry was terrible. It sounds like he ate a dictionary and started vomiting up words at random."

"They'd all been kiss and run, and none had come back for seconds."

"In pain and sorrow lies truth."