Birthdays, Frodo & Story Updates

Hey there, party people. I have a question to pose to you.Do you do anything for your birthday anymore?It seems like just a few years ago- birthday parties were a pretty big deal. I don't know about you- but I haven't actually done anything (besides the necessary family dinner- minus the elder brother who is just too damn busy to come up for your birthday- THAT'S ON A WEEKEND. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE...
July 28th, 2012 at 07:30am

Wanna story written for you? I'm your chika.

So hey peoples.I wanted to get my writing mojo on for something other than Avengers-related stories and such.But I love writing things FOR people.So if you have an idea for a relatively short story (fan fiction or original) - let me know!I'll also write any kind of sexxxxy time. (But I prefer het or slash as opposed to femmeslash... I don't know why...)So let me know!
June 15th, 2012 at 01:51am

Coconuts and Moonbeams

I didn't have much of an idea for a post today- so I thought I'd just regale you with the sugar induced injury laden tales of my youth. Before I get into that though- I would just like to rant a minute about how stupid men are. Like- literally, not just because their arrogant jackasses (not all men of course) - but because they really can't just follow frickin' directions. I had marching practice...
June 5th, 2012 at 12:38am


Let's just be honest ladies and gents... Batman is a badass mofo. I wanted to post something tonight and I couldn't come up with anything else interesting about my day or anything. Mystery Eric is about the most eventful thing since I got out of school. And for those wondering- I didn't give my phone number to Mystery Eric because I was hyper and I don't like giving out my number to people. I'm...
June 4th, 2012 at 05:42am

So I Think I Met My Soulmate Today...

So here's the thing- I was on a Walmart adventure with my family and I was crazy sugar-high. I had went to a birthday party the day before and they had a piñata so naturally I smashed the thing open on my turn and hoarded like half of the candy- so I've basically eaten nothing but tootsie rolls and miscellaneous lollipops for the past twenty-four hours.ANYWAYS,We stopped at Walmart on the way...
June 4th, 2012 at 12:15am


So I decided to keep a blog. If you wanna read it- go ahead. I tend to write weird things.I think I'm gunna rant and pimp here. So rock on.So here we go.You know what I really hate?When people spell "definitely" as "defiantly".def・i・nite・ly: (adverb) without a doubt (used for emphasis)whereasde・fi・ant・ly: (adverb) with defianceThere is a difference people.
June 3rd, 2012 at 06:45am