new moon teaser trailer got nothing on this

The amazing tiffanyd666 is back and made a new moon fan-made trailer number 2!And in my opinion, this is way better than what Summit actually made I fell in love with itand I did not feel that way for the teaser.Wha do you think about it?keep in mind that THIS IS FANMADE! The #2 refers to MY second full length New Moon trailer. I went for a more dramatic feel than my last one; hope you enjoy it.I...
June 6th, 2009 at 10:46pm

New Moon Teaser Trailer!

I guess, I'm one of the millions out there, waiting for this movie to come already, but the teaser trailer wasn't so amazing.I mean, she already knew he was a wolf...where's the suspense-___-I'm hoping that's just because it's a teaser, trailer and they actually stick by the book and don't give it all away just like that.but other than that, it might probably be alright.I know kids at my school...
June 3rd, 2009 at 04:11am

New moon teaser movie poster

Well, what can I say:A-f*cking-mazing in my opinion. I totally love how it came out.The was they are using the orange is pretty cool.I'm a Jacob fan myself and can say, Taylor looks like a pretty good new moon Jacob, he really did work hard on his body and all that.I'm looking forward to be seeing this movie, because frankly I want to see how they bring the Edward leaving Bella scene to life and...
May 26th, 2009 at 10:15pm