trashlee_F / Comments

  • Oh, girl, it's been so long! I know that's entirely my fault, really, so I want to apologizing for taking for freaking ever to get around to updating Slip. And I also want to thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment on the update from way-back-when! Reading your kind words really helped motivate me to get this latest update up and posted, even though it obviously did take me forever.

    Truthfully, I've been on a long Mibba hiatus myself, and at this point, I really only ever sign in when I'm thinking about re-reading or updating one of my stories. It's the most humbling thing ever -- and also the most motivating thing ever -- to come back even after so much time and still see fresh comments on Slip or What We Left Unsaid. I want you to know I have absolutely no intention of leaving this story unfinished! I might not have the next few chapters planned out or already written, but I do know where this story is ultimately going, and I want you to be able to see our broken little babies make it to that finish line.

    Anyway, I hope you eventually get to make it back from your hiatus, and I hope you get to see where this story is going! I think there's still a lot this story has to offer, and I hope the updates never disappoint!

    Thanks again for being amazing and sticking it out to keep reading this story after all this time! It means a lot that you've been with the story almost since the very very beginning of WWLU! You're amazing, and I hope you're doing well in these crazy times!
    April 20th, 2020 at 07:21pm
  • I know, exciting milestone, huh!? And haha, I'm glad to hear the story was so captivating that it made your guy call you out on it! I take that as a huge compliment, believe me!

    Thank you for taking the time to comment on the latest chapter! I really appreciate it! (:
    August 22nd, 2013 at 04:32pm
  • Pshhhh. Replying is the least I can do when people take time to comment on a story! You can always count on a reply back, even if I sometimes take forever to get around to it.

    Glad to hear I'm not annoying you, though! (:
    August 15th, 2013 at 02:23am
  • Oh goodness I totally feel like I'm spamming your wall. Sorry! But I just wanted to drop in again and thank you once more for your very kind words on the latest chapter! I definitely appreciate it. (:

    Yeah, Zacky was a little... I don't even think there's a word for it. I suppose 'sleazy' probably is the best one. xD At least he didn't run off at the end to immediately go to someone else, though; Ava was going out, and all, so he can't exactly sleep with someone if she's not there to relieve the pain and all.

    I promise to update soon!
    August 15th, 2013 at 02:06am
  • Hey, girl! Thank you for being a sweetheart and letting me know how much you're still interested in each update of What We Left Unsaid! It means a lot to hear that, and it's super-encouraging! Thank you so much!

    And I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the latest update and the Zacky-Ava mini-drama. I'm betting you'll love the next update even more! (;
    August 14th, 2013 at 03:31am
  • This update's for you, Ash! Hopefully I'll be able to stick with the weekly+ updates. (:

    Thanks again for your comment on What We Left Unsaid; it really brought a smile to my lips and it's so good to hear that you're enjoying the story!
    May 7th, 2013 at 04:50am
  • Though it's super late on my part: thank you so very much for leaving a comment on What We Left Unsaid. It means a lot to me! And I'm glad you like Ava and don't think she's a stuck up bitch or anything. xD

    I'll have another update posted for you within an hour or so!
    December 16th, 2012 at 04:25am
  • Hey!
    Thanks for the comment on "We All Have Answers To Find"
    It means a lot to me and is gratefully appreciated(:
    March 15th, 2012 at 11:23pm
  • Thanks so much for the story comment, hun!

    I couldn't have the story follow the typical storylines - that would just have been boring. =P

    Glad you're still liking it! I'll try to have another update out soon. ;)

    March 15th, 2012 at 07:09am
  • Yeah, I get whatcha mean. My best friend said the same thing - that her songs are all about the same thing basically. And it's true, I can't deny that. But at the same time, all her songs manage to be different as well. It just reminds me that there's a million different ways to tell the same story.

    Ooh, good luck with the course! =D I wanted to do a short one in make-up artistry (because I am TERRIBLE when it comes to make-up. So bad that I never wear any at all) but it was pretty expensive, and at the time I was saving for my photography course in case I got into it. Which I did, so I suppose it's a good thing that I saved.

    What makes you want to get into that industry? =)
    March 10th, 2012 at 08:55am
  • I was at Taylor Swift all night. =) Which most people gave me funny looks for when I told them, but whatever. I'm a total Swifty. I love her story-telling, and the way her shows are so theatrical. Amazing. ^_^

    And I truly hope that the update is worth the wait. I'm working on the latest again now, so hopefully there'll be an update sometime this weekend. If not tonight, then tomorrow. Keyword: hopefully.
    March 10th, 2012 at 08:04am
  • Ha ha, that's true. I think there's only about three hours between us. It's great to hear that you're doing better. =) And...although I can't promise anything, I'm hoping to have an update out sometime soon. If I'm not at work or school (or a concert, which I JUST got home from!) I've been writing. So. It's coming!

    Thank you again, hun. ^_^
    March 9th, 2012 at 01:34pm
  • Mm, it just struck me that I read some of your comment wrong. Forgive me, I'd only just crawled out of bed. D=

    Regardless, I still love you. <3

    March 8th, 2012 at 12:19am
  • Oh, wow. Firstly, thank you so, so much for the story comment, love! I appreciate them more than you know. But yours is...probably the greatest comment I've ever received - and I've had some awesome comments in my time!

    I'm sorry to hear that your boyfriend left you. =( You seem to be in one of those situations that everybody talks about, but really, not many people get to see. The guy or the dream? If he's ditched you so quickly, you do deserve better. And you'll find it. I know I will. Still, again, I'm sorry to hear about this. =( Five years is a long time, and I can't even begin to imagine how hurt you are. I truly hope that things start looking up for you soon.

    And thank you. Thank you so, so much for your kind words. That right there - providing an escape for people who need it - is one of the main reasons that I write. It's why I read, and it's always been a dream to be able to provide the same sort of escape for people who need it. So hearing that it helped you, even a little...that makes my entire year. You have no idea.

    Seriously, I'm screen shotting that comment and keeping it forever.

    Once again, I hope that things start looking up for you soon. And if you ever need somebody to talk to, know that I'm right here. It may take several hours for me to actually respond, but I always will.


    March 7th, 2012 at 10:36pm
  • Hey!
    I finally put up the sequel to Move On From Here!
    It's called Holding Onto You, and I hope you enjoy the first chapter.
    It's kind of darkish, but it had to be so haha, lemme know what you think!
    August 13th, 2011 at 12:12am
  • I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and I am just working on my other story, getting a decent chunk of that out of the way before I start a new project.
    I will for sure let you know when I start it though. No problem <3
    Thanks so much for your comment.
    August 2nd, 2011 at 11:21pm
  • Surprise! The sequel to Black Is The I Love You With is now up :) It's called More Than Love.
    May 4th, 2011 at 11:45pm
  • :D They'll see eachother again. The sequel will be up as soon as possible.
    December 8th, 2010 at 02:42am
  • Lol. That's okay. New bf's are cool. :D And yeah! Woah! Hahahaha. My thoughts exactly. Scrawny and nerdy is a perfect description of my husband. Ha. More right now. Woo!
    December 6th, 2010 at 07:31pm
  • Lol. I do traditional and digital. Mostly digital lately because I'm new to it and I haven't quite figured it out yet. But when I do traditional I use watercolors and copic markers. I have no talent for music or dancing whatsoever. :D
    December 6th, 2010 at 07:24pm