I am very much alive, Mibba.

Nope, I haven't died believe it or not. Just haven't been one for writing journals lately, or rather, in the last three-ish months... I'd like to think that's a good thing, for usually when I write journals at all, it's whining or something really good that I feel the need to share with the world. Either way, I guess the last three months have just held a general content feel about them.As a quick...
April 5th, 2011 at 04:53am

American Classicism.

At this point I'm thinking it doesn't even exist.I'm in an American Literature class and we have this project where we have to present something for about 45 minutes about the different Literary Movements. My lucky group got Classicism, which doesn't have a lot of information towards the American involvement with it. English and generally European involvement, however, is significantly higher. I...
January 26th, 2011 at 03:25am

Stay Positive. ;] [Questionsss.]

That's my goal for this month. Actually, my friend set it up for me.I've got this thing about November. Every year since about 4th grade, something terrible has happened in the month of November to the point where I just flat out fear it when it comes.Theoretically November should be awesome. First my birthday, then Harry Potter coming out a few days later, Thanksgiving, along with just the...
November 10th, 2010 at 03:21am

It's the wrong person.

I really hate liking someone who doesn't like me back. Even more so, and this is the first time I've been given this situation, I really hate NOT liking someone who is so much better for me even if I know they're better for me.I've been trying out this thing where I'm attempting to trust people, or rather, a few people. One in particular is someone I've known forever, and didn't start talking to...
October 6th, 2010 at 05:00am


I'm sorry, Mibba. I really wanted to complete the 30 Day Challenge for journals, but I just don't have the time to keep up with it with school and everything. Although I'd really like to.I've got AP Biology this year, which is a class with a lot of reading. My textbook makes me fall asleep only two pages in, and each chapter we have to read is like twenty pages... Yeah, it takes me way longer than...
September 15th, 2010 at 04:36am

Comment Swapping. :]

So really, this story is my baby right now. No lie. I just wrote it this evening out of a spurt of needing to get everything I was thinking about out, and now I'm nearly drooling over how that worked out. Needless to say, I'm happy with it.In that case, this is a comment swap journal. I will only read one-shots. The comments you give me are the type you'll receive, so some thought behind them are...
September 12th, 2010 at 08:10am

What a lame week. I bet you can beat this. (Writing Prompt #22)

I have NEVER been so happy for a Friday to come. This is actually kind of sad, considering I only had a four day week this week. Next week is the full five days...oh joy.Anyways, Labor Day was uneventful for the most part. My eyes were watering all day, that was actually the first thing I remembered, haha. They were watering almost ALL week, but I think they're okay now. If anyone cares about my...
September 10th, 2010 at 04:48am

Exhilarating (Writing Prompt #29)

I have to say that my favorite concert I've ever gone to most certainly is the Cage The Elephant show. There were four of us: my sister, her friend, me, and my friend. Since it was an outdoor show and we were afraid to lose our seats, we got there super early and sat for nearly two hours, just waiting. It began to rain during that time, and if they canceled the show because of that, I think we...
September 9th, 2010 at 05:00am

Underrated (Writing Prompt #26)

I always used to be one of those kids that would try to listen to everything that was NOT popular. I guess I thought I was special that way or something, but looking back now, I was a pretty lame kid. No secret there. Still, there are some bands that I've loved forever that just don't get enough credit in my opinion.The first is Brand New. When my friend told me to listen to this band, I hated...
September 8th, 2010 at 04:30am

I have a weird subconscious. (Writing Prompt #19)

Strangely enough, I'm pretty good at remembering a lot of my dreams/nightmares compared to a lot of people. I'm working really hard to remember them when I wake up, Inception sort of inspired me to. :]I must say, the clearest one in my mind revolved around a cult. I was looking for a haunted house with some friends that I wasn't even close with at the time I had this dream. We pulled over on the...
September 7th, 2010 at 04:07am

When I was a kid... (Writing Prompt #4)

I can't wait to have kids one day and torture them with my "When I was a kid..." stories. My parents do it all the time. "When I was a kid I had to walk to school and back, uphill both ways, in the snow." Irrelevant, but I think everyone's parents say something like this.All of this is probably out of order, it's just the things I remember in the order I remember them.Anyways, I'm the first born...
September 5th, 2010 at 08:03am

30 Days of Prompts: Day 1 - Happy!

I thought I'd give this challenge a try, the journals section needs a little bit of a push to get started again. :]So I've started school, which doesn't sound like it would make me happy, but it definitely does. I have a math class with a teacher similar to the guy they get to play the Dean in the movie, Accepted. He's really sarcastic with a lot of dry humor, and it's a good start to the day.My...
September 4th, 2010 at 08:28am


So, I've noticed that quite a few journals lately have been about people putting out their favorite authors, or stories, etc. I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and do something similar, but these are my favorite one-shots and drabbles (which are typically what I like to read).I recommend you check these out, they're personal favorites and deserve lots of comment love. <3AbbyAfflicting...
August 28th, 2010 at 08:47am


This is a journal where I actually need advice: a first for me.My friend is depressed. She does a d*mn good job at hiding it because she didn't even say anything to me, and usually I can read her like a book. The only way I found this out is because her boyfriend texted me and asked what he should do since she was threatening to hurt herself.He talked to her for nearly three hours, while texting...
August 17th, 2010 at 08:20am

Layout, friends, whoring, and questions. XD

Hello there!I've made a new layout, again. I think I'm addicted to doing so. This time my obsession is MGMT, which is super ironic since they happen to be performing on Saturday Night Live tonight. AWESOME. I didn't even know that until about ten minutes ago.On another note, my cat just climbed the wall. No joke, she was about four feet up, and it's drywall. I'm confused, yet amazed.I'm trying to...
August 15th, 2010 at 06:48am

I'm a slacker, yet completely productive.

Hello there Mibba world! I haven't written a journal in a while again, and I feel like I am slacking.So school's starting soon. Icky. We're just getting our schedules and whatnot pretty soon, so I guess that's exciting. I should be looking forward to this year, but I'm not. Oh well.Hmm, I got a new phone, just two weeks after getting a phone altogether. It's a fancy full Qwerty keyboard texting...
August 12th, 2010 at 07:02am

Writing, Inception, cell phones, tumblr, and questions. :]

Hello there Mibbians!It seems I have not submitted a journal lately, crazy.Well, I've been writing like mad lately. I don't know what's come over me, but I just have that overwhelming urge to be writing at all times, not that that is a bad thing...Hmmm, I saw Inception today! Best new movie I've seen in a while. I had a random love for Arthur, no lie, and I don't know why. Just overall a great...
August 2nd, 2010 at 08:32am

Good mood, profile layouts, movies, dreams, comment swap, and questions. XD

Hello there Mibbians!It's been quite some time since I posted a journal that isn't me whining.I thought it'd be best to change that. :]So I've come to the conclusion that I absolutely love to make profile layouts, and I'm getting better at them as I go. I don't know if I really want to make a site or anything like that, but I'd be happy to make anyone a profile layout that wants one with whatever...
July 24th, 2010 at 05:09am

I refuse to crack first.

I can see you online, you've been online for about an hour now. I'm not going to be the one to crack first. We haven't spoken since June 21st, I just checked. I still have that message saved, even though it makes me want to punch a wall. This whole situation makes me want to punch a wall.I finally understand what it's like to lose sleep over someone. You're online, just click my name and say...
July 20th, 2010 at 05:55am

Friends, summer, contests, and as always, questions. :]

Hello there journal lurkers. :]I'm actually in an awesome mood for once, considering I get to hang out with one of my friends that I haven't seen in a while tomorrow. Have you ever gotten that awkward feeling when you haven't seen someone in a while, and you're just kind of confused how it's going to go? I get it all the time, and I don't like it.So today I slept in obnoxiously late, I hate it....
July 16th, 2010 at 05:52am