Lithium. / Comments

  • What A Fancy Room.

    What A Fancy Room. (100)

    United States
    Oh, man, you're so lucky. Our teacher is, "Do it once, do it right." And the other history AP teachers are harder on the students than him, which is definitely believable because he's also a really chill teacher. He eventually did let me do it in class because it was getting ridiculous. haha. I got an A. ;P Yum, pie. I have to sell pie for marching band. XD

    Dang, that sucks. I'm definitely better by now, haha. It's been like three weeks since I've even looked at this website. x.x; So yeah. XD I have long nights all the time because I screw around instead of doing my homework. Which is fine. I'd rather doze off in Spanish than be a loner child that has no time for anything. Oooh. o: That's really funny; this one girl in band had a bonfire as well, though I didn't go because I didn't know that everyone in band was invited [nor did I know she was having one]... awkward. Anyway, that's pretty cool. And yes, I've seen the movie. :'D It's amazing. I haven't seen in it a while, though... >/

    Ohh, that's cool. My friend's brother is in German II and she's going to be in German I next semester. Do you think it's a lot harder to speak than Spanish?

    Nyeh, it depends on which ones. Some are just so stupid that it's not even funny. And I don't mean like, they bad grades or anything... just, the two guys I'm thinking of right now are so dumb. All they talk about is how football practice is kicking their asses and how they think our Spanish teacher is fucking psycho. It's very annoying!

    lmao I remember that as well; I'm glad it's turned around and that it's not so scary or terrifying anymore. It's becoming a huge drag on my time, though. :/ My grades are showing it. [Out of six classes for the semester, I have two A's, one B-, and three C+'s. And of course the three C+'s are AP, Honors, and Latin. My Honors and Latin grade should be going up a bunch over the next two weeks, though; my teacher actually liked my essay outline. I've taken a bunch of really easy tests in Latin as well, so those grades should be B's sooner or later. But AP... oh shit. We took our first unit test today, and holy fuck... Half was multiple choice and half was an essay since he's trying to get us used to taking tests like the big test at the end of the year will be. Multiple choice I'm sure I did alright on; it's at least C worthy. The essay... shit, My conclusion was like, one sentence because I had to jet out of that room before I was late to my next class. I hope it was good, though... :/ I mentioned exactly what we talked about in class, but B.S.'d it by a lot. And our Wiki pages... My email didn't tell me that people were working on it, so I was freaking out because I thought no one was working on it, but really, two people did like, all of the work. I was so mad at myself because I only answered one question and did two of the subjects for the multiple charts we have. :/

    Your dress is so cute! haha. I think I'm going to homecoming since everyone else is. It still might be fun if I went to the movies with the people who are going, but I don't know... :/ It's still really iffy with me, but everything is leaning towards the dance rather than the movie.

    I love the child. XD He's so crazy.

    I listened to it a couple weeks ago. I really like it. Are they aware of how talented they are?
    October 22nd, 2010 at 12:25am
  • theperfectpirate

    theperfectpirate (100)

    United States
    Congratulations on getting second place in my contest!

    PM me to claim your prizes. It will take a while to get them though sorry!(:
    October 21st, 2010 at 05:06am
  • Blowjobs and Coke.

    Blowjobs and Coke. (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the journal comment :] Yer username is epic as well
    October 20th, 2010 at 02:30am
  • watermelon smiles.

    watermelon smiles. (100)

    United States
    hey! thanks for reading my Arthur/Eames one-shot!
    I'm glad you liked it :]
    And in response to your question, I got the picture here:
    October 11th, 2010 at 02:39am
  • What A Fancy Room.

    What A Fancy Room. (100)

    United States
    Reading quizzes bring my grades down in that class. I have a C in the AP class and the Latin class, which is pissing my off. In the AP class it's definitely my fault because I don't give it everything I've got and I can still make it better easily... but Latin, what the fuck. My teacher won't let me take this test I missed during the class period, which is the stupidest fuck ever. I can only take it in the mornings, but I'd have to get to school at like, 7am. My bus doesn't even come until 7:06. I can take it in the afternoons as well, but he'll only do in on Mondays and Wednesdays. Oh, plus I have marching band every day about thirty minutes after school starts. I'll have to take it during class on Monday because the quarter grades come out on Wednesday and the 0 he put in placement for the untaken test brings it down a lot more than it should be. Plus, it's just a fucking vocab test; he should just let me take it during class. That 0 is going to bring my grade down more than whatever the fuck I'm missing, which is really not missing much. I can get notes from someone else. Ughsilfngbsdgn. So stupid. /Rant. What kind of pie was it?

    That's good! :D My cold is gone now, but I'm pretty sure I have an ear infection in both ears. You know that feeling when your ears need to pop? Well, mine won't pop. My left ear has felt like that nonstop since last Saturday, which makes it difficult to hear. Plus, both are getting red. On the outside, it may be because of my psoriasis... but I'm pretty sure it's an infection.

    I learned part of that from the AP class. But yeah. You should check if you've got Latin at your school; it's kind of like relearning English, but with words that are similar to English words and Spanish words [if you've ever taken Spanish before].

    Fifth graders are too obnoxious. It'd have to be eighth grade or whichever grade in high school. I don't know, though.

    Yeah... sometimes the bands go to like Georgia or New York or something; depends on wherever there's a parade, I guess. heh. Oh, I see. xD Well, at least it's good, I guess. And thanks. xD I didn't have to go. We kind of seem like it, I guess... but I like it. It's like home away from home and the fun part of school without the learning. I don't know how to explain. xD

    lmfao.. It's great.
    October 9th, 2010 at 06:37am
  • stan uris

    stan uris (100)

    United States
    You're welcome.
    October 8th, 2010 at 02:54am
  • What A Fancy Room.

    What A Fancy Room. (100)

    United States
    I can't exactly respond to your comment yet since I don't have enough time ever, so until then, enjoy this: The end is the best part. "Whipped cream twilight waterfalls!" XD

    And I love the new profile.
    October 7th, 2010 at 04:28am
  • theperfectpirate

    theperfectpirate (100)

    United States
    Of course dearie!(:
    October 6th, 2010 at 05:03am
  • stan uris

    stan uris (100)

    United States
    Why thank you!
    I adore your layout :D
    October 5th, 2010 at 07:06pm
  • hiyaitsjackie

    hiyaitsjackie (100)

    United States
    the results for my 7 round drabble contest :)
    October 1st, 2010 at 11:42pm
  • What A Fancy Room.

    What A Fancy Room. (100)

    United States
    Nyeh, no kidding. I'm surprised that I actually have time during a weeknight to respond to this, haha. Technically, I should be sleeping... it's already 10:24pm... but screw it; I've been staying up to 12-12:30 the past few weeks. Nyeh... Oh my, that must be a bit awkward, though? I get that, though... it's strange. I've been internetstalking the guy I find attractive since he has an extremely active youtube... it's a bit awkward; I always look at him during Marching Band if he's in my sight range, and it's quite obvious now since my sunglasses broke... I'm sure he's noticed as well, but whatever. Mm, homecoming... why not go with friends? It's always more fun like that, anyway. I don't know if I want to go this year. :/ Honestly, it's not that great. It was fun last year, but that's because I was a freshman and I was expecting big things. But I don't know; I don't even know anyone over here, so I'm not sure if I want to go so much. My friend Jennie and I might just watch a movie or something instead... but I don't know; we'll see how that plans out. I don't even know how much tickets are...

    Oh, I see... that sucks. That's what my history books are like. ;) I always end up falling asleep without noticing, which is quite ridiculous. heh. I hate taking notes, though... they're useful in the long run if you take good ones, but it really takes out of the reading. I never maintain what I read, anyway. Which is killing me in my AP reading quizzes. School is so lame. :/

    Ouch, really? Is it like this weird form of strep throat or something? If you've had it this long, you might want to get that checked out... o____O;

    It's not the foundation of all languages... Only the romance ones: French, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, Catalan, Sardinian, and Italian. 60% of the English language is from Latin. Even through that, though, if you'd like to go farther back in history, Latin is a form of an Indo-European language, dating way back in the B.C.E.'s [Before Common Era, if your school doesn't use this acronym]. It's a sub-language under that category; there are three... Indo-European, and two others that I don't really care about, thus are forgotten. But yeah. Oh, the things I've learned last week. :')

    I have pretty good teachers as well; I'm glad. :)

    xD I don't know... teacher seems so bleh to me now. It'd be fun and everything, but I don't know what I'd want to teach!

    It actually was a lot of fun. Everyone was really nice and talkative, and it was just loads of fun. That's good. o: Does your school's marching band take the trips to like Disneyworld and stuff as well? I'm super excited to go; marching is only a small part of the four-five day long trip, and the rest of the days we chill out. Which is just awesome. xD ! You couldn't find a more comfortable dress? Dx I have a dress used recently for this one huge formal party I went to... and it looks really nice; it's strapless as well, but it doesn't dig into my skin. o.o Oh, and my dad's getting promoted on Friday! I'm so glad. I have to miss the football game, though... actually, I'm pretty sure I'm not even going to school that day. heh. But I have to miss all of his party for this marching band thing... :/ I won't even get back to the school until like, Midnight, and that's the earliest. ._.
    September 29th, 2010 at 04:45am
  • sainted swan

    sainted swan (100)

    United States
    I used to freak out and have panic attacks about needles, but now it's okay. I got used to it, I still get scared but I don't cry anymore. I have a phobia over them, but not as bad as I was little. It's not a good sigh, but eh. It's okay; I have a way better doctor now. She's very nice ^^<3
    and it doesn't hurt to have a needle anymore.

    I really thought on that question, gosh. D:
    I would indeed go insane, but some people actually go insane and do stuff -coughs-

    You're welcome and you have skill, my friend. :3
    Purple was mine, I love black and gold now<3

    I fail at commenting back.
    September 28th, 2010 at 12:35am
  • What A Fancy Room.

    What A Fancy Room. (100)

    United States
    Oh my fuck, I'm sorry for this being like, what, two or three weeks late? :/

    Yeah, our teacher took this class about how to make online assignments or something and yeahh. It's kind of dumb, though. heh. Oooh. That's fun. xD How was reading about the Respiratory system? o: I bet it was amazingg. XD Nyeh, AP. My class is actually loads of fun... the people are nice. c: Which is cool.

    Aw. That sucks. :/ I've been sick all this week, thanks to my friend Jennie, so that's always fun... not... Hopefully you're feeling better now!? :D

    Yes, that's exactly the purpose of Honors. I've already pulled the grade up to a B, though, so thank the lawwwd. haha. I switched into Latin! My Creative Writing class is too full, so I'm taking Latin instead. It's fun, surprisingly. heh. I hate essays as well; I think it's my analysis on the subject that makes them so bad... ugh.

    Teachers are retards, that's why. x.x;

    Wow, that really is scary. x.x; I wouldn't be able to do that, though. I just wouldn't be able to take it. I want to be a fucking teacher, haha. It's so much easier than all of those. :/ And I agree with what you said about the Young Veins/Panic!

    Sorry that this is so short. :/ I have a marching band thing tomorrow at my school and I'll be working at the concession the whole day [except for when it's time to warm up and do the show], so nyeh. :/
    September 25th, 2010 at 06:02am
  • sainted swan

    sainted swan (100)

    United States
    I do too, hospitals are creepy and all the doctors I had before lied a lot. But I guess I like this one. She doesn't lie and when she gives me a shot, she helps me with my panic attacks.

    It is, I wouldn't be able to pick it if I [b]had[/b] too. I mean yeah you can have someone, but he might love you or you could love him after a while. What happens if he didn't love you then? What happens when you can't see him on the weekends because he's with someone else? For the [i]love someone you can't have[/i] it speaks for itself. That would drive me crazy D:

    Oh, layout <3
    Purple :3
    September 19th, 2010 at 02:51pm
  • Einstein

    Einstein (100)

    United States
    Yeah I hate being watched Dx but I like to creep my friends out and stare intensely. Oh, why don't you change the ending then?
    Oh yes :) I can talk to most types of people casually, but I usually only get close to the "stranger" or dorkier ones.
    September 19th, 2010 at 01:58am
  • auden

    auden (650)

    United Kingdom
    Ah, I see what you mean.
    For me, my skin just crawls.
    What exactly is it about touching that makes you twitchy?
    Well, at least it's getting better.

    Well I envy you.

    Do you have any fears that are considered stupid?
    For example: Toy Story and Pinocchio scare the willies out of me.
    September 18th, 2010 at 10:37pm
  • auden

    auden (650)

    United Kingdom
    But it's the thought that makes me shudder haha.

    I don't like touching much either, but not to your extent.
    I'm fine with hugs,
    but it's people I don't know or when someone pokes or brushes against me.
    Does it make you feel like your skin is crawling too?
    Honestly, I think your friend has good intentions,
    but I'm not sure that's the best solution.
    I wouldn't want people to just up and hug me.
    It sounds well annoying.

    What about the dark?
    September 18th, 2010 at 06:12pm
  • I Dare You

    I Dare You (100)

    United States
    Hi there.
    September 18th, 2010 at 06:11pm
  • auden

    auden (650)

    United Kingdom
    I thought it was four.
    What ever it's between 4-12
    The point is in my lifetime I am swallowing something I am desperatly afraid off.
    What are your fears?
    September 18th, 2010 at 04:05pm
  • Einstein

    Einstein (100)

    United States
    Haha I can't write when people are watching me >.> Does he know that you write stories?
    Hehe all my friends are dorks but I can't help but love them.
    September 18th, 2010 at 07:53am