
So, for the past few days I've been in and out of hostpital....For the people who didn't see my last journal, I found out a while ago that I've relapsed with a type of cancer called Neuroblastoma....So, yesterday the treatment I was meant to have was supposed to start...It didn't. Because I had a seizure - And I have a tumor growing in my brain. And I can't have the treatment. I'm pretty much a...
June 20th, 2007 at 05:44pm

Britains got talent....

The guy on Britains got talent (with the puppet) is wearing what looks very much like a Black Parade uniform....xD Aha, cool.
June 17th, 2007 at 09:20pm

I still can't believe this is happening...

Alright, so I've not been on Mibba for a couple of days...The reason is because I've been in hostpital. The cancer I had a few years ago has relapsed.When I was 7, I had a type of cancer called Neuroblastoma. I had treatment until I was nine, and then I went into remission.For the last couple of weeks I'br been feeling ill, and they told me yesterday that the cancer is back.I have a tumor attached...
June 17th, 2007 at 08:37pm

I feel like crap.

I felt ill for days now, and I'm so fed up. I feel so shitty, and honestly I can't remember feeling this bad before. I've had awful stomack pains all week and I've been throwing up all day.I rang the doctors and they can't get me in, but I feel so shitty I'm going to the hostpital. It's going to fun being stuck their for hours waiting to see someone.Arghhhh, I'm so fed up.
June 13th, 2007 at 04:04pm


Today the most awful thing happened....I can't talk to anyone about it, so I think maybe posting on here will be a little easier and maybe help me get it out of my mind....There's a boy who lives next door to us....Apparently, when he was born he had something wrong with him and his bowel was on the outside of his body, and he had an operation to fix it, and never had any more problems....I...
June 12th, 2007 at 07:52pm


Haven't been on here since I went to see MCR at Download, but just thought I'd come and tell you all I had a fantastic time!I wasen't at the front, but I was pretty near, didn't have that good a view as I'm small though, but their were screens and I could sometimes actually see what was happening on stage, haha.They did get bottled, but I didn't see ONE of them hit the stage. The bottling went on...
June 11th, 2007 at 05:55pm

One Day to go

I'm going to see MCR at Download tomorrow.=D I'm really excited, it'll be my second time seeing them. PLUS I'll get to see other bands too.(Hinder and Paramore are the ones I'm looking forward to.)I can't wait, but I'm dreading the inevitable bottling....But I know they won't let people botttle them off, and the only thing that would stop them was if one of them gets hit or something. So I keep...
June 7th, 2007 at 04:43pm

I love this song

I adore this song, it's my favourite right now. It's called "Little House" by The Fray and it's amazing.She doesn't look, she doesn't seeOpens up for nobodyFigures out, she figures outNarrow line, she can't decideEverything short of suicideNever hurts, nearly worksSomething is scratchingIts way outSomething you wantTo forget aboutA part of you that'll never showYou're the only one that'll ever...
June 5th, 2007 at 08:10pm

We live in a strange world....

At my school, it's very strange. It's perfectly acceptable to announce yourself as a "chav", march around saying how chavtastic you are and how cool you are, and listen to Fergie blasting out on your phone.But the quite kids who stand in the courtyard with the say, My Chemical Romance or HIM hoodies on? They're the "goths", whether they like it or not. Nobody likes goths, they must be satan...
June 4th, 2007 at 11:59pm

Is anyone else here...

Is anyone else here going to Download?I feel like the only one right now.=O
June 4th, 2007 at 08:45pm


I just saw the Teenagers video....ON SCUZZ!Which means it's definitely going to be released over here, obviously!YAY! I was so sure that the UK weren't going to get it! Ahhhhh, tis so exciting!
June 4th, 2007 at 07:59pm


Boredom has taken over.=O So I thought I might as well come on here and post a journal, for lack of anything better to do.=DSo....I put some pics of me up on my profile...I never put pics of me ANYWHERE, so I don't know why I did it, but heh.Annnnnd.....Download in 4 days. It's exciting.=D. I know it's going to be awesome, but I'm kinda worried about the bottling, which MCR are certainly going to...
June 4th, 2007 at 07:45pm

How come...

How come people always sort of parade the fact they hate something? I mean, like setting up hate sites, making hate videos, or putting how much you hate them in your msn name...It's stupid, and I don't think the person hates the thing in question when they do that, the first thing I tend to think is that person has issues they need to get over.The world just keeps getting worse and worse with...
June 2nd, 2007 at 05:51pm

Isn't it annoying how....

It seems you really can't win. People always talk about how you should be yourself and not follow any trends, but then they look down on you because you like something that is seen as "popular".A lot of people think I'm not a real music fan and that I just follow the crowd because I listen to My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy. People say to me "You act so original and different, but you listen...
June 1st, 2007 at 06:09pm

Big Brother

Big Brother starts tomorrow....And I must say, I'm a shameless addict.xD I can't wait for it to start, I'm so excited. Tomorrow night me and my friends are having a BB party and are going to wave goodbye to our social lives for the next 13 weeks.Ahhhh, the joys of reality tv.
May 29th, 2007 at 10:04pm

Is anyone on here going to Download?

Anyone here going to Download? I havn't seen anyone so far who's going....Well, if you going, I'll be the girl at the back all the time in a MCR t-shirt with a cast on my leg hopping stupidly.=DOh yeah, it's gonna be fun.
May 22nd, 2007 at 11:15pm

Yay, I'm going to Download!

I'm going to Download on the day MCR are playing, and I have a question for people who have been before....When I go I'll have a walking cast on my leg, so I won't be able to go into the crowd, really, in case people stand on my leg etc....When MCR are playing, in paticular, I want a good view without having to go into the crowd to much....Is the view alright standing away from the crowd okay,...
May 22nd, 2007 at 04:49pm


I heard that MCR were supporting Muse at Wembley....But on MCR's site it says that they're playing somewhere else on that date.Does anyone know where the rumor came from?
May 21st, 2007 at 08:11pm


I've found a website thats doing a couch journey to the Muse concert at Wembley, and the pick up is quite near me so it's perfect.It's on a website called see.com, and I don't know whether to trust it as a real site or not. I'm very paranoid about things like these. Do you think I should book my tickets from there?
May 21st, 2007 at 07:52pm


Okay, so I really want to go to the Muse concert at Wembley....But I live in Derbyshire. So it would be a lot of travelling obviously....My dad, if possible, dosn't want to spend the night in london. I was wondering if anyone knew how late the trains run, and things? Because I'm not sure trains to Derbyshire will run at 10 or 11 at night, and we really need to know.Or does anyone who has done...
May 21st, 2007 at 06:34pm