x!Flash. / Comments

  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    I wouldn't know how to go about googling the shirt, actually!
    But I can still send that link, no problem, if your interested! :)

    And I actually haven't really been doing much on deviantART, so I never really did contact that guy about anything. I still might, but I doubt it'll be soon, hahaha

    Aww, I'm sorry
    *feels bad*
    I'm not that awsome anyway, really.
    I just pretend to be ;)
    March 22nd, 2011 at 08:43pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Yeah bro. She used to be cool huh. Now she's just not. :( Sad story. All too common story too... ;_;

    hahaha! You know what would've been awesome? If Judge Judy was the judge oh my god. My life would've been made. "I DON'T CARE!" That lady is badass.

    ADD's cute. xD Like the hyperactiveness of it all!

    I'm the same! I hate it when people steal my food. Just no. It's mine okay. Get your own.

    And thank you. Seriously. That has made me feel considerably less bad. Just knowing that at least someone thinks of it that way. :] Thank you. Of course, though, I'll still update ASAP, but yeah, I'll just make sure it's as good as it can be.
    Thank you again. :] ♥
    March 19th, 2011 at 05:40pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    The shirt? Did you google the shirt, I mean?
    One of all of them would be so amazing!
    I'd put the 'KILLJOYS' on the back :)
    Maybe I'll talk to this guy, tell him your/our idea and see what he thinks!

    Hah! Well, in all seriousness, no-can-do. Sorry. I'm flattered, but.

    Ah! I was hoping that would catch someone's eye one day!
    And thanks! Glad to be interesting :)
    March 19th, 2011 at 03:31pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    LOL it's okay! Don't stress. It's all cool. xD

    And I'm glad you did well on your A levels! :}

    Hahaha yeah! She's almost hit thirty aand yeeah 'The Best Damn Thing' (worst album name ever?) was really immature. But some of the songs are catchy soo. :L
    Her next album better be good or I'm gonna denounce myself as an Avril fan. :(

    Also, I have no idea why the judge didn't read shit over beforehand. LOLOL it was so lame. I was like, 'what'.

    Awwh, cute! :} I think my friend has ADHD, but she was never tested for it so Idk. She's crazy. LOL.

    No worries. :D Glad you liked it! Next update will be soon. As in tonight or Sunday (I'm spending Saturday day and night at a friend's so.) It's currently like 3/4 done but I can't get it right. shgkghdshkgs it's so frustrating. I keep rewriting it so it sounds right but it hasn't happened completely yet :| :(

    You don't say 'yeah' too much, by the way. I didn't notice it until you pointed it out ahaha :3

    March 18th, 2011 at 08:33am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Oh nono, don't worry about it!
    I was bombarded this week with work, too. Gross.
    No offense taken! :)

    Hahaha, I think I've figured it out!
    I just needed to find your comment page, and now I'm all set.

    Aww, see, I figured the comment was for the cool shirt XD
    But either way, I don't mind giving out the link. The guy is gonna love me for selling all his merch, lol
    And I totally agree with you, he needs to contact them asap! I was telling 'tabloid' that he should make one for every other band member, too! I'd totally buy Mikey's <3 [Then Ray and Frank's too, haha]

    Addressing the boyfriend question, I'd first ask if you were serious. Then, [or, well, now] I'd be/I'm blushing. And last but not least, people actually read my profile? hahaha
    March 18th, 2011 at 03:14am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Not in a bad way, but your profile seems so... Well, it confused me a tad bit! haha :)

    [Other than that,] Hello!
    Thanks so much for being all random and stalker-ish and commenting on my photo! <3

    I actually bought my shirt off of this really cool/nice guy on deviantART who designed it and then set it up on a site so he could sell it to the public! I could get you the link if you'd like! =D

    And thanksXa thousand for thinking my picture reminds you of Lindsey!!! I love her! *Also, thanks so much for saying that it's pretty *blushes*
    March 10th, 2011 at 04:10am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    hahaha I know right! Facebook is my life. LOL not really. But, I do go on it a lot. :}

    Avril's new album... Well she went on so much about it being different, 'really acoustic' just her and her voice and stuff... but like, it's really not. I wouldn't say I'm pleased with it so :/ But it's not a complete disappointment. I like about three songs off it. hahaha and it's got 18 tracks. So... yeah, it's not that great. I was expecting better. Not more songs. Just better.
    Actually last night I was just listening to it, for like the fourth time (I like to listen an album a few times before I make a decision on it) and I was just like "... yeah nah, I miss the old Avril." *looks at picture of [i]Let Go[/i] cover on iPod* :( "She's never coming back though."
    I mean, she was pretty a much a kid still then. She was what, 16, 17, 18? She's like 26 now or something. :(
    Anwayyyyy... point to ramble: it's not that great. I will forever be a [i]Let Go[/i] old-school Avril fan.

    And don't worry, you didn't offend me. :) I haven't actually seen the video for "What the Hell" yet. But I like the song. ahahaha so catchy!

    Court was okay. The first case was interesting. One of the solicitors (lawyer guy) was like "I object! I object to that!" when the defendant's lawyer was asking his client a question. He added "You don't have to answer that" to his client. So funny :')
    The second court case was boring. :| Nothing happened. Literally the judge just sat there reading over the facts of the case for like 20 minutes while the rest of the court room had to stay quiet. Occasionally he'd look up and ask a lawyer a question but other than that it was silent while he read over shit before making a decision on the case... Except I didn't know that until afterwards when people told me so I was thinking "what the fuck, why isn't anything happening?!" the whole time hahaha

    Do you take pills? o.o
    March 9th, 2011 at 05:46am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    ahahahaha! :L Awww. Well WWTWUHSEDB is very flattering, even if it doesn't exist. xD

    Glad to hear your eye's better :3

    And oh my god facebook. ♥ hahahaha it's the page I've always, always got open whenever I'm on the internet. Productive when I've got homework to do for sure! (Y)
    Right now, I'm listening to Avril Lavigne's new album, which I just bought. o.o I also just got back from "school" - it was an all-day excursion, we went to the local court house, which is also the district court, and watched a few cases ahaha (Legal Studies class that is.) And other than that, right now I'm thinking of writing. >:}

    And thanks for that. <3 I'm really glad she's okay too.
    March 8th, 2011 at 05:11am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    LOL you're quite right there. hahaha sometimes I wish I could write an update every day though xD

    Oh my god, just thinking of having a bruise on my eyeball is making me squint LOL owww. D: I hope it goes away soon.
    Tell your friends to quit bitchin' because they don't actually know what it's like. xD

    Thanks for the tip thoughhh. I'll keep that in mind!

    You up to much then? :3
    March 7th, 2011 at 01:24am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Looks I'll be staying away from Quizilla for sure then! :}

    ahaha! Sorry! But you'll know soon! >:)
    And that's fine :]

    Holy crap, you have a bruise on your eyeball? Wow! o.o Ouch? LOL

    Oh and 1) No problem :D
    2) No problem again :} <3
    and 3) Thank you! :)

    Sorry for the late-ish reply - I saw, and read, your comment last night but I was like "eeehhh" because I wanted to keep writing so I didn't reply. Until now. :] I'm sure you understand/don't mind though. :3

    March 7th, 2011 at 12:45am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Aww, lame! Mibba's shit sometimes. hahahah :(

    But thanks for taking the time out to rewrite me that comment. <3

    Haha, 'a one paged one night stand' I love it! Never thought of it that way!

    I only read Frerards on here. I haven't read anything on Quizilla, but now, how you've described it, I have no doubt that you're right so now I'm pretty glad that I haven't read anything off there. Eugh, I don't even want to imagine how they've written stories on there. ahaha I think I've saved myself some sanity by staying away from there for sure.

    LOL shgjkkjshdshjkdshk! I'M NOT REVEALING ANYTHING. :X >:) You will find out soon enough anyway. Actually, after I finish this comment I'm going to go off and write for the rest of the night. :)

    TOO LATE! I read your Frerards on here, and that one-shot, the personal story too. Hahaha they weren't [i]that[/i] bad! I've read far worse, I can assure you. :)

    I hope you had a good night and slept well! :D Good luck with all your coursework haha! :(

    March 6th, 2011 at 07:57am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Wow, that is really rude. :| (When author's don't reply to people, especially their readers...)

    I'm not like that. As you might've been able to tell. xD I still get all HSGSGHJDSGHDSGDS when someone compliments me. And I like talking to people on here, especially if they read my work. :D I think it's pretty low if someone feels they're too good to reply to someone else... Especially when they compliment you. Wow. :|

    Your [i]'OMG SHE HASN'T REPLIED AND I LEFT HER A COMMENT THREE DAYS, FOUR HOURS AND SEVENTEEN MINUTES AGO >:{!!!!11!"[/i] made me laugh by the way. :L I'm glad you weren't that way hahah

    Yeeah, stories like that I tend not to read past the first chapter. Or the first few, anyway. It's like *reads they get together in the second chapter* Ughhhh :| *unsubscribes*

    lol, it's really disappointing actually. I'm not subscribed to any Frerards on here anymore. The two or three I was reading all ended up going in a way I didn't like. Maybe that's just me - well, actually, it [i]is/[/i] just me - but it really sucked because they had so much potential and then they turned to shit, more or less. Really disappointing. Hmm. :/

    :D Glad you loved the latest update. Can't wait for you to read the next one (but especially the one after that) hahaha I think it's going to annoy some people. Well, not annoy exactly. But, people will definitely be like HSGDKDSGHSDGHDS! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN. RIGHT. THERE. :'(

    ahaaha oh :')

    Aw :D No worries. Thank you for replying to my reply? ahaha :]

    I'm going to go read your stories now! xD

    March 6th, 2011 at 01:50am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)


    I just realised I never replied to your longer comment on my page about how The Laws of Attraction has kept you amused for three months and how excited you get by it. :} At least... I don't think I've replied to that, because I don't even remember reading it before today o.o Wow.

    Anyway, so I just wanted to say thank you. <3 That was a really nice comment to read, even if it is just now ahaha

    I'm glad you like how it moves slowly, especially 'cause you usually don't like that ahah xD Win! And about Gerard's character - I'm so glad you think that. I really don't want to change him quickly. Or that much even. He definitely won't do a complete 180 in character change - because, like you I hate it in other Frerards how say, Gerard's a jerk at the beginning and by the end he's the nicest guy ever? It's like... um no. People don't change that much. Even if it is because they've met Frank Iero. LOL :|

    So anyway, just wanted to thank you for your comment. :] And also apologise for only seeing it/replying to it now... :S

    Also, don't ever apologise for your rambling :D

    March 6th, 2011 at 12:13am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Yeah, it is. :]]]

    Aw, thank you so much. *hugs from Australia!* I think I might actually take you up on that offer soon, heh.

    February 3rd, 2011 at 10:15pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Thank [i]you[/i] for your comment. It was lovely too heh.

    I really appreciate your well wish, thank you. <3

    Sam's my only friend in Townsville so I don't know any of her other friends and I can't talk to them. :/

    Thanks so much for your offer to talk. I'd really take you up on that but I think I'm okay now. There are no reported deaths or injuries from the cyclone yet. I'm so, so relieved.

    And lol, your comment being an essay? xD Noo. My author's note was ahah

    I'm glad you liked the update and thank you for your comment again. I really appreciate it. Really... [b]<3[/b]
    February 3rd, 2011 at 02:44am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Nopeee. I haven't even been out of this country. xDD Or my home state. ;_;

    I live in New South Wales, about a 5 hour drive North from Sydney, still on the coast though haha :]

    What part of Aus did your friend live in?
    January 29th, 2011 at 02:34am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Ooh, England. Nice. :D So wanna go there! What part of England you from/in?

    Right nowww, it's 12:44PM, January 27th. When you read this though - don't know when that'll be - you can just google "time in Sydney" and you'll see what time it is where I am at that moment. :D
    January 27th, 2011 at 02:46am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    It's real. I have the bigger version of it xDD

    And that depends. Where ya from? I most likely live in a different time zone to you. I have the Sydney, Australia time zone. :]
    January 26th, 2011 at 12:24pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Hello! :]

    Aww, I'm glad xDDD

    I like your icon! So cute!
    January 26th, 2011 at 04:03am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Hello! :]
    January 25th, 2011 at 04:35am