x!Flash. / Comments

  • Thank you...
    Well see I've have like a mini episode today :/
    But I'm about to head into work.
    Can I mibba mail you about it later?
    I'm sorry to land this shit on you but you offered?
    Feel free to say no though okay?
    It probably ios a really small stupid insignificant thing to moan about but you know :/
    And thank you so much for the compliment, it kinda of made my day so far <3
    June 12th, 2011 at 03:22pm
  • Dude I love your Avatar! Check out my frerard! It's like...Peter panish, it's called THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS it's about Gerard and Frankie in Neverland, Frank s Hooks son and Lyn-Z is Tinker Bell<3
    June 12th, 2011 at 07:02am
  • thanks I think your right your so much help dear.
    June 12th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • Nah she was legit.
    She was just quite old and the spark that made her want to help had faded. She seemed very disenchanted with life let alone trying to help others.
    Thank you so much for the supportive comments!
    It means a lot.
    And well they do stay there.
    However, they do get better.
    How that happens will be revealed, you'll see their healing progress don't worry :) <3
    June 12th, 2011 at 01:50am
  • That would be awesome. Personal I like it I think it's great. My stories suck bad I need to revamp them sometime but I'm not sure what to do on most of them.
    June 11th, 2011 at 11:36pm
  • Thank you so much for the story comment!
    And yes, you see I think that's the only hole to nit pick with in our story the fact that Gee has had two therapists that are cynical. However, alas, it's only fiction!
    I am glad you agree with the major points about institutes so far, I feel the same as Gerard about therapy which is why I refuse to go. I don't believe they help because I've had a run in with a cynical therapist.
    But I am deviating from the point!
    I really did research on how therapy works/ the dynamics of therapy with sex addiction and drug addiction to add an element of realism to the fic because the more realistic the fic the more people want to read it you know?
    I'm afraid they will be no private practice... Of sorts.
    However don't fear for Gee and Frank's recovery ;)
    I'm really honoured that you said that my joint fic is your favourite. I am really happy to know that and it inspires me to write more. I can't wait for kimmalovelaugh to finish her chapter so I can write mine. It is also a turning point... Of sorts ;)
    Much love! Pfft
    June 11th, 2011 at 03:00pm
  • Thank you for the comment on my story :3
    And thank you for the constructive critisism, I actually found it very helpful. I don't really get it much, and with out you telling me that, I never would've known I was misspelling those words.
    So thank you again :D
    June 10th, 2011 at 05:25am
  • Thank you for the lovely comment on Tell Me What To Do.
    I have no plans to stop writing it, but updating is a little difficult, but I am in the process of working on a new update, so hopefully you'll see something new soon. :)
    Thank you again, so glad you like it. <3
    June 8th, 2011 at 12:27am
  • It was close, let me tell you. I hate the heat.

    Ummm, I used to be really into manga, like Bleach and Death Note, but then I got into Umbrella Academy and then decided to try and read all the like, classics. So like, Sin City, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The Crow... And I've been known to read some Batman from time to time.
    June 7th, 2011 at 10:28pm
  • French the llama, a fellow nerdfighter!!! Huzzah!

    And haha, yay! Veggies ftw! Except I hate vegetables... 0:)

    England must be nice. It was 105 degrees here (Fahrenheit, which is like... 40.5 celsius, according to google...) I just about died. I was in oxford all summer last year and I forgot how hot Texas gets :P

    So yeah! HAIII.
    June 7th, 2011 at 10:01pm
  • Ah, a Gerard's Game fan too, how wonderful! I started it thinking there were too many Frerards out there that were just porn without plot, so I wanted to make plot that lead to porn, if you get my drift?

    I am pretty self concious of my dyslexia, I try real hard to make sure I'm not one of those annoying authors who you can't tell if it is dyslexia, laziness or just lack of education when they constantly misspell and use chat speak. I really pay attention to those two rules especially because I've got called up on them so many times.
    June 5th, 2011 at 10:22pm
  • Thanks for the comment on The Almost True Lives of the Occasionally Fabulous Killjoys, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm using a lot from the videos to base my story in, but it's going to differ wildly from the album and such soon. I'm going to expand the world, focus a lot on Battery City too.

    I know I'm pretty crap at the punctuation thing, I've never for the life of me understood apostrophes, and I probably never will because I've been told that hundreds of times. I'm dyslexic, unfortunately, and I tend to see what I want to see and not what's wrong, whoops.
    June 5th, 2011 at 07:57pm
  • your welcome your stuff is so amazing. Please more boy stuff in 'It's a Different Kind of Attraction'
    June 3rd, 2011 at 04:37am
  • I just figured I'd tell you that Shackles is fuckin' hot. o.o
    I would have commented on the actual story, but my computer doesn't let me comment on stories on Mibba. o.e
    June 1st, 2011 at 08:56pm
  • Oh! Neat as :D :D Glad you had fun too! :3
    It's sick when support acts are good too - it's lame when they suck though haha. Katy's support act, some Kiwi chick called Zowie, I didn't really like. I just was like 'eeeh' and saved my energy for Katy. xD

    :/ This guy doesn't sound very nice. Was he nice, though? Maybe he was just scared of something happening because there's obviously a distance between you guys and he didn't wanna have to deal with that.

    You're not a loser. :]

    LOL good point :P

    And thank you ♥

    Anyway... I gotta go study. I have exams next week. :( And I'm seeing Pirates 4 tonight with some friends, then I work tomorrow night, and then Saturday I'm going to my mate's 18th. I invited the girl I like. fuckingscoreeelol. So that should be fun. Then I'm pretty sure I'd be working Sunday, so I kinda have no time to study except for the next 5 hours before I go out tonight. So... Farewell! For I must trek into the cursed land of studying. If you never hear from me again, rest assured you were a great friend. Goodbye~~~~

    May 19th, 2011 at 05:10am
  • God, that sucks D: Jesus, you must be pissed! D: I'm not a big fan of either bands but if that happened to me with bands I wanted to see... oh man. :|

    Oh my god, Katy Perry was actually amazing. SGHDSJKHDS I have no words to describe it. Me and my friend lined up at 10AM and waited 8 hours in the cold before we were let in to the loading area. God, fucking, it was so cold in Sydney and it's not even Winter yet. :| But oh my god, it was SO worth it. We got on the barrier, and Katy favoured our side and SHDGJKHDS it was just so amazing. I got some great pictures. Funnest night of my life, hands down.
    So yes. Katy was good. Thank you for asking xD

    That summer camp thing... Maybe you'll see him, and maybe it'll be different, and not awkward? Think positively, it could happen. :) He probably feels the same way about you, anyway.
    I hope it goes okay! Let me know, yeah?

    That's okay. :3

    And dude, I know. :( It saddens me to think about it ending, let alone knowing I'm gonna have to write the end. Fucking fuck. I wanna do it justice. I don't want it to suck.
    I don't have a plan for how it's going to end, really. We'll just have to wait and see, you and me both, aha.

    I will cry too. We can cry together? We'll ALL cry.

    :( ♥
    May 16th, 2011 at 09:10am
  • That's okay, you don't need to apologise! I totally forgot, actually :L So don't even worry about it :)

    Oh my god, that sucks. Doesn't school ruin everything? +_+

    I've been okay. Heh. I'm going to Katy Perry on Saturday night in Sydney. Leaving tomorrow. So god damn excited oh man. Shiiiit.

    How about you? :3 How have you been, anything cool been happening? And how are you?

    Sam's okay, thank you for asking. She's dealing with some stuff right now, but (I'm hoping) she'll be okay.

    Aww <3 I'm glad you liked it.
    And I know :( I don't want it to end either. But it's going to. It had to. DHSFJKHFKSJ D: I'VE GROWN SO ATTACHED TO THEM! :(

    xD You're invited to talk as much as you want to :3 You're always so amusing. xD
    May 12th, 2011 at 10:00am
  • HI!
    I'm so sorry for the late reply!!! I just got a new computer, and I honestly have no clue how to use it! Just getting somewhat used to it now, actually!

    I'm literally trying to get you that link for the shirt/the guy's profile as I type this, and I feel so dumb, I don't even know how to right-click on this darn thing. I just got a macbook, see, and it's really thrown my brain off track!

    Hahaha, well I think I told you I'm pretending to be awesome because I'm really not as great as you may think I am. In reality I talk way too much, and I'm very loud, very opinionated, and very irrelevant!
    April 2nd, 2011 at 02:34am
  • I have never watched The Big Bang Theory but a few of my friends do ahaha. And it's really cool your dad works in that field.

    And you really think so? (That Craig's got something else going on other than AS?) Wow... heh. I don't know. He's just Craig to me.

    Yeah, I really dislike that all the stories that do contain mental disorders always only ever are depression or schizophrenia etc. I mean it's good they're getting talked about it, but I also don't like it when they actively choose to write about that, and then they write it tackily... And make it like in the end they are no longer any traces of depression, an eating disorder or, even if they're schizophrenic, they're not as bad. :\

    But wow. Thank you so much. I'd really love to write a story with it. But I'd want to do the subject justice so I'd do a lot more research than I already have on the matter.

    I love that you'd love me to do it, actually. :3 Because I was thinking about it a little while back, and then I got more and more ideas for a different story I wanna start on (another Frerard) so the idea got kind of pushed back. But since I brought Asperger's up yesterday in that comment to you I actually started thinking about it again. So it's super cool you said I should. hdsgjkhgksj xD Thank you! ♥ I'm excited now too ahah

    I think you may be right. There is no going back now. Perhaps I can juggle two stories at once? I can see that maybe I could do that now. But at the same time my reservation is that I don't want to do that because that means for both stories updates would be slower and I wouldn't want to annoy my readers. :(
    March 26th, 2011 at 03:10am
  • Hahahah! Judge Judy is pretty scary. So amusing though. I'd feel so intimated by her xDD

    Wellp! I still think it's cute, hyperactivity or not. I don't know. I have a friend with Asperger's Syndrome, Sam, actually... and I don't know if you know what that is but it's just... I don't know. I find it cute. But at the same time I feel a bit heartbroken for her because she hates it. She's find to talk with online but when you talk to her on the phone or in person she's very... I can't explain it. She can't communicate that well. I find it cute. I don't know.

    Craig Nicholls of a band from here called The Vines has Asperger's also. It's what, aside from always completely obliterating the stage and his band's equipment after the show of course, made him kick a photographer in the face in the front row, throw his guitar at a girl, also in the front row, and it's also what made him scream at the crowd of a festival they were playing, calling the audience "fucking sheep" and asking them if they could baa. It's also what made their bassist walk off the stage. And, as it turned out, out of the band completely. He'd had enough of Craig. :/ He (Craig) had actually attacked him onstage before so it's kind of no wonder. He also actually faced court on charges of assault and malicious damage because of his 'violent and erratic' behaviour at a show. And when he was being interviewed in the UK he tried to smash the interviewer's tape recorder and then locked himself in the bathroom for 90 minutes. So even just from that you can tell he's something else.

    And I don't know... I guess what I'm trying to say is I find people with mental 'disorders' interesting. Cute comes out of that for certain people to me. I'd really like to cover that in a story at some point I think. I think that could be interesting. I don't see anyone else do it, literally. And it's so, well, interesting. And captivating and I don't see why no one else writes about it when everyone else writes about the same sorts of things, and 'tackle' the same problems. Which, even when they are to do with mental situations, it's always an illness like depression. Or something. Never Asperger's. ANYWAY. God me and my rambling sghkgdshjgds sorry.

    Thanks again <3 And the compliment within there too. xD Thanks. ♥
    March 25th, 2011 at 10:42am