My Friend Will

My friend Will is now wanting to go into the marines. Hes a dumbass and whats really bothering me is that when he told me, he said the same words that my ex, blake, said when he told me he was joining. Blake ended up being kidnapped in Iraq, and when they found him his gut had been sliced open and he was completeley "empty" He had been hanging for about 3 days. My other ex, Robin, disappeared whle...
January 10th, 2009 at 12:52am

I like this guy

I really like this guy friend of mine. But the problem is that he is gay and sees me as his sister. He always flirts with me and my best friend, but thats it. he's kissed all of us, but thats it. I know im probably never going to get him, but i still cant make my heart understand that he's gay. My heart skips a beat whenever i hear his name, and when i hear his voice, i cant help smiling. Can...
January 3rd, 2009 at 06:11am