xxdorylovexx / Comments

  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I enjoy reading best, although writing comes in a close second :) I'm writing a novel on this message, I apologize. I stick to plain vanilla best. And yourself? Oh, and what band person do you find most fit? I fancy John O'Callaghan myself ;)
    June 22nd, 2010 at 04:40am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    that's dandy. Farthest I've been is maybe thirty miles out to the city. Until I go to America of course :) I prefer oranges, you? And what's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
    June 22nd, 2010 at 04:01am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh well. I'm the same way. Plus, making other people happy makes me happy so it's like two for the price of one. I can't decide if I would save my computer or some of my first edition records. You? And what's the farthest away you've ever been from home?
    June 22nd, 2010 at 03:07am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I don't play sport, per say, but I love to dance. I've been injured for the past year and I never realized how much I would miss it until now :( And, if I understand your question correctly, not really. We don't have many people living on the streets around here. Do you do that often? And if you had the choice between making yourself happy or making every body around you happy, which would you chose?
    June 21st, 2010 at 05:25am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm so excited to start this story! But we might have to put it off for a bit since I'll be banned from technology for a month at camp… Favorite holiday is Boxing Day. I reckon you lot don't have that so basically it's the day after Christmas and people spend the day helping for the greater good. My friends and I always help to clean up the town or make packages for soldiers and such. My favorite thing to do though is I make these notes with my gran that say cheesy little messages and enclose money in them then leave them around town for people to find. Although, I'm relatively sure most bigger cities suck the spirit out of the holiday. Which do you fancy? And what sports do you play?
    June 21st, 2010 at 04:03am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    haha Italy DID win a lot, they won the whole thing last time. But this year they're tying against some lesser teams. I want England to win of course! Although Spain comes in a close second (they're not doing too great either). I would look around and if no one wanted it, I would give it to charity because the people at the Lost & Found are rank. You? Oh, and sorry I couldn't mail you back; My internet's started to act up and will only allow me on certain pages. My question is would you rather never laugh or never cry?
    June 21st, 2010 at 02:42am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    That's a good way to spend your time, especially if you enjoy it as well. I haven't checked my mail but I will in a moment. I'm a morning person, I'm normally awake (and on here) by at least six. Which do you prefer? And who, besides America, do you want to win the World Cup?
    June 20th, 2010 at 04:14pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    haha I Googled most of them. I'm responding to your e-mail as we speak. And yeah, arse is actually conceived as worse than ass, which means donkey :) Erm, I don't really drink much pop, I prefer Apple Juice. You? Whose your favorite YouTuber? And I've seen some of Family Man or whatever, it seems very odd, like mainly people with short attention spans like it… So I'm going to go finish the e-mail now :)
    June 19th, 2010 at 01:17am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    E-mail me what you've got and we can start :) wereallmad@live.com and I LOVE the Lax Bro video on YouTube. I would marry that man… British slang that I can think of right now: mullered= intoxicated, charged= on drugs, wanker= loser, barmy= wacked out, and when something is bombing it means it's going well (that confused my so much when I read it on hear and found out it meant it was failing!) and the rest you've probably heard of like chap, bloody, arse, etc. :)
    June 18th, 2010 at 04:49am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Sounds good :) I like to think of myself as more of a dog person. These are starting to get very short, it makes me sad. Oh, I have a question! What are some slang terms, for anything, in america?
    June 18th, 2010 at 03:16am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    What kinds of mystical creatures? Because I don't quite fancy the idea of a unicorn romance… I would like to get advice from my pre-cancer mum. She was my mum-ish then. Who would you ask? And (new question) what would you want advice on?
    June 17th, 2010 at 09:59pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I've only partied that long when mullered and charged! We totally need to write a story together, it would be so epically amazing. And, being my indecisive self, I now have like eight different Chapter Ones and am trying to pick which one I like best :) Wondrous question, erm… he would have to be taller than me, not that that's a difficult task, and I like green eyes. Probably a dark colour of hair as well. Someone how knows how to laugh at themselves and how to make me laugh. He'd have to be childish like me, but knows when to draw the line too. Hm… just someone who cares about me and takes an actually interest in what I have to say. What's your Prince Charming like? And… do you feel more insecure about your looks or your personality?
    June 17th, 2010 at 05:15am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    What kind of party starts at 800? I like to play hide and seek best, I'm like mad good at it too :) The most awkward moment I've had with a guy I wasn't related to would be this one time when I was swimming in the pond with a couple of friends and this guy I really liked, he's moved away now, was playing a trick on me and grabbed my ankle. I freaked out and started thrashing around and, somehow, my bathing suit top had… shifted. Very awkward because I took a couple of minutes to realize. I would like to ask you which Disney Prince do you fancy best?

    P.S. I'm thinking about writing an Alex Gaskarth fic :)
    June 17th, 2010 at 02:51am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    That sounds like a fun book :) I'm not a huge fan either, I really love one song though, Eleanor Rigby. And I have to love Ringo because he's awesome and Lennon because he's so hippie. You must be very excited for you last day! I have loads of summer assignments though… Go to the party! Start off your summer with fun and alcohol ;) I have felt scared for my life one time, actually. I had fallen down some stairs, I'm overly clumsy, and ended up with amnesia. It was probably the scariest most daunting moment of my life waking up in a house and having no idea who I or anyone around me was. Have you ever had your life threatened? Next question, what's your favorite games? Just a game like 20 Questions or Truth or Dare etc.

    Oh! And your welcome for the comment :)
    June 17th, 2010 at 02:08am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Me too, it probably would have been a lot worse if he hadn't. Never head of Two Crazy Pigs before, what's it about? I love t-shirts. I have to own at least twenty different shades of each colour and every cut and material :) Which do you prefer? Do you like the Beatles and if you do, which is your favorite?
    June 16th, 2010 at 10:11pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    The thing I would take back is the timing of breaking my friendship with that girl because now all the people I worked so hard to become friends with are on her side, which I understand. I'm fine with telling about my parents. When I was ten, my dad was diagnosed with cancer and given a few years to live. He and my mum made a list of all the things they wanted to do, most of which were outside of England. But when the cancer scare passed and he had survived they decided that they liked traveling and that my brother and I would always be there when they got home. It's kind of stupid and reckless of them and I don't think they realize exactly what happened when they gave up guardianship. Anyways, I was ten and wanted to live with my gran because then I could still be with my friends but my brother was too young and they wanted to put him with a more 'capable' guardian and sent him to France. I can't wait to be eighteen so he can come home :) I would rather run in the rain, you? And what was your favorite book as a child?
    June 16th, 2010 at 09:42pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I get scared really easily but some a really good. I'm watching Shutter Island right now and it's actually very scary. I know what you mean, exams are horrid. How do they expect you to remember things from September? The people who run schools are barking. The hardest decision I ever made happened today actually. I decided I really couldn't be friends with this one girl anymore. It was difficult because we had been close before and she's going through some problems with her mum and dad right now but I don't think I could have done it anymore. I wish I could take it back, but at the same time, I feel kind of free to have finally said "I don't want to be friends with you" to her face. She wasn't all that great of a person or friend but it still hurts to lose someone I was so close to but, to be honest, I had lost her a while ago. Oh and when I decided to live with my gran while they sent my little brother to my aunt; I haven't seen him in about six years and my gran is too stubborn to get a telephone so we only write letters. I do miss him dearly… You? What's a slerpee? and If you could take back one thing, what would it be?
    June 16th, 2010 at 03:39am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I agree with what you said. Some people go very far for even the smallest amount of power. I love the classic gameboys, my favorite game being Pokemon: Yellow :) Yourself? Also, do you like horror movies and, if so, which is your favorite?
    June 16th, 2010 at 01:34am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    How close? I have a free weekend at some point where people can visit. I would be a unicorn :) They're so… unicorn-y. The happiest moments of my life are tied between every time my mum and dad come home, the mast time I heard my little brother's voice, and last year when my cousin/best friend came back up from Spain and said she was moving back home. Yours? and do you believe that the end or outcome justifies the means (do everything you can to get what you want, to put it simply)?
    June 15th, 2010 at 09:00pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    See, you are going to kill me! All because of your yellow walls!
    Mine are a horrendous shade of bubble gum pink right now but they'll be white when I come home. I'm going to Delaware for Camp. It's called Camp Tockwogh, I'm going with my cousins from France. I'm only going to be there for a month considering I only get to go because the Camp is letting me go half price. My favorite board game would have to be Cluedo. I'm always Miss Scarlett :) And yours? And if you could be any mythical animal, which would you be?
    June 15th, 2010 at 04:11am