xxdorylovexx / Comments

  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I love, love, love, LOVE the name Gizmo. and fish, I hope he lives. My favorite sport is football of course! It was invented here, you know :) My favorite season is summer, for obvious reasons. I can't wait to go to America this break! What's yours? and… um... what are the colours of your walls?
    June 15th, 2010 at 03:47am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I feel so much more safe… for now. Peanut butter is only delicious when on a perfectly sliced piece of gran's homemade bread :) I do have a few pets; A little duschund puppy named John Oh, a scottie named Christofer Drew, and four fishies named after the boys of All Time Low. My pets are all named after famous people as a product of my problem with getting extremely obsessive :) Why would you feel terrible?! I would feel that way if no one showed up, but at least you made a difference in one persons life… I'm going to ask a NON-philosphical/ make-you-think-and-explore-your-feelings question now.

    What's your favorite sport?
    June 15th, 2010 at 02:44am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh dear, Americans are evil? You're not going to kill me are you? Oh dear Lord, no! No!
    Anywho, I would/will marry Matt Smith. He's just so… yum. ;)
    No need to think on that. M&Ms. Who would put chocolate, a sugary dessert, with peanut butter, a protein filled lunch? Not I for certain! You?
    Okay, if you were in heaven (sorry if you don't believe in that) and saw that only one person came to your funeral, how would you feel?
    June 15th, 2010 at 01:29am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    How many posters do you have that would make it embarrassing? Because four or five isn't that bad, ten maybe, but you get the point. My dream job would be teaching an English class in american high school. I plan on being the cool teacher that doesn't care about anything :) I have a wonderful question for you: if you could marry any person in the whole wide world, famous or average or anything, who would it be?
    June 14th, 2010 at 11:58pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Favorite books are Harry Potter (of course) and The Book of Lost Things, hands down. Movies are a bit more difficult. Lion King, Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes, the Notebook (which is the one I mentioned earlier- I had to go look it up :)), Harry Potter again, Titanic, Mary Poppins, the early James Bonds, Shakespeare in Love, and maybe Four Weddings and a Funeral. Wow, that was a tid bit more than I had expected to write. I would pick the hammer because it's all powerful in Mario games :) which would you pick? and what is the most embarrassing thing in your room?
    June 14th, 2010 at 10:54pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Haha well it may be a short flight, but an expensive ticket. Around 130 pounds or 260 dollars give or take, and that's on a good day. Beaches are fairly different here. Not very warm at all. Fit means hot or attractive or good looking :) I find bow ties, in any shape, pattern, or colour, to be the epitome of sex appeal. I think Spanish accents are 'hot,' what about you? Do English accents catch your fancy? If so I know plenty of boys looking for an america girl ;) Next question, what's your favorite novel or movie?
    June 14th, 2010 at 05:46am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I feel the same way with (some) of my family. My mum and dad find it very tiresome that I want to be a teacher, they don't think it's a "proper use of my talents," what rubbish! Don't visit France, my aunt lives there and she's quite smelly, although the Louvre is very enticing. Italy's nice, I fancy seeing the Sistine Chapel and such :) Before I die I want the chance to prove my mum wrong and show her that money isn't always the most important thing. Next question, do you think bow ties are sexy?

    (And my little icon thing is of Doctor Who played by Matt Smith, He's rather fit if I do say so myself :))
    June 14th, 2010 at 05:13am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    You really should watch it. At this moment. Top five things I'm afraid of starting from least to greatest: Five= I having my family taken from me forever because right now, even though they're away, I know my mum and dad will come back. Four= my best friend dying, I don't think I could live without him. Three= that one day I'll have given into all the bad stuff in life and commit the suicide that has been pending on my mind. Two= Finding out God hasn't forgiven me. and One= forgetting my first love (whenever he comes along :))
    The one thing I would do anything for is the happiness of everyone around me. People say I let them walk all over me, but I don't mind doing all the work if it makes someone happy or makes their lives easier.
    I return that question to you and add if you could be anywhere in the world at this moment, where would you be?
    June 14th, 2010 at 04:46am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Soccer? What is this rubbish? You use your foot ergo, it is called football. Your sport should be call handball or ram-into-the-other-team-ball. I love TMNT and Bones and House (I love seeing Hugh Laurie speak with an American accent :)) But watch Doctor Who sometime. It sounds really stupid (it's about an alien who can time travel and saves the earth) but it is amazing! I plan on marring Matt Smith someday.
    The craziest thing I've ever done… hm… probably when I jumped off my roof while horribly intoxicated. Luckily, I passed out before I got to the hospital. Ended up with some nasty scars though :)
    My question: What are the top five things you are afraid of?
    June 14th, 2010 at 03:30am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    To put it into perspective: I live with my gran (my mum's mum) and my gram (my dad's mum) lives on the other side of town. My best friend IS gay and they're not all girly, he's on the football team. He has saved me in many a fashion emergency though :) And how ever awesome the Power Rangers may be the best shows in the world will forever be LOST and Doctor Who (which is amazing beyond comprehension and just started showing in the US) And that was a question. It is your turn lovey; don't deny it :)
    June 14th, 2010 at 03:08am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Captain Ron is fine; please, please, PLEASE don't call me Mildron. I beg of you! I'm very similar. I don't talk most of the time, except to close friends and I don't have many. I wish I could see a therapist, just so I could talk to SOMEONE in this stupid little place knowing that it's not going to end up everywhere. And don't worry about the kissing thing. I've NEVER kissed anyone. But that's mostly because half the boys here are my cousins (literally) and the other half are taken or gay. My question… what are the Power Rangers?
    June 14th, 2010 at 02:33am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Kids are eight in Year Four and they are absolutely adorable :) Fourteen year olds are in Year Ten. My favorite colour is Grey which may seem weird so I usually just say either aquamarine or light violet. Something most people would guess about me, hm… well not many people know that I love to do American stuff because I lived there until I was seven or that I like to dance; I currently take Ballet, Jazz, and Contemporary (but I've taken the year off because of a back injury :( ) And many people don't guess that my actual first name is… Mildron. I know, it's absolutely rank. Don't even lie. What about you, what are some things no one really knows about Miss Dory Lee?
    June 14th, 2010 at 12:23am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I love Pirates of the Caribbean! Jack Sparrow is fit beyond comprehension…
    My school does a system where we have four of our classes one day, the other four the next. Next year, I'm enrolled in Language Arts, History (which, together, make up the Humanities department), Expressive Arts, and Mathematics one day and then Spanish, French, and a double Teaching block the next which is somewhat similar to yours; I help Year Fours with writing. So Humanities classes are just English and History and they have an intertwined curriculum.
    You lot have interesting movies :) I really love that one, I can't think of the name, it has the girl from Sherlock Holmes, Rachel McAdams I think her name is, and they fall in love and it's adorable and yeah. I wish I could remember the name!
    I need a topic of conversation to make myself seem less boring, hm… Oh! What's your favorite Disney Movie? I love the Lion King. It will be one of my favorite movies for as long as I live :)
    June 13th, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I've never seen the movie, but I do love Mean Girls; that movie is so fetch :) And Captain Ron sounds like a wonderful name, I do like Pirates (although ninja's would whip their butts). That's sad about your mum but you've seemed to have moved past it so congrats to you about that. I actually plan to be a teacher as well! What subject do you plan on? I enjoy Humanities classes, preferably Language Arts. You go to school for eight hours? That must be torturous! We only go for around six.
    June 13th, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    I rather like the name Squishy so I dub you so. I'm not, sorry to say, the best person to ask about living here. My town is pretty sub-par, to say it nicely. I would talk about Liverpool, since it's the only other place I've been to (which is pathetic), but I only ever go there for matches. I'm sure my parents WOULD kill me if they knew I was dying my hair but they're barely around, but they write and call everyday so it's not that big of a deal :). I stay with my near blind gran. I just finished up my gcses which are just these exam things. I decided to stay for my school's 6th Form rather than go to College after 11th Year; I wanted to stay with my friends. I'm hoping to go to a good University later, but I have no idea at this point :) What's school like for you? Oh, and yes, it's summer for me, I start in early September.
    June 13th, 2010 at 09:14pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    hm… I'm going to have to make my own name for you then. I shall call you Squishy and you shall be my Squishy. Sorry, I'm watching Finding Nemo right now :) Okay so, I was listening to Pandora and heard Jane Doe and now I HAVE to do the meeting a stranger in a bar thing. And I dye my hair so yeah :) It's more of a strawberry blonde colour naturally. Hm, I wonder what you look like… ? :)
    June 13th, 2010 at 08:09pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    Okay, so I've decided to do the brother's best friend one but I can't think of a title and since yours are all so awesome I was wondering… help?
    June 13th, 2010 at 07:48pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    haha It's really not all that different, at least where I live. Barely any houses have two stories and your closets neighbor is about a mile away. Most people love to obsess about each other's lives and cause drama. The best part is football matches and running around in the fields with friends. But I'm sure other places differ drastically. Like I know for sure that Liverpool is completely different. I can't ever remember my dreams, I wish I could. Last one that I can was that every time a made a ham sandwich and it got into my mouth it would turn into a pig and I would start crying then repeat the process. Very odd. Also, I have officially resolved to call you ChiChi and please update as many as you can ASAP, I want more! :)
    June 13th, 2010 at 07:05pm
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    That sounds quite a bit like my town! Except football means football and not the rubbish you're talking about. Why are you still in school? We finished quite some time ago. Oh and I live a little ways from Liverpool, I'm not exactly sure of how far, never really paid attention. It's past six here haha I downed about eight pots of coffee trying to beat my friend in an all nighter :)
    June 13th, 2010 at 07:13am
  • Cheshire

    Cheshire (100)

    United Kingdom
    haha I had pondered it… what's it like across the pond? where you live at least.
    June 13th, 2010 at 06:32am