Run, Don't Walk

When we live in the system, and we see walls rising in betweenwhat is real and what is merely a wish of our eyes, we strife in searchfor the golden compass that will lead us to a shrine lost in space andtime, where the Gods of ancient tribes were called luck and survival,where shields were hope and swords were sweat. We run towards thosewalls, charging blindly towards the gigantic windmill and...
July 26th, 2010 at 08:10am

Religious Tolerance

A few days ago, while I logged in to my Blogspot account, I stumbled upon a 21-year-old girl’s Blog that started like this: “A few weeks ago, exactly the 20th of December, a cousin of mine got married and the priest compared my cousin to the Virgin Mary.” She had an entry about how much she was offended by the fact that her cousin was compared to Mary. She argued that Mary was an ignorant...
January 7th, 2009 at 01:10am

La Mitología Universal

Hermosillo, Sonora. México.Domingo 21 de Enero de 20077:00p.m.Sentado en este burdo banco de metal, con la televisión transmitiendo su incesante sonido a mis espaldas, y el título de esta obra resonando por mi cabeza, es que me propongo a plasmar mis pensamientos en los bits de mi computadora.Siendo, cronológicamente, esta la última de las obras por este humilde servidor, pero la primera en...
January 4th, 2009 at 11:53pm

Las Historias

Por más de cinco mil años hemos estado usando la escritura como cincel de nuestras ideas, creando millares de historias, inventando inmensas mitologías y plasmando nuestra historia en el papel. Pero uno ha llegado a preguntarse, ¿Las novelas que llega a escribir un autor, son obra de su imaginación, o simplemente es el mediador de la tenue voz del olvido, quien le susurra sutilmente al oído:...
January 4th, 2009 at 12:51pm

¿Deben los jovenes ocupar cargos políticos?

This is a speech I wrote for a contest where we had to debate whether young peopleshould be allowed to occupy political jobs such as Gobernators, Mayors, Senators or Deputtees. I had to be againts (even though if I had to choose I'd still be against). I was VERY nervous since it was my firs time.I won the contest and 100 dollars with it.Hay unas cuantas razones por las cuales me inclino hacia el...
January 4th, 2009 at 12:13pm