Wednesday January 7, 2009

time: 11:23pm
mood: tired
listening to: Epic by Faith No More
plugging: Eyes Like Sin

third is up. I felt like I should go ahead and put it up, so that if those few who read this are wondering what could have been said to make that decision, they could know and not have to wait.

I hate waiting for stories that I'm reading. And I'm writing this almost as I go, with a basic area of where I want to end up, so the quicker I can figure out how to get there, the better it'll be, I think.

so, the third's up. Maybe some tension that anyone has, if any, will be released.

hit up Vee's and Frankie's, to know they're side of what's happening. I promise this is better than just reading mine, or just Frankie's, or just Vee's. Read all three. I suggest it. Highly.


Title: Show Me The Angel I Saw In Your Eyes
Type: joint, bandfic/fanfic
Status: active
info: check Frankie and Vee's respective pages for the other sides to this story! it's not necessary, but highly recommended! (plus they're awesome writers.)