Two Sides of the Same Painting

Many people will experience waking up in a reasonably good mood and jumping on Facebook to have a peruse before officially starting their day. However, many people won't jump on Facebook for 5 minutes only to quickly regret having taken part in social interaction that day, online or otherwise.Perhaps because what they thought was a light quip has been replied to with a passive-aggressive comment,...
February 14th, 2015 at 04:05pm

Strange dream ~ The unnamed girl

Okay this is a dream i had, i always have incredibly odd dreams. So i've written this in story form..kind of, i didn't know where to place it. But here it is, for your enjoyment, hopefully.The unnamed girl.The unnamed girl clickety clacked along the cobbled street in her leather boots. It was shitty weather to say the least, she knew she probably shouldn't be walking around in heavy rain and...
January 13th, 2011 at 11:10pm