I Finally Understand!

While on our trip back home from my mom's friends house and watching an intense football game, I realized something. I knew I was depressed for four years, but I never knew my reason why. As my dad was driving my mom and me home, my parents other friends were driving next to us, making silly faces at us and surprisingly, my parents did the same thing back. The thing that I realized was that my...
September 27th, 2009 at 06:52am

Is this fair for us girls?

How many of you out there have ever fallen in love to have it ripped underneath from you? I have.He was amazing, sweet and romantic, but knew when to funny and serious. I truly DID love him, but he saw something better in my best friend and dumped me, then hooked up with her. Now is that fair for me? No, not in my eyes.So I would like for you to comment about a sad love story that happened to you,...
March 23rd, 2009 at 03:01am

Future Story Already Here!

Hey everyone! I apologize for my stupid before journals entries...I was just really bored. But anywho I have terrific news!I already have an Idea of a new story! I have the name of it, but that shall be kept secret because I don't want anyone stealing my ideas. But I'll tell u anyway! It's called Messages in the Old Oak Tree. It is about a girl who works on a farm in Georgia and has to take care...
March 5th, 2009 at 10:29pm

Valentines and Sick Days

Okay I will admit...my last journal entry was pretty stupid but all of it was true! That prank really did happen and you know it makes it harder to trust guys now-a-days, which is why when one of em asks me out I ALWAYS ask this question first, "Is this some type of joke or a dare" and then when they say their answer I say mine...which is usually no cuz sometimes its someone i dont even...
February 11th, 2009 at 07:42pm

The Bitter Life of a Happy Teen

Valentines Day. Two words that make me gag on the inside. This is my journal that I'll be posting at least maybe twice or once a week, depending if I'm in the mood to type. Anyway, back to 'gay' day.What is so great about Valentines day? It sucks! At school they have these carnations that people can get you that are either, Friendship, Love, or Secret Admirer! Did you see that? SECRET ADMIRER! How...
February 7th, 2009 at 05:24pm