cannibal glow. / Comments


    So synopsis.

    Zoe&Sammy&Rachel = Lostprophets, can we go the Attack! Attack! night? Tickets are cheapest from the link I sent you, although not by much, its the thought that counts though, right?

    BRU PLAN. Is the greatest and we need a basement mosh room that my chem can play in on the opening night. We need to hire oompa loompas for the place, no - mindless orange barbies who failed school do not get it.

    If your maw is queen shona, whats my mum? O.O

    Eh. What else? I'm not sure to be honest other than I would've punched Polly hard, aye?

    I can't remember what else was here other than it was a novel so I'm going to go morn its epicosity. D:

    <3 yew tew. ;D
    May 30th, 2010 at 02:49pm

    Lostprophets and Attack! Attack! beat Framing Hanley, right? :)
    May 30th, 2010 at 01:55pm
  • Thanks for the welcoming. i'm awesome. how are you?
    May 28th, 2010 at 06:10am
  • Oi, I'll say it now, you're profile makes me want to make a new profile but I like the one I have just now. [and I have loads of layouts to make due to requests].

    [b]SAMMYYYYY![/b] is a total whore really. xD

    You were like "RACHY" that makes me feel YAY. :) :)

    I know right, November? Doesn't seem right, feels like its been [i]years[/i], legit. You're like my soulmate now *sniffles* ... *runs away to Glasgow* and biatch, we [b]need[/b] to go through with the Irn Bru plan or my life will be full of fail.

    I planned out my journey to Switzerland in ICT, because they keep the only other copy of the recipe there [apart from the two who know it - I crossed out marrying into the Barr family D: Its for the best, I'm sure...] So :yah: I looked up airo-tickets too (;

    Wanna come? [b]¬ ¬[/b]

    Let's face it we're whore's over all the My Chem-goodness on this site. Which reminds me, can I come see them with you in Glasgow when they come around? I want to see them in Newcastle too :3 [and hopefully edinburgh, or something] Yeah, basically I want to stalk them, but I need people to stalk them with... so mhmm? ;D

    [b]Nooooo!![/b] Please don't bash your head off rocks, its rather upsetting. *Sniff* I'm no super-genius, I'm like... a retard disguised as a genius. And besides, I can't go to the camp because I'm getting home-schooled and I [i]need to start over the [b]summer holidays[/b][/i]. That makes my life fail even more.

    Rachel has a fail-y life, yo.

    I'll ask my dad if I can just stay for the four days if we do go then, because BMTH is on the 24th of [i]September[/i]. I checked to make sure. :) And if he doesn't I'm foooooked, js.

    I would of killed to see The Dangerous Summer too. Arms we suck for not meeting and bringing this up at an earlier date. :blah:

    I have a Physics exam tomorrow that I haven't revised for; I revised for the one we have after half term. See, this is what happens when a genius decided to give us [i]three[/i] physics exams in the space of three weeks, [with a week break in between, stupid motherfuckers.]

    Other than that, my life has been pretty good. I've had some niggly bits, but [b]RACHEL IS A HAPPY CHILD![/b]

    /actually telling the truth for once. ;D
    May 25th, 2010 at 07:31pm
  • You're very welcome<3
    May 24th, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • Haha, That would be hilarouis :D
    Oh my god, Light is like posing and L is like FUCK ME! :L
    May 24th, 2010 at 09:23am
  • ITS SHOWING UP FOR ME NOW. *lives forever*

    I miss you, that's actually really weird but it feels like its been forever. And it hasn't but still. I get this with a lot of people actually, but its all good because it'll make bring me the horizon that much better :D

    I'm definitely not a whore, In fact I think most people would characterize me as a prude over a whore, which is pretty sad. I'm not sure which I'd rather be, probably a prude because sex everyday would be tiring and time-consuming. Yeah, I'll whore on writing. ;) So, your choice:

    Prudes vs Whores.

    Aha, I am not talented at all, I'm fucking retarded or some strange shit. I don't actually care, as long as I'm not dead. I'd hate to be the living dead, that shit is scary, and heck I've been as close to it literally as I ever want to get, so let's not. ;D I'm a weird motherfucker.

    Oh! Framing Hanley, gutter: its on the 20th Sept. Four days before BMTH. I'd go if you still could but yeah. Its a pretty nasty place to be put in, and I know you'd probably not want to really considering you don't really listen to them either. Ah, its cool. D: I'll live. Heck, I missed HIM -and almost died, srsly.-

    How has your day been? :)
    May 20th, 2010 at 05:02pm
  • hipbones are the first thing i look at when a guy's shirtless.
    they're so sexy.
    May 20th, 2010 at 12:26am
  • What's this I hear? [b]Lies?![/b]
    Sammeh, I'm disappointed in you! :O

    I do not have skillz of any sort and you'll kick my ass.
    Even if I did have "skillz" have you seen my lyric?
    Go have a look and laugh out loud, how the fuck do I fit that in?!

    Thank you, I like this profile too. And the coding worked first time too.
    Normally I spend another ten minutes fixing it for whatever reason.

    Your picture isn't showing up by the way! D:
    I don't know if its just for me or not? :\

    Oh well. If its not showing up would you like me to make you something? :)

    I'm gutted I got called a "fat, ugly whore" by possibly the biggest fuckhead in school. Srsly. :O
    May 19th, 2010 at 10:49pm
  • i've got this huge thing for hipbones, spines, and collarbones, haha.
    In Love
    May 19th, 2010 at 03:40am
  • the bones on your list of likes on your profile makes me happy.
    May 17th, 2010 at 01:37am

    You entered the brit band comp! :D

    Its war, babe. War. ;)
    May 16th, 2010 at 07:45pm
  • You're welcome! :D

    You deserve it. :)

    As for your prize... I'm on it! :D
    May 14th, 2010 at 12:28am
  • Psst...

    Go check out the winners for my contest.

    You won't be disappointed, I promise. :)
    May 14th, 2010 at 12:10am
  • Hey, just wanted to let you know that your entry for my student/teacher contest was due yesterday. I was wondering if you needed more time or what. Message me. :)
    May 8th, 2010 at 12:15pm
  • Hey, just dropping by to say the deadline for my contest [i]Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't,[/i] is tomorrow.

    May 6th, 2010 at 12:06pm
  • :shifty eyes: I got distracted and went to sleep. I'll just send you what I have i a message?
    May 2nd, 2010 at 11:37pm
  • No problem. :D
    May 2nd, 2010 at 02:46pm
  • Hey, just dropping by to say that the deadline for my contest [i]Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't[/i] is being extended to [b]Friday[/b]. Feel free to message me if you need an extension or are dropping out. Kay, thanks! :)
    May 2nd, 2010 at 01:23pm
  • I really feel like writing. So I'm updated This Love, This Hate. If you don't like it, you can change it r take it down and replace it with your own. Just letting you know. And you might be up by the time I submit it anyways.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 08:25am