
Welcome to the new life of mine. Everything has changed. I hate change.The school term has nearly come to an end + i'm almost back where I started. I'm friends with Naomi + Rhi now + hang around with them sometimes. I've spent alot of time with Jasmine recently and she spent the whole weekend with me, but the main difference is that I'm single. . .Dan split up with me during a screaming argument...
July 20th, 2009 at 03:34pm


Oh My Oh My Oh My...Enter Shikari at Falmouth, Princess Pavillion was amazing!Last night me + Khya got all dressed up with our crazy hair and make-up and went down to Falmouth for the best gig in a while, but now in pain... + lots of it.I spent the whole night getting/making mosh pits + going mental. Which was really fun, but am now paying for it.I made a friend, Harley, who Laura is so getting...
May 18th, 2009 at 03:27pm


Today is Friday, last day at school till the weekend. Phew, im so fed up of school. I can't wait till the half term which is in just over a week.My life is going ok.Still upset about my dog + now my mum is bedridden because she has badly hurt her back so im forever getting shouted at by my dad for not helping at home.Bleh.I want to be someone else still though. Someone who is actually noticed,...
May 15th, 2009 at 02:16pm


Overall, the worst day i've had in a while.I got in from school + my mum had called the vet over to put down my dog. Not the best arrival to get. So my dog, Barney, which we've had for 8 years got put down due to him being very ill and old. So i guess today is an end of an era and we did just have to be cruel to be kind.I've still got a lovely boyfriend, but that isn't going all too well. A girl...
May 5th, 2009 at 06:53pm


Alot has changed since I last wrote a journal entry, and its fun going back and reading my last ones.I have a boyfriend. Dan. Hes 18 + im allowed to be with him because my parents love him. But he has his faults... hes so sensitive + jealous. Hes at a party tonight, getting wasted, which im really worried about because some girl who hates me + wants him is going to be there... I do trust him +...
April 5th, 2009 at 12:04am


Almost the end of Feb now and my life hasn't improved. I seem to be losing friends by the second. Chezzie has barely even spoken to me since she has become friends with Nadeen again. So much for "I like you more than Nadeed". Blehhhh.I have too much coursework to do, and too little time. Yes its my fault for leaving it this late, but im sorry, i will end up having a mental breakdown though if i...
February 21st, 2009 at 02:52pm


Okay, maybe I have already failed one of my New Years resolution, but I am determined to keep the rest. Already, I have had a great night with my best mate Chezzie round her's and I can't wait for more times with the others.Today - Done nothing at all. Been so bored just sitting around. Msn has been my saviour. Thank God for technology. I managed to wreck my lunch (N) and drop food down my top. Im...
January 10th, 2009 at 04:03pm