Something About Me...

I always try to give my everything. I always try to be selfless. By now... I got nothing left. I'm out of hope and out love. Let me just try to repair myself. I don't wanna believe anymore. Curiosity is what killed the cat and the suspense of the outcome is what captivated me. I'm a ten pound brick that was casted into the air and plummeted into an ocean. Forever sinking with nothing but a miracle...
April 12th, 2010 at 10:11am

Shut Your Mouth And Keep The Letters...

I know what sells… and I’m just not into that. I know what can be the next big thing, but I could care less. I can do anything and yet I never start what I know what I’m damn well capable of doing. I never grew up and I’m not ready to. I think that’s reason enough. I’m only trapped in this room because I’m the one who locked myself in and away from all things that are on the outside....
January 3rd, 2010 at 12:52am

By The Dawn Of Tomorrow, There Will Be No Life...

Tonight was a night that made my life. I never really got the full on concert experience of New Jersey because I was always too sheltered or never had the chance to say “yes”. But tonight… that all changed…I went to see The Friday Night Boys, We The Kings, Hey Monday, and All Time Low. I thought “Hmm… it’s Vegas. These kids are too high fashion to sweat and get a little bit rowdy”...
November 11th, 2009 at 09:46am

Rubik's Cube Mind And A Taste For The Night Life...

There's no audio. There's no pictures. There's no movies. Tonight's one of those nights that there's just no sound at all. It's a silent, starless, eventless twilight. Now is the time where one begins to think that with one simple move all can go wrong, and no doubt it can. However, with yet a very different move and one can spiral their way into endless pools of smiles (of course with the...
October 21st, 2009 at 03:31pm

This Is Where We Are And This Is What It Is...

Aright, so this is pretty sweet. MCR having a blog for fans. Good job, MCR! It’s kinda like they actually want to get to know their fans instead of just knowing of them. It’s really cool. This is just yet another reason that these guys are my favorite ever. They’re always so caring and honest. Ugh, I love them. Lol.Anyway, I’m gonna cut this short. I could go on forever talking about how...
October 14th, 2009 at 07:11am

Tonight Was The Night...

Tonight was it. Today was the day that I felt so alive. It lasted through the twilight of this evening. It's the first taste of life I've had in years. Surrounded by good friends in such a long time and I could never have been happier. I don't ever want this to end the way it already had. So tired, but I never want to sleep again. I want to savor every millisecond I have in this moment. Not a...
October 11th, 2009 at 11:45am

Just A Day...

Have you ever heard a song so perfectly matched up that it was fucked up? Have you ever cried from hearing words of someone else that you had embraced and damn knew well what they meant and felt like you had experienced their situations? Has your heart ever been tangled with the thought that reality may be someone else’s fantasy?True things, straight up lies always fuckin compromise the way we...
October 7th, 2009 at 03:50pm

It Seems Like It's Been A Lifetime...

Aimless beating organs seem to be changing and centers of crossroads are home. Turn out the lights and maybe the hope can be seen again. Perhaps it will have its one night of redemption and shine clear to the mind's eye again. Wouldn't it be nice if voice of reason could be heard every night? Leaving most consciousness in limbo might just be best for us. Angst of living at all have sleepless...
September 27th, 2009 at 02:13pm

Heart Bound...

Let’s see if you can determine what I mean… (chances are, probably not):I can’t seem to get out of my own head. It’s like the moment you walk in (if you could), there’s this spiral staircase that goes up and up forever. It’s like a long, long road (indicating journeys, good and bad). Every few miles down the road, there’s these doors, just like a hotel. There’s so many of them....
September 17th, 2009 at 02:47pm

Don't Send Me No More Letters...

The road's taken me so far and I've loved every minute of it. The mountains secluded me and drove me to Madness City. Now, I want nothing more than to get out, but I'm restrained. The straps have sunken into my skin and the blindfold is so tight, I think I might be able to live this way. I mean... what do we really look for in life? Love? That doesn't mean anything anymore. If you're living in a...
September 12th, 2009 at 02:15pm

New Adventures = Forever Golden

It's funny what can happen to a person within a couple of days. Sometimes a couple of hours could be big. Even in a matter of a few minutes can be life changing.Well, it's been a month now since the day I moved here and my biffle and I have been walking to a nearby 7-11 that serves us well. But taking time for granted, the same path had gotten old. It wasn't until a couple of days ago when I was...
September 4th, 2009 at 01:26pm

Pages Half Unread...

Hard pounds on the door and an everlasting stream of meaningless words upon stumbled letters jumbled with others. A turn of the knob and already I run to a place the first place I can think of and slide under my bed. A thump is heard from the entrance at the front door. Curses are spilled more than the amount of drinks that were consumed that night. He's on the ground again with scraped knees......
September 3rd, 2009 at 12:30pm

All In All...

Okay, I've decided to stop writing stories of broken love and torn hearts. Here's what's really going on:I moved to Vegas. It's pretty chill. Miss New Jersey, but realize that there's no opprotunity there at all for me. (Hence why I'm here.) Now... problem? Jobs. I have no idea STILL what I wanna do. Well... that's quite a very large lie. I just want to be a musician. I just want to be in a band...
August 30th, 2009 at 08:22pm

Forgotten Story...

One idea focused on and intensified. “Stop there… and let me correct it. I wanna live a life from a new perspective”. From not realizing how alone the world is, to noticing every cold shiver that runs down my spine from the blast the wind blows. I respect what has happened, though. New horizons, especially the lonelier days ahead, but almost there… and maybe a third of life is left inside....
August 25th, 2009 at 01:00pm

You Must Learn How To Smile While You Kill...

"You get me out of the rain, you get me out of my clothes. You hope that I don't make a sound. You hope that nobody knows..." but truth is... they'll find out eventually. There's underlying beauty behind all that pain that you allocate. There's love behind your eyes and a smile that can't be recognized. But fact of the matter is... is that hearts that beat strong and dangle on a string will be...
August 14th, 2009 at 04:46pm

Just As Alone As You...

Reading up on my favorite blogs and fighting off some shadows, whether past or present, in this dark and unforetold place. I see what has gone on and I know well the situations. Whether I am spoiled and/or just selfish, I find that I'm digging through things that I cannot recover from. The trails have been made and covered. Perhaps one day something will show. Maybe...But for now, sitting on the...
June 28th, 2009 at 07:09am


It's happy time this week. Every day there will be a new smiley face posted until Monday. Then... I'm gonna try to think of something else to do. I'm trying to gather some motivation to do something spectacular and fradazzle the world and boggle the minds of many. That is probably my goal, but more just putting a smile on another face. Without happiness, where would we be? So on my Tumblr is where...
June 23rd, 2009 at 11:36pm

Never Forgotten...

I am constantly reminded as to why My Chemical Romance are my heroes. They are one helluva band and fuckin amazing people. They care so so much about their fans and people. They never gave a fuck what people thought of them just as long as they can give out the message that they wanted others to hear that it's okay to be who you are and a bigger thing, RESPECT. They've taught me so much. In all...
May 22nd, 2009 at 09:32am

Something's Life Changing Here, I Just Don't Know What It Is Yet...

How many baths will it take to wash it all away? How many times must I shave and nick myself before it's all gone away? Too many times I overexert myself from walking then overheat to just have the time to devise new plans and receive new inspiration from the shapes and possibly objects/shadows that have danced around my head. Although, the only thought that never tends to leave this fucked up...
May 17th, 2009 at 07:54am

Just Took The Personality Test On The William Beckett Blog...

Hey, just took the quiz that Will posted. I got.....INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Calm and pleasant face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.TAKE FREE MYERS-BRIGGS PERSONALITY TESTHere's the results that I found with it:INFP:creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by...
May 15th, 2009 at 06:10am