Some Avenged Sevenfold Ranting. I Can't Be Silent Anymore.

A part of me is super frustrated with some A7X fans.There are people complaining about how mad they are about this Seventh Lair stuff and how they just need to release the album already, but honestly we need to be patient. It’s been a while, I know. Some people are pulling all-nighters to find this shit out, but you can’t be mad at the guys for that; that was your own decision. They’re doing...
May 12th, 2013 at 02:53pm

They Say That All Beauty Must Die. I Say it Just Moves On.

It's been a whole year without James Owen Sullivan. It hurts so much to think of it. For days I've been preparing myself, telling myself that he wouldn't want me sad, and that's very true. When i woke up this morning, I didn't cry. I went through a few hours and didn't shed a tear. When i got my balloon for the event I created on facebook, I attached the letter I wrote to him, ran out in the snow,...
December 28th, 2010 at 10:31pm