Amatuer(ish) Bible Study: Mark 7

And thus by Bible study continues with Mark 7. If you noticed that I skipped 6 then first let me congratulate you on being attentive and an excellent observer, and secondly do not fret that I skipped 6. I read it in my personal time, but did not feel impressed to do a study. At least not for the time; I am plenty sure that God will show me something in that chapter later on in my walk. For now...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:44pm

Growing in Live Until the Day I Die: Sheltered Life: All It's Cracked Up to Be

So if you hang out with me long enough, you will figure out that there is something strange about me. Aside from being a Jesus Freak, I have lived most of my life until the age of 18 sheltered.For as long as I can remember my dad and mom have been in the ministry giving me the title 'Pastor's Kid'. Not only that, but after the third grade my mom was impressed by the Lord to take my brother and I...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:44pm

Amatuer(ish) Bible Study 1: Mark 4

I don’t think I’ll label this blog about the wisdom I’ve learned, but rather I’ll label this one as an amateurish bible study. Feel free to comment or rip it apart as you feel to do so! So here is something new that I never took notice of until now.In Mark 4 he told his disciples that to ‘outsiders’ he will always preach in parables. The twelve were allowed to hear the meaning of these...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:42pm

Growing in Love Until the Day I Die: Center of Our Life

There’s a great deal of discussion about what takes the center of our lives these days. The word addiction gets thrown around and idols too. We can all basically agree that anything aside from Jesus as the center is not necessarily a good thing.My experience is no different, but not in the normal sense. I put serving God in place of Jesus. It may sound weird or it may not sound weird and I’m...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:40pm

Amatuer(ish) Bible Study: Enduring Trials

Just read this wonderful passage and became inspired.In 2 Corinthians 1: 8b-9 It talks about how they wanted to share how they endured through some hard trials. It says they endured to the point where they couldn't endure anymore, it was beyond their strength. They even thought they were going to die! But because of that they learned to stop relying on themselves.To me I read this: Even those who...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:39pm

Amateur(ish) Bible Study: Drives in the New Testament

So another revelation has surface while reading the book of 2 Corinthians. Around what we know as the 9th chapter Paul is speaking to the churches in Jerusalem to give to help out the poor in the same town. In short he wrote that he wants them to give earnestly, how their giving will help the people, and he will send someone so they will send what they promised.As the chapter was done, it was...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:39pm

Growing in Love Until the Day I Die: The Glory! (Warning: Lengthy)

I was in the middle of a meeting with one of my supervisors about the activities of the college activities board when as we were talking about a possibility of movies to show on campus he once again mention a favorite of his, Seven Days in Utopia. It's a movie about a golfer who loses it while competing, so bad to the part that his caddie, which is also his father just leaves. The movie show his...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:38pm

Time to Play the Background

Psalm 23- My thoughts on DavidDavid here expresses God to be his everything. He doesn’t need anything because God fulfills any need, or at least takes ‘need’ away. When he is in trouble or in darkness, or a time of tough trials, God is with Him. He restores David’s soul. Much like how he is restoring mine. I need to take this walk more seriously, even though I’m preparing for a big step...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:37pm

A View on Same-Sex Marriage

Before I continue any further I would like to point you to the title once more and place emphasis on 'a view'. This is my opinion, what I believe. This is my interpretation of what I am trying to discover in the mystery of God.Also I want to mention that I love everyone. I love all people who are varied. I love the person who believes in having same-sex relationships. There is a difference between...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:35pm

Growing in Love Until the Day I Die: Self-Esteem

Recently this week it was time in my life for a deep self-relfection moment. It's a time when deep thought and conversation with God takes place over the problems within myself and finding the root to the problem and then like a root canal pulling them out without inflicting as little pain as possible. And by pain I mean emotional pain to replace the useless and bad things with the goodness of...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:29pm

When Christianity Meets Feminism (Again)

I haven't done the count, but I know I'm not the first person to come across these questions and to be asked my opinion. Well hopefully I asked truthfully and honestly how I felt, and I believe I did.Afterwards my friend told me they were some difficult questions involving feminism and the Christian belief, and how I answered is where I stand on the issues. The issues this time involved a wife...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:28pm

Growing in Love Until the Day I Die: Accepting Others

This was a great lesson to learn. Anyone who reads this and you learned this lesson as well can agree with me. There are literally millions upon millions of people in this world, and not one of them are the same. Differences range from height, color, age, sound, interests, ideals, and much more. And they are all wonderful! I have not met every last one but I have met plenty of people in my short...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:25pm

Growing in Love Until the Day I Die: Passions

Well this is quite odd. A very odd predicament I find myself in writing a blog for the first time. It feels weird writing this exact sentence knowing someone else will see it, read it, perhaps like, and even more perhaps, hopefully, get something out of it.Throughout my rapidly finishing career of being an undergrad student at Emmanuel College I have learned much, and I feel the need to write it...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:23pm

Growing in Love Until the Day I Die: Joy

So here is another truth of which I’ve discovered throughout my years here at Emmanuel. No matter what your social status, your class schedule, your involvement in church, or work schedule, we are all going to be busy. Busyness is a common trait that we all share in common throughout college.Freshman, Senior, Counselor, Teacher, Leader, Follower, chaplain, mentor, and mentee, all around a campus...
June 10th, 2014 at 09:19pm