yay! eyy my updates might get a little slower. I have 3 books to read and blog about by Monday for school, and then senior year starts. Idk what my classes are gonna be like yet but jsut so you know why, if it takes me like a week or two to get something up=]
Hey der, Sunny!
I uh started a new slash that isn't a co-write, as I just haven't had the mind to write for Elijah's Song. :/
I figured I'd inform you, in case you'd be interested. (:
It's basically a teenage drama about a girl named Raynie who's ex-best friend, Liam, is trying to convince her to forgive him for something that happened two years ago. It'd mean a lot if you could check it out. If you read && comment my story, I'll be happy to return the love if ya ask =] thnx.!
Before I even say anything, I'm just gonna let you know that I feel absolutely awful for doing this for the billionth time..
I sort of want to take a break from Mibba for awhile. I know that we're co-writing a story, and I'm so sorry for doing this, but I really need to sort some things out right now. I won't be able to finish our story (or any of my stories, for that matter) but I wanted to let you know before I disappeared for a bit. I'll most likely be back, but I'll be deleting most (or all) of my stories before I go.
I'm really sorry. :\
I have seen that you commented on my story 'This Is Going To End In Heartache' and i know I have not updated it in such a long time but if you are still interested in the story then I thought you might like to know that I will be deleting the story and re-writing it. Hopefully I will be able to write it better and more interesting. Thank you for reading it and i hope you read it once i re-write it.
UnknownCircus. xx
Oh awesome! Happy i could leave ameaningful comment (3 to be exact) hehe,but yes,talk to me anytime,i love hearing what people have to say. Seriously though,if you stop writing I'll be so crushed to the point where i might rip out someones brain,and wear it as a hat >,< Hehehe...Jk,jk e.O
I love your comments. ;3
And your lovely writing.
Your story comments never cease to make my face look like this: :DDDDD
Haha, it scares little children. :P
Ah. I'll be monitoring the thread for you! xD I'm in love with contests as well. Everything that I have on mibba that is not a full blown story is a contest entry. lol
You have no idea how much that means to me. (:
I just saw that you updated Playing, but I'm a bit tired so I'll just read it and comment it in the morning when I'm more awake. lol
Yeah, I love Lisa. <3 She is super commenter. We started a contest together and everything just because we're, like, freakishly alike personality wise at times. Haha she's made it her goal to read all of my stories. xD
Anyway, I think I got all giddy as I read your comment because I truly admire the way you pack so much detail into a chapter. So, it's like I'm getting a comment from one of my favorite writers. xD So thank you so much. (: