Well.......what happened(at school)

Well today at school was totally awkward i dont know why but it is!!! you no where i told u about that guy? well its akward becaus ehe told me he likes me and today we talked and he was all weird and embaressed and i was wondering why its still the same but probably to him its not! well yaaaaaaaa comment to help me please!!!@ i need help!!well thankz guys for helping me i apprieciate it!! thank...
February 4th, 2009 at 01:42am

Trouble At School NEED HELP!!

Well after school this dude told me he liked me and he felt embarressed and so did i. i dont know why but i am!! And i need to have a response to him i cant just ignore him 4ever after that. Well after that i started feeling like i really liked him and we were going out but we werent and it just felt like that and i need help. Should i Ask him Out? or should i just say i just wanna be friends? i...
February 2nd, 2009 at 10:28pm

School!!And its Possibble

UGH i hate school sooooo much!!! if u hate school like me you will comment on my journal!!!! Have a nice day!! ( the only reason i hate school is cuz of the projects and the papers we do im in 7th grade and some of it is impossible!!!)BYE!!n e ways wat u are doing is for a gud cause!!its a boycott for having no school it impossible but i will try!!! i will not give up!!!! and im not a freak i just...
February 1st, 2009 at 09:49pm

Hey Guy!!!

Hey guys im new to this and my name well nickname is Bacon!! Every1 calls me it all the time!!!!! And i started writing this storie a couple days ago and im really starting to like it!!! I dont know if u guys will so, if u do or if u dont comment and tell me if its good or bad, if its bad tell me what inprovements i need to make and if u think its good then just comment and say its good,...
January 21st, 2009 at 02:16am