
R.I.P. Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan
Feb. 9 1981 - Dec. 28 2009

My name is Dee and I am 16
I love music, I'll listen to just about any genre, except I don't like a lot of country
Right now I'm really lovin CKY's new album Carver City as well as 100 Monkeys although I don't have their CD.
Writing, reading, texting, going on magical adventures, and other amazing shit take up most of my time
I love Arizona Tea, gum, and Swedish Fish (even if they're really made in Canada)
I'm terrified of a lot of bizarre things, like chickens, clowns, cashiers, lakes/oceans, heights, old people, Bill Cosby and spiders
I like to make odd faces at people in the car next to me at stop lights.
Carrying conversations is not my thing, so if I take a while to respond I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me
Other than that, there's not much else for me to say.
Message/Comment if you wanna talk

Works of Fiction:

The Human Drive in Hi-Fi
Summary: Avenged Sevenfold and CKY. Chyea.
Chapters: 2