sylvia wrath / Comments

  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    That's what I used to do on Mibba! But slowly and surely, I became the last of my friends still updating on this site, haha. It's a smart idea though, because then you get to enjoy something written by someone else at the same time you're feeling productive. Luckily, Maudlin Days wasn't forced when I got back to it. I think I'll have another update up by the end of this week, even!
    June 28th, 2013 at 12:11am
  • liam payne

    liam payne (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the story comment! Honestly, I always felt a little guilty going on hiatus and recently I found the inspiration to carry on with Erin's story, so I think the hiatus might be over! I just don't want to get ahead of myself and put active, because inspiration is fleeting, haha. But so far, so good! I'm already writing up the next chapter! Thanks for being so sweet! :)
    June 27th, 2013 at 10:50pm
  • aboutfalling

    aboutfalling (100)

    United States
    I think you might hate him less when you find out, or you'll at least feel bad for him. That's something I struggle with in this story because everyone is just so quick to be on Harry's side. But once we actually hear Liza's side of the story, I hope people will realize she did everything for the right reasons, and maybe people will start feeling sorry for her because she was the one that had to make the decision.

    I'm very pro-Liza, so I want to hate Harry too!
    June 27th, 2013 at 03:27pm
  • Rosa_SC

    Rosa_SC (100)

    United States
    Your story (that I have recommended) has been listed on my site; if you do not want it listed, please contact me.
    ^Your story is filed under original stories.
    December 30th, 2011 at 08:26am
  • branchley

    branchley (100)

    United States
    Hey, I read a bunch of your stories a while ago and I dunno if I ever told you but your writing is amazing. I'm not even sure how to describe it but I love it so much. So I just decided to drop by and say hi because I was on Mibba for the first time in forever. I hope you start writing/posting again soon! I've missed your stuff.
    June 27th, 2011 at 04:19am
  • crossed out name.

    crossed out name. (100)

    United States
    i miss you. that is all.
    (and i miss your writing too but that's just a given by now).
    May 27th, 2011 at 11:38am
  • Lonewolf

    Lonewolf (100)

    United States
    Yesssss, let us enjoy this cuteness before the infamous Kaylie drama ensues ;)
    March 29th, 2011 at 07:29am
  • allison wonderland

    allison wonderland (100)

    United States
    I hurt myself but that's just because I accidentally hit my arm on a wall.
    Well, when you figure out where it is going, I know that it is going to be amazing!
    March 20th, 2011 at 12:19am
  • franceschi.

    franceschi. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    So, apparently I suck at replying and it took me a whole lot longer to reply to you, so don't worry about excusing yourself, I clearly understand busy schedules, and also forgetting to reply, :)
    Haha, well generally the only tumblr page I even browse frequently is fuckyeahfranceschi, so that's normally safe. And quite frankly, if there was some Josh porn, I would probably set it as my background just for lolz, so everyone can see it :)
    Haha, yes, I'll avoid cleaning up puke. That's normally my job at parties to be honest, and I can't count the amount of times I felt compelled to nurse my ex-boyfriend from a killer hangover, haha. I refuse to do anything of the sort anymore, especially cleaning up sick. I don't even know how I managed it before, and plus, I seem to get enough of that when babysitting.
    God, I'd hate to work in an American school then! Literally, it just frightened me, because they grow up so much quicker than I did. I remember the first time I swore in front of my mum, I was about 13, and she still told me off for about three million years. And I realised that actually! All the albums I buy from America are properly over-sensored. Although our watershed is 9, that's when people are [i]allowed[/i] to swear. You can techincally swear, like minor words like bitch, crap, etc, before that but you may get 100000 complaints.
    Yeah I bet they do! I guess it's such a central place for tourism. Kind of like Florida, which is where we're going in July time, I think. As long as we can afford it, haha.
    Well, maybe we are posh and fancy then, haha. We're not around where I live, though, we do get some proper fancy people, the kind that eat pheasant and rabbit and game birds and stuff, but that's a serious minority. It's probably similar to the way you said that everything thinks Americans are slack-jawed yokels and such, when they aren't. There are a few, but not enough for it to be a stereotype, haha. Although I remember I did watch a video on Youtube once, and an interviewer asked this American lady in Washington or something where Canada was on an unlabelled map and she didn't have a clue. Or Africa. She was pretty much the epitome of the stereotype, haha.
    Ugh, what a douche. She could have easily got in contact, she was clearly just a lazy ass :)
    I know! I like conversations where there are sub-conversations within it, haha :)
    January 14th, 2011 at 08:27pm
  • loadedexcuses

    loadedexcuses (100)

    United States
    While writing it I was like, YOU GO GIRL!
    &Hopefully she'll be doing a lot more of that in the future ;)
    January 12th, 2011 at 04:29am
  • loadedexcuses

    loadedexcuses (100)

    United States
    I knew you would be! It was so wonderful that she finally grew a bit of a backbone, eh?
    January 11th, 2011 at 06:58am
  • Lonewolf

    Lonewolf (100)

    United States
    Fact. I'm just like sad that my money is gone but then that feeling is washed away when the shoes arrive or I begin reading the book, haha.

    Beeeaaassssst. I am jealous of your beer ponging skills. Yeah, I suck at Kings Cup, too. Hmmm, trying with hard liquor, need to try, haha. Oh god, I never want to be wasted ever again. Halloween last semester, dear god, best/worst night of my life, haha.
    January 8th, 2011 at 02:24am
  • Lonewolf

    Lonewolf (100)

    United States
    My exact thoughts. Books, shoes, and coffee/tea- that's where my money goes.

    That sounds fun despite the unwanted run in. Hahaha niiiiiiice. I totally fail at beer pong. Gosh, I refuse to play anymore because I know i'll just be wasted by the end of the game from losing, haha. Kings Cup too.
    January 7th, 2011 at 04:35am
  • franceschi.

    franceschi. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Gosh, I'm sorry, I'm replying to this really kind of late. I don't even know where the time has gone :O
    Haha I'm the same. My brother came in whilst I was on Tumblr and was like, "Alice, are you seriously looking at porn?" when I hadn't even realised that the girls were half naked.
    Yeah, I guess it's going to be unavoidable, but I'll see how I can get around it. My course is a full time thing, and I'm doing teacher training, so I hardly want to be turning up to a class of kids with a massive hangover. Not the best combo. I reckon I'll be spending my time playing Sims 3 and generally bumming around. At least I can be designated driver... it could be my way to making friends, ha.
    Haha, yeah, it's really interesting. I kind of forget how different everything is. And as we've clearly figured out, the schooling system differences are just confusing. At least vocabulary is less confusing, haha!
    To be fair, middle school sounds just like [i]every where[/i]. I went to a primary school to start my work experience today, and I think I've forgotten just how grown up some kids are when they're eleven. Someone came up to me today like, "Miss, so and so just called me a bitch." I was like, "They called you a [b]what?[/b]" I was totally blown away that they even knew that word, let alone used it. D:
    Jeez. Eleven dollars a packet? That's crazy. I guess those rules are pretty simple. It's so weird that we would never have to do anything like that here, really. I guess we can frolic around in the sense? Haha.
    Haha, I really dislike milk too. Unless it's in a hot chocolate, then it's all cool, but normally, it's tastes horrible. I'm hopefully going to America in the holidays for my family deal before I go to Uni, so I might get someone else to try the tea. If I did, I'd throw up... but someone else can feel free. Then I'll let you know if your tea tastes different, haha. Honestly, it's probably just that we have horrible tastes in food and drink. Along with apparently horrible teeth- but I'm not sure where that stereotype came from, haha. And we apparently all sound horribly posh and fancy- which just isn't true.
    She sounds terrible, to be honest. If you talked to her about it as well; that's just awful. I felt bad enough because the girl that got with my ex [i]knew[/i] we were together. Holding grudges is what girls do best anyway. Has she tried to ever talk or aplogise or anything?
    Haha I know! I like my super long comments dotted all over my comments page :)
    January 6th, 2011 at 05:30pm
  • xmunch

    xmunch (100)

    United States
    Haha thank you(: I know I read Hey, Darling a long time ago, and I don't know why I was too scatterbrained to check out anything else. But really, it's great.
    January 6th, 2011 at 06:43am
  • Lonewolf

    Lonewolf (100)

    United States
    Hahaha, totally, that happens with me and my Garrett story, Kennedy too. Exactly! Haha, no you phrased it right, I understand.

    Eeeeeee, no I totally understand. That sounds awesome, man, i'm jealous your library does that. Like back on campus, they had this book sale too, fifty cents for paperback and hardback for a dollar, and when I saw it I totally freaked. My friends still make fun of me because I like pulled out ten dollars in cash and bought loads of books, hahaha.

    Eeek, they so are. You should play Professor Layton- fun stuff. Aww, that's cute, haha.

    Mine went well, haha. I mostly spent it at my parents' boring dinner party but other than that it was okay. How about yours?
    January 4th, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • Lonewolf

    Lonewolf (100)

    United States
    Exactly! Only, they should stick with John so that there would be more amazing stories, or well written, about him. Ah, I love writing about Garrett. I have no idea why, but I just love how his character can so emotional and moody to me, idk, hahah.

    Very true, it's hella expensive going into antique shops, but they are fun. I love secondhand bookstores the most. I just really love the smell of books. If they bottled it- the smell, i'd buy so many, hahaha. Thrift stores are awesome too. I love that "AHA!" feeling when you find something awesome in a pile of mostly useless things, haha.

    Aw, well, thanks. I'll be sure to freak out more now for your likeness, haha. Nah, it's totally cool. I had been playing my brother's Pokemon game because I finished the new Professor Layton game I got for xmas- so addicting those riddles and puzzles are.

    Oh, I totally forgot to wish a happy new year. Happy New Year! Haha.
    January 4th, 2011 at 05:17am
  • cynicalqueen

    cynicalqueen (100)

    Awww, yay! It's just so awesome that you went through with writing a sequel. Oh wow. This is going to be epic. You're very welcome Kaylie, :)
    January 3rd, 2011 at 09:50pm
  • LastChance.

    LastChance. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Im Excited For It Because In The Molly/Kennedy Story She Still Hates Him So Im Like "HolyShizz Howd He Make This Happen?!" But Yeah Im Pumped For This Story Emilie Was So Unique To All The Different Main Characters In Most Stories Because She Wasnt Perfect, She Had Her Flaws And Realised That...
    January 3rd, 2011 at 09:07pm
  • franceschi.

    franceschi. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha this is true. I've become accustomed to seeing boobies and such when browsing Tumblr these days; so accustomed, in fact, that I have become immune. It always used to shock me, but not any more, haha. I do the same, I try to do the majority of my work at college where all social networking sites are blocked anyway.
    Haha, yeah, I'm expecting the abnormal amounts of alcohol at University. I'm sure that once I get there it'll become a part of my lifestyle. Either that, or I'll become a complete recluse. And thinking about it, it's probably more likely to be the later, especially after working at a pub and seeing people get disgustingly drunk nearly every day. (And it certainly does bring home a [i]lot[/i] of stories. Like the time one particularly sleazy guy told me my 'breasts were exquisite' and I had to get him kicked out because he kept trying to climb over the bar and 'get a feel'. D:)
    That sounds like pretty sound advice to be fair. I'm completely into what I want to go to Uni for, so I literally am going just for the work, so I hope that I'll be able to knuckle down a little. I feel a lot better knowing that everyone feels the same though, haha.
    Ahh okay, so a t-shirt is the same here then :) We don't really call it a dress shirt, just a formal shirt, or even 'shirt' would do, blouse is the same but it's a pretty old fashioned thing over here, generally. Like the kind of clothes my nan wears or something. A tank top is a vest top, right? Cardigans is the same, sweater is a jumper, jackets and coats are the same as well :) It's so weird that the same language can have so many little differences, haha.
    Haha, okay, so we don't get middle school, we just get chucked straight in there. But it sounds kind of horrible, like it would be full of moody teenagers and such things.
    That's damn good, that your Uni did the little freshers course. I'm interested to hear the rules of the road as well? That sounds really nice in a way, although I doubt I could handle such a busy city after living in such a small village for all of my life. I'd be so out of place, haha. The food does sound amazing though, haha. We have to travel like, 10 miles to get take-away fish and chips :O
    Haha, well you [i]could[/i] frolic around in the English countryside, as long as you were willing to wear Wellies so you don't get covered in cow poop. And the tea thing is [i]totally[/i] true. Personally, I [b]hate[/b] the stuff, but if you were to ask any normal person then they would say they love it. The thing is with tea, is that I swear it tastes completely different in America. Everyone says it, so I'm assuming that it's true. Apparently, it tastes like crap compared to our tea (I'm sorry to offend your tea because you love it, haha) so it might just taste good with milk over here? Actually... it might depend on the milk. Does everywhere in America use that horrible fake milk, like the stuff that doesn't go off? I think it's called UHT milk? Because that stuff ruins everything it touches, haha.
    Haha, yes I reckon it's pretty damn perfect. All of my choices are around the same distance, my furthest away is like five hours, but I only really chose that one because its in Derby, and that's my last name. It was like one in the morning when I finished my applications and I just ticked it on a whim, haha.
    Yeah, I think it's a little different, especially if it was a friend. Plus, once you start holding a grudge it's hard to give it up, even if you know you shouldn't.
    I like these novel comments. They make me smile :)
    January 3rd, 2011 at 08:52pm