the pond

The PondStones of grey, camouflaged with the dark of dawn. Invisible to lazy eyes, that see nothing, but no eyes go near this pond. Hidden by trees, and vines greedy for space the pond sleeps. In the garden of the rich, but the area of the forgotten, the pond weeps. It sits in its deep valley, leaves fall from the twisting trees. Its water green with algae, is undesirable to even the lowest of...
June 7th, 2007 at 07:15pm

Room of Suffering

Room of SufferingBy Devyn DuffyThe wheels stood still. They held the motionless frame of cold steel, where the leather seat was cradled. In this seat sat a woman without any hope. She sat looking out the window into the dark clouds. These clouds never went away; they always shadowed the Washington wilderness. Rocky hills covered in majestic evergreens infected with moss were the only sight. Today...
June 7th, 2007 at 07:13pm