It's hard to say how I feel today
I used to think that life lasted forever. That no matter what there will always be tomorrow.
R.I.P. Bradley, Liam, and Jacob.
I'll miss and love you always.

Without Frankie and Aatami, I don't think I'd be able to make it without them. Without Bradley.
So thank you, Frankie. Thank you, Aatami. You two mean the world to me.

This fragile cliche

Broken Pieces
The Faces: Carson Brown
Scenes: ?/?
Status: Coming Soon
Title Credit: My Mind x]

I'm not listening

Layout©: MakeAScene
Original Image©: A Softer World
Headings©: The Used

You steal, and Bert will choke you.

I'm lying to myself

Well, we can start with the fact that my name is Jaakobee--most people call me Kobee. Either is fine with me. I like to write, not matter what it is that I'm writing. My mind wonders off... A lot. I cannot help it. I try to keep my grammer correct, but sense English is only my second language... It get's hard at point, but I try and that's what matters to me.
Some say I'm too smart for my own good because I like to pay attention to detail. Common sense is something I use daily. I love who I am, and nothing shall change that.

I need you
Miss. Karen
Screaming for something

Bradley Stevens was the most amazing person I have ever met.
Just knowing that he loved me as much as I love him is amazing.
Knowing that gorgeous face had a smile on it because of me...
Everything about this boy was perfect (even if he begged to differ).
28 January 2009
I love and miss you, sweetheart.
May you rest in peace for we will meet again one day!

Exploded into pieces

Every little thing Brad seemed to do or say put a smile on my face.
I will love him forever and more.
No one will ever be able to take his place in my heart.
One day we will meet up, and do all the things we dreamt of doing together.
We'll have a little Asian girl named after Miss. Karen.
We'll have a little boy named Brakobee.
We'll live our happily-ever-after.