yoshimi / Comments

  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Anne Hathaway looks pretty or Alice? I suppose that question's kinda irrelevant, cos they're both very pretty. There's a trailer?! And Stephen Fry is playing the cheshire cat?!?! And Christopher Lee is in it?!?!?! Blimey, it's even better than I thought...

    Mmm, me and my bestie tend to scream at identical moments. V. funny. Unless you're the innocent person sitting in front of us who gets scared out of their minds by our banshee imitations.

    Criminology is such an amazing title. What do you actually do? Study crime? Hey, now that would be cool... your end of term exam could be robbing a bank...

    I wouldn't worry about subscribers, you've only gotten to chapter four. Most people won't start reading a story until it has maybe 10 chapters +, and then you get quite a few readers all of a sudden. I think it's probably because it shows continuity and perseverance from the author, so people jump on the bandwagon...

    I'm intrigued now, I think I shall go read...

    You thought they butchered it in the film? Aw, I really liked it. Thought Prince Caspian wasn't as good, but the first one was waaaay better than the BBC adaptation. Particularly in the CGI department. Haven't auditioned yet - it's this wednesday, so two days.... Eek!

    Really? I always thought English was an awfully silly language. I always thought that was why we could never learn anybody else's language, because ours didn't compare grammatically to anyone elses. It's probably the opposite way round and English is way easier than everything else...

    Wow, that sounds pretty nice. Although I imagine a lot of your spare time gets taken up with coursework/ papers/ reading around the subject...

    Russian swearwords?! Awesome... the only russian word I know is [i]babushka[/i], which I think means Grandmother?
    September 28th, 2009 at 07:09pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ah, so like, a pie crust filled with kiwi? That sounds kinda nice. Mmm, kiwiws and strawberries work really nicely together.

    Mmm, Anne Hathaway looks AMAZING. Helen Bonham-Carter looks majorly freaky. Which is just as well. Alice looks pretty cool... I'm not sure I've seen Johnny Depp as the Mad hatter yet...

    [i]Inglourious Basterds[/i]! ARGH, the spelling horror!!! I don't understand why it can be so terribly torturingly wrong. Sounds like a nice cinema trip though. A good cinema-tripping-partner does wonders to a film.

    Hmm, my mum was a chemical engineer before I was born, but then she gave it up to have me, and then went into Primary school teaching instead. Talk about a career change. My dad's a doctor, so I've always been a little averse to Biology. Although I've come to quite like it over the past few years.

    I don't know. Don't ask me. Really don't ask me now, as I've just missed two weeks of updates as I've returned to school. I write ahead if I'm in a writerish mood. It means that I can publish even when I have writer's block, which is good. Unless said writer's block lasts a month or more than I have chapters for.

    School is going ok. I'm just tired and kinda on auto-pilot. Which is not good, because it's the last year and I should be alert and making important choices concerning the future. Instead, all I can think of is the marvellous fact that we're doing [i]The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe[/i], (musical version, commissioned by the RSC) for Youth Theatre. I'm auditioning this wednesday for Lucy. Soooooo nervous.
    But yeah, school is... interesting.
    Are you at uni yet?
    September 25th, 2009 at 06:53pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Kiwi pie? Ok... Tell me what it tastes like. I really can't imagine kiwis cooked.

    OOO! I love the look of [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i]. Anything with Helena Bonham-Carter is a have-to-see for me. I love her half to death. In a non-lesbian way. She's just a pretty amazing actress.

    Mm, Chemistry's great until you add too much of something to something else and it explodes in your hand. This happened to me the other day, and the acid ate its way through my favourite shirt, which I had stupidly been wearing at the time.

    Tweed! And bits of velvet... And calico!!! XD
    September 19th, 2009 at 05:36pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mmm, pie...

    Inglurious Bastards is apparently very good. I can't remember who it was who went to see it... but they said it was definitely worth it. I currently want to go see [i]Dorian Gray[/i] - I read the book a good few months ago 'n have been waiting ever since. Oo, and [i]Sherlock Holmes[/i]. That looks funny.

    You should see our chemistry textbooks - they have dreadful diagrams.

    Okies, so I'll get a pattern & then patchwork it. I could do an under-layer of one particular fabric, and then patches on top...
    September 11th, 2009 at 06:53pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yay! Pie!! I like pie. Particularly current. Redcurrent pie is delish. With custard.

    Is a grand plie basically a large plie? So you dip further than with a normal one?

    No, please don't. It is, as I said before, absolutely horrendous.

    Mmm, I tend to resort to drawing diagrams with large arrows and lots of numbers. Inevitably it makes sense to no one, not even myself.

    I'll have to see what I can do. First off I've no idea where I'm going to get tails from... I mean, I can make a top hat, but I've no idea how I'd make tails... I'm sure I could sew them onto a coat... ooo, maybe I could make a patchwork coat with tails. Like the Artful Dodger from Oliver!
    September 9th, 2009 at 10:17pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oo oo! Plie!! I know that word from Ballet. I've never actually done ballet, but it's come up in Youth Theatre before.

    Have you seen [i]Snakes on a Plane[/i]? It's the most horrendous movie I've ever watched. Absolutely disgusting. There's snakes everywhere, and they're on a plane... I don't think I can ever fly again. But maybe that's a good thing. Less emissions and all that jazz.

    Mmm, that's were I tend to trip up. But generally it's ok for tests, because they don't quiz you in an understanding manner. However, if I ever get a job interview and they ask me to explain something I'd be a bit stuck.

    *sighs in relief* Good. I, too, solemnly swear that I will not fire nuclear missiles with the pushing of my red buttons. I have a few in my sewing kit.

    Awesome. Top hat and tails it is, plus cane.
    September 9th, 2009 at 05:53pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Too true, I was indeed 7. I can remember the name for hide-and-seek - cache cache... dunno if I'm spelling that right. And I can remember the first sentence I learnt on my first day in a french school - ou et les toilettes? Again, may be spelt wrong...

    Er, it was kinda desertish. There was a 'mountain' next to our compound, which was covered in kinda dry forest. Lots of termite mounds and anthills. And snakes. Inevitably. And there were these little 'lion termites' we called them, which would burrow into the sand. They used to leave tiny upside-down pyramid indentations in the sand, and we'd try and dig them out to catch them.

    Okie doke! *begins the search*

    I've never quite understood how I'm able to memorise such huge amounts either. But it just sticks in my head. Which is kinda nice, because it means I can memorise large sections of text books before exams. Hard work though.

    Well, you have a red bathrobe, that's good enough. I just ask you don't fire any nuclear missiles, or similarly dangerous projectiles through pushing your red bathrobe.

    Hmmm, I may have to investigate in an art shop near me...

    Is that what your profile pics from? Looks mighty fun. I'd love to go to a masque. I've been discussing halloween plans with a friend (yes already!) and I thought I might go as Joan of Arc... but now you've mentioned masking and I want to go as a Victorian gentleman in a tophat and tails...
    September 6th, 2009 at 10:46pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mm, of course.

    Ah, that's true I guess. I tried to listen to a french singer the other day, and all I could hear her saying was the word juice... it turned out it was the word for games, which sounds strangely similar... It's true though, nowadays singers seem to articulate less and less.

    Well, I could speak french. But that was... at least ten years ago now, so I've forgotten just about all of it. I can understand someone speaking if spoken slowly, although I mix up the odd word - as above. And I don't do complex sentence structures, you have to talk like you would to a seven year old.

    We lived in Ethiopia for a month, and the Benin for a couple of years - Benin's a pretty small country under Niger in the west. It's kinda just got classed as the norm in my head though, so I couldn't really comment. Certainly quite hot.

    I will search for him! Someday I will find him. XD

    Ooo, it took us about three months. We started at the end of September, didn't cast until October, and then started serious rehearsals in like the end of November, performed at the start of December. Generally for youth theatre we start off with two hour rehearsals on Wednesdays, then Sunday rehearsals turn up closer to performance, going from 10:00am to 6:00pm (8 hours), and then going every night for the week before the performances. So quite a while!

    Aw, poor you. Are you sure you don't have one anywhere? No red shirt, or cardigan? I suppose you could always go out and buy one. Or an item with a red button on it.

    Did the quill actually work? Wow.... I bought a quill at a castle once, and it never worked properly. The ink would just kinda flood all over the place...
    September 6th, 2009 at 07:35pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *Wowzahs... I didn't realise my synopsis of the play was so long. I guess it was " & 1/2 hours...
    September 1st, 2009 at 11:57pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Maybe we should just create a committee, which decides whether glitter is necessary. So people can apply for its use and then we can justify the use or not. e.g. some people want to use it on a book cover for a novel about fairies, we can say 'Yes, that is a reasonable demand'. And if someone comes along with a gothic horror, and wants to put glitter on it, we can say 'No, that is an awful use of sparkly materials!'

    Oh cool, I'd never noticed that's what the lyrics were at that last bit... I always thought he was talking gobbledegook at that point. He often doesn't enunciate greatly well. ^_^

    I wouldn't have called my upbringing exactly European! My parents were missionaries, so I've lived in France & Africa for half of my life, England the other half. With tiny in between bits in other places.

    Mmm, I've always known Hollywood to be a liar... but I always quite liked the idea of a big scarred man in a fur hat drinking vodka in the snow... Ah well, I shall be content with whatever is thrown at me instead. Unless it's a two-tonne weight, in which case I'd rather it wasn't [i]thrown[/i] at me.

    Ooo, gosh. Ulysses got called Odysseus in our show, because that's his original greek name. He was played by this guy Nabs, who was pretty shouty. It was maybe slightly type cast. Although he didn't look greek he was the kinda big butch shouty type.
    I was part of the greek chorus (there were 10 of us) so I didn't officially have a character. We did make up background stories but we basically stood on stage the whole time and narrated the story, filled in time gaps etc.
    The running order for the plot went like so:
    Odysseus leaving for Troy
    Choral narration of the battles & defeat of Trojans
    Scene with gods looking down at humans - Athene scatters Odysseus's ships.
    Scene with Penelope & suitors, Telemachus being bullied.
    Gods - Athene takes pity on Telemachus & tells him to stand up to the suitors.
    Telemachus visits Nestor.
    Telemachus visits Menelaus.
    Odysseus is washed up on the shore of Ithaca - Athene advises.
    Odysseus (in peasant guise) meets Emmaeus (old servant) who talks about the olden days.
    This sends us back in time to narrate Odysseus's journey back from Troy:
    Back in the present, Penelope & suitors - suitors discover Penelope's trick of unweaving the loom.
    Back in past, recount Odysseus & the crew's loosing the winds.
    Odysseus's crew get turned into pigs by Circe.
    Hermes warns Odysseus about Circe, gives him potion.
    Odysseus gets Circe to release his men.
    Odysseus goes down into the underworld and talks to Tiresias and his mum.
    Scene with Gods talking about Ares & Aphrodite's affair.
    Odysseus & his crew starving to death on the Sun God's isle, where they can't eat the meat because it's the Sun God's and he'll kill them if they do...
    Odysseus & Calypso.
    Back to present in cabin with Eummaeus, Odysseus reveals himself.
    Enter Telemachus who is reconciled to Odysseus.
    They plot the downfall of the suitors.
    At palace, whole big final scene with the bow etc.
    The palace & the suitor's families are about to wage war when Athene shouts down from the heavens for them to stop this nonsense.
    And voila! Nice cheesy end to the show.
    Most of the action was condensed by the chorus (me! well, us.) narrating it.

    He's so perdy... *giggles* Yeah, he is a bit old now...

    Aw, everyone needs a red button! I have one somewhere in my sewing kit I'm sure...

    Wahoo for undo!!
    September 1st, 2009 at 11:57pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hmm... that's true. I might regret banning it some day.

    My mum had a brief obsession with Blunt. I never found him particularly enthralling. Ok, but nothing particularly special. He certainly has a nice voice though. I always wanted him to sing something a little more upbeat.

    YAY! I thought I'd be waaay off. That's awesome. Yeah, I was hedging my bets a little bit. What's it like in Russia? I don't know if you lived there too long... but my mind shows me this huge snowy plain with some guy all wrapped up in a fur coat and hat... On a sled of course. This is probably absolutely wrong!! I also see that James Bond film... [i]From Russia with Love[/i]... I dunno if they actually filmed that in Russia.

    Yup, it's pretty tough remembering. Every so often you slip out of character. But I've had plenty of practise - last year our school play was Odysseus, which was based on Homer's Odyssey, so it had a greek chorus in it. I was part of it, and we had to stay on the stage for the whole thing, which ended up being 2 & 1/2 hours. Under lovely hot spotlights. ^_^

    Yay for us! Yeah, I kinda freak if people go against the image in my head. I'm getting better at sharing the image in my head with people, which is good. But I'm still not great at accepting someone else's idea if I think mine is better! =S

    Oh yeah, he played Jesse didn't he? I think I saw like.. one episode of him in that. It was after they'd broken up. I've had a very scattered viewing of Gilmore Girls, because I only ever see the repeats on daytime TV in the holiday. Love it though. Rory is scarily like me. Except the good looks and slight randomness. Actually, I'd have to accept that I am fairly random...

    I see no reason to be prejudiced against you... Although if you go anywhere near a red button I might panic. XD
    September 1st, 2009 at 03:43pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know!!! We should ban all glitter! Well, from books...

    Mmm, sounds like me, although I tend to be obsessed with them for a manner of days, not weeks! Although Imogen Heap is my fallback. I always manage to get back to her somehow.

    That does sound like a plan indeed. I will infiltrate national air flights bureau immediately.

    Oo, god, I'm dreadful at Geography & you want me to suggest places that you might be from?! Er... let me try and guess based on clues in your profile... although there probably are none... Hmm, I'm gonna go crazy and say Russia. Cos their accent is kinda thick. Well, it is to me. Plus, it's a big place, so I'm perhaps more likely to get it right...

    Lots of places put on Holiday Clubs around here. We basically put on a week where kids can come in to church and we put on all sorts of craft and games activities. Our club we tend to follow the Scripture Union resources, which give you a whole script so you can do little pieces of drama throughout the week, and those people that act stay in character throughout and hold the thing together structurally. So I'm one of the people that will be onstage 24/7, alongside our pastor and youth worker.

    They decorated ok, but if I'm honest they hardly did anything!! I had to move all the stuff on the stage around and then the hall wasn't decorated at all, so me and mum had to do that as well. It was ok though, because it meant I could put everything how I liked it! I'm pretty much a control freak.

    I've seen Heroes like... once? maybe twice. And Peter Petrelli is awesome cute.
    August 31st, 2009 at 11:12am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Bright neon orange?! What book is that? The worst cover I've ever seen was probably... well I dunno. But I've never liked the Alex Rider covers. They glitter! I mean, it's a book about a male teenage spy and you've put sequin-effect on the binding?!

    Now that sounds like a good idea! Germany it is. Hmmm, I don't know. Franz Ferdinand obviously. I personally would like Imogen Heap to come... And Three Days Grace... although we may be limited by who is travelling to Tokyo at the time. How about yourself?

    I still find it odd when people tell me they have a 'first language'! I have one language, and one language only, there is no other! There's a smattering of vague words in other languages, like s'il vous plais and bonjour... but that's it. Which is your first language?

    Mmm, I start in a week. I've got holiday club to help run at church this next week and then back to school. Holiday club promises to be stressful enough to cloud the idea of going back to school from my head, so that should be good. We're decorating the church today, but I can't be there! Which is panicky because the control freak inside me says they'll decorate it completely wrong. What they could do wrong I don't know... we'll just have to wait and see.
    August 29th, 2009 at 10:08am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *eyes doing cartoon swirly* Yes mistress, I will watch the film...

    Mmm, I hate it when that happens. Like the Harry Potter book covers. They must have contracted the same person for the whole series before she knew she'd be famous, because they ain't the best of drawings. I like the adult covers far better.

    Mmm, maybe we should hijack all the flights to japan, get dressed up in kimonos, pretend we're japanese and make them perform here instead! Well, in Sweden... dang, I won't be able to come. Once you've hijacked them over there I'll come and hijack them on their way back, so they think they're back in America but actually they're in England. Perfect plan.

    There are lots of sights online nowadays so that you can meet people before you get there. Generally you can find someone in your own accommodation as well.
    August 28th, 2009 at 01:15pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No, Hecate isn't exactly censurable... I'm sure parents would have a little something to say about her being on the syllabus.

    Ah, I've read about it. In fact, it's how I was listening to Hey Jude on Spotify... cos they don't have any original beatles tracks. Something about copyright, I think. Sounds cool.

    My brother is well-known for his lyric switching talent.

    You never know, those crumbs may become the bane of their life. They might never come out. They may be forced to walk around with scone dandruff for the rest of their days, never to be complimented on their shining locks again.

    Mmm, it's like book covers. They say never judge a book by one, but they just make things feel right if they're right for the story.

    I guess there are a lot of people in a small vicinity in Japan, so you don't have to do very much travelling to hit a large audience. Mmm, I can imagine it would be pricey to travel here.

    Urgh, medical dictionaries make me feel quesy anyway. My dad's a doctor, and he gets the BMJ every month or so. It always has some lovely graphic photo on the cover, so when I pick up the post, it scares the hell out of me.
    August 27th, 2009 at 10:53pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    She was fairly respected in the god world. She was the only God/dess to help Penelope after she was raped and taken into Hades. Which is how Hecate became the queen of the underworld, because she went with Penelope.

    I don't think I've ever seen [i]Across the Universe[/i]... what's it about? Hey Jude is an awesome song as well. My brother changed the words the other day to "No juice, it makes me sad, because I want some, to drink with breakfast..." it made sense, because there was no orange juice for breakfast.

    Mmoo, stupid 'add comment' button! Work or I'll hit you over the head with a scone.

    YAY! I love making layouts for my stories. It makes me feel like that story is complete, I dunno about you.

    I feel for you, my friend. We may get a few more bands here in England, but it's still far less than America and Tokyo get... Why Tokyo anyway? They're... well, Tokyo-ish...

    I haven't seen that film either. Sounds kinda creepy... I've been researching mental illnesses for our drama project, and a lot of them relate to hallucinations. Except now I keep picking up symptons for psychosis which I think I have. =S

    No way, you do NOT talk too much! Compare your comment to geek9110 up there! Now that is huge! But still not necessarily talking too much, if the content is viable.
    August 24th, 2009 at 10:47am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Definitely had some groovy fashion sense. XD

    Maybe we should create a disease which we can give them... Muahahahaaa!!

    Aw, poor Mibba. I think it's having an Identity crisis. Dujo keeps changing all these little things. I'm gonna have to seperate my collections up again, because he's probably going to delete them... But they look so messy!!! And they are on exactly the same topic. I think he should get the collections function out first before he starts banning all the one-shot collection stuff.

    I wouldn't call it blindness... although you do call someone 'colour-blind' when they can't see red... or green. So maybe it is a type of blindness.
    August 23rd, 2009 at 04:01pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well, not exactly hats. Head ornamentations. Diadems etc. One of them looked like one of those bands with a torch which you always think of miners/ doctors wearing...

    Oh, please don't apologize. I am merely carrying a savage vendetta against the tick world. It was indeed an infected one. And thus it infected my dog. Who was only a year old... This was about ten years ago though.

    Like Magic Mushrooms? I did a quiz which said I was magic mushrooms apparently... If I was a drug, of course. It was one of those 'Which drug would you be?' type quizzes. Pretty silly, but I thought my result matched me quite well, seeing as I tend to sleepwalk a lot etc.

    Mmm, monochrome vision would be quite pretty... a little bit difficult to see properly in some situations I should imagine... for example if everything in the immediate vicinity was red... but pretty nevertheless.

    Wootage for Ivy! I like it. ^_^
    August 18th, 2009 at 04:21pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well, I just had a look and her hair didn't look odd. Although she did sport a number of rather odd hats.

    Urgh, I hate ticks. They killed my dog, so I hold a grudge. I should take a vow to rid the world of them... Although they might be an important part of some foodchain... although who would eat a tick? They look disgusting.

    Indeed. I was watching a Ray Mears program about them the other day, and they did one of those re-enactments of someone eating a poisonous mushroom. His vision went monochrome but blue instead of black and white.

    Hmm, I personally have never tried it... I think I'm probably thoroughly unprepared for getting lost in a large forest...

    Yippee! It's going on the profile. I dunno if you've noticed, but I kinda of collect items for it! XD
    August 14th, 2009 at 05:46pm
  • Fronkensteen

    Fronkensteen (100)

    Do not ever, I repeat: [i]ever[/i] mention the University Admissions, again.
    It makes my stomach go funny, and not in a very funny way.

    To change the subject: the boys nicked one of my muffins. I shall make them pay by making Nellie attack them viciously with kisses.
    On the up-side, though, they really loved the muffins ^^
    As did I =D
    August 13th, 2009 at 08:57pm