yoshimi / Comments

  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey lovelie, it's been ageeees, I'm sorry I've been on such a hiatus. Uni completely took me by surprise, it's been so busy. I've done soooo much. Absolutely loved the first year of the course. Been in a professional production at the local theatre, I have a lovely boyfriend, and am currently ill with tonsillitis from being rundown and overworked, but it's been an amazing year. Business has resulted in my complete abandonment of Mibba, oops. I feel sincerely guilty to my readers, but fingers crossed I can pay them back in the next few weeks.

    How are you? Hope things are good. xxxx
    May 30th, 2011 at 12:17am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aw, I'm sorry darlin'.

    Ooo, sounds fun! I've never been to a courthouse. I nearly got to go in work experience but then I was under 16 so they couldn't let me. What sorts of things do you do?

    I'm going down this Sunday. So five and a half days!
    Hopefully I will find my crowd fast!

    Hmmm, well, sounds pretty cool nevertheless.
    September 20th, 2010 at 12:17pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aw, that's sad. Well, long distance can work, despite what so many people say! And absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that jazz.

    Ahhh! I start uni in 14 days. I'm actually nearly dying, I'm so nervous.

    Not soo much perfect weather over here - we're having alternate pouring rain and sunny spells. And I've been pretty much cooped up inside, although mainly through my own laziness. I should probably get outside in the sun a bit more, but inside is so much cosier!

    You can shoot? As in, guns and all sorts of bullet propelling weaponry? That's pretty awesome. How much recoil does a gun actually give you? I've always wondered that.
    September 10th, 2010 at 04:21pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well, I tend to wear them to bed because I'm too cold. And then half way through the night my feet get too hot and I take them off, and at that point I either shove them to the bottom of the bed (where they inevitably also fall off and under) or underneath my pillow. Hence the problem.

    I guess that's just a Swedish thing? Most schools here start on the 1st of September. And universities start late September - very early October.

    Stage manager's are in charge of backstage and the stage crew. So moving everything on and off stage, coordinating the get-in and get-out, and also making sure that all the actors are notified when they're needed.

    It does indeed give you money. Sadly not much. I have to get the bus in as well, so that cuts a chunk out of my wage to start with.

    Well, I can't say I've ever done that before! It's always seemed like a mid-to-late afternoon sort of film for me. Both versions...

    That sounds like heaven! I'd love to be close to an ice skating rink. It's something I've always wanted to do. Skating, horse riding and archery.
    July 21st, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't tend to properly lose them, but I do often misplace the one sock for a while. They often turn up under my bed. I think because I tend to put them under my pillow with my pyjamas and then push them off the bed on the side of the wall whilst I move around in my sleep.

    Some universities do start that early, I think mine is just one of those exceptions. Schools all start on the 1st.

    For now I am stage manager for the school show, then I'm working two weeks, then going to Coniston in the lake district with family, then doing a weeks drama course in town, then two weeks of nothing in particular, then hopefully three weeks of paid work, or failing that, work experience.

    I love both equally. I think the longer original version is better for a moping day in with a bar of chocolate and a blanket. And the shorter version is for a more light-hearted night in with the girls or when you just want a bit of a romance.

    See, 20 minutes sounds lovely! That's the time it takes me to get to the nearest town with anything to do in it. Which isn't much, for that matter, just a cinema (which shows the most eclectic mix of films), a couple of coffee shops and about five charity shops. It's 45 minutes into town, for a proper cinema and some decent shops. It's an hour to the beach and an hour and a half to the nearest ice skating rink...
    July 3rd, 2010 at 10:43pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hmm, so it's a matching problem. Like odd socks...

    Well, I have it from the 25th of September, and that's two days before my course starts, so I'll probably head down on the 25th, unpack that day, then use the 26th to have a bit of a look around and meet people. Although it's then Freshers week so meeting people shouldn't be too much of a problem!

    I love Pride & Prejudice. But I know what you mean, it's a very particular, proper grammar, which can be difficult to read. If you keep persevering though, you kind of slip into a Jane-Austen-mindset though, and then it just kinda clicks. Or so I find anyway.

    Ooo, I'd love to go to the beach. But it's like an hours drive away and I haven't got a car... :(
    June 24th, 2010 at 10:12pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooo, well in that case I apologize for the length in my replying!! >.<

    I love titles, they're often my favourite part. I think up titles without stories actually, there's several just waiting around my room on post-its needing something to be written for them! Maybe we could swap and you could have some of my titles, whilst I'll have some of your text?

    Yes, I am living in Halls, a place called New Wharf, which is next to a river, park and the gym! 2 minutes from the supermarkets, on campus, 10 minutes from the city centre. Carefully picked, I can tell you!

    Well, they're over now, thank God! So I'm just regaining my normal self before I can go back into average life. I have to admit, I just swallowed seven books in a week... it was a series, [i]The Keys to the Kingdom[/i] by Garth Nix. I started reading them a while back and he brought out the last one a while ago, so I reread them all.

    Mmm, we've kind of been on a see-saw of weather since we talked last. Rain and then cold and then sun and then showers and then massive heat... never know whether to wear shorts or not.
    June 21st, 2010 at 08:24pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Heehee, everytime we start again you apologise! It's a pleasure to have your written company, no apology necessary!

    Yes, Uni is all done and sorted - I even have my accommodation booked and deposit paid! Kinda scary, but exciting too.

    Aw, jealousy! I've still got five exams to go, all in the next seven days. Well, six really, because they only start on Wednesday. Ooo, and reading for pleasure... I haven't been able to do that for a while. Well, I have, but it's been at five minute intervals in between revision, and you can't really get stuck into a book doing that, can you?

    Well, we had a good stretch of about two weeks or so of fairly consistent sun, but then the last two days it's gone all cold and rainy, sadly.
    June 7th, 2010 at 08:52pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    A* is the highest mark you could get in an exam. It goes down from there: A, B, C, D, E, F, U. U means [i]unclassified[/i], so in effect, you did nothing.

    In effect I know 99.9% where I'm going, which DMU because I've accepted them. If by some chance of fate I don't get what they're asking for (CCC) when I open my results some time in August, then I won't be going to university at all. I'll have to take a year out and reapply next year or do something else. But that's very unlikely.

    Mmm, same! I'm freaking out about moving anywhere other than where my brother is. Parents I've done without for a couple of weeks at a time, but I've never been anywhere without my brother much longer than a five days.

    Ah well, in that case Newcastle is small! But you don't tend to get cities that big over here. Only London and Birmingham are more than 1m - London about 7 million and Birmingham only just over.

    They must do because all the graduates from last year at school have come back from University this last week. Saw some old friends last wednesday - went and did a pub quiz for the first time. It was surprisingly difficult.
    March 28th, 2010 at 05:09pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    They gave me one; AAB, highest of all 5. And the other night I made my decision and accepted De Montfort, with my lowest offer of CCC. So I'll be going there hopefully! Eee, I'm excited. Looking at accommodation now and applying for my student loan.

    Ooo, it's bigger than people give it credit for. It's the 18th largest city in the UK out of 76 with a population of 259,000. Bigger than Durham, Carlisle, York, Hull... It's actually pretty large, even larger than I thought it was now I've looked at the figures.

    You've never heard of Trainspotting? It's a Danny Boyle film and has Cult status over here. It's even more popular than Requiem. I've only seen clips and not the full movie, but what I have seen is beautifully visual. I agree though, Requiem made me feel rather sick, particularly towards the end. A very good deterrent for potential drug users though. The government should consider showing it in schools as part of drugs programmes.

    Aw, that sucks. You should be able to say, 'It's my birthday' and do it the next day or the day before instead. My birthday's always been in the Easter holidays so I haven't had that problem as of yet. Although I don't know whether uni semesters will differ.

    The film was though! Such a brightly coloured film, and the costumes were fantastic. And of course, the actors were all amazing. Nothing less than expected. I ended up missing ten or so minutes at the start because I forgot the time, but I didn't feel like I was disjointed or anything, immediately immersed. And yes, Stephen Fry as the Cheshire Cat was AMAZING.

    Mmm, I tend to make a few notes if inspiration does hit, but generally speaking I'm in range of a computer. If at school I'll email it to myself.
    March 19th, 2010 at 07:53pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you for your lovely comment on [i]To Jump, Perchance to Fall[/i]!
    February 21st, 2010 at 11:15pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sounds pretty much the same, except for the points. On average most universities give offers of 240 points, which is three Cs in your exams in the year you apply. It does depend on the universities. Once I've got my offer for Manchester, which should be sometime over the next few days, I then have until May 5th to reply. I'll probably reply sooner, but I can leave it until then if I like. If you reply sooner you can apply for accommodation and finance though, which is better done sooner.

    Yeah, it's high up, I think! It's Newcastle-upon-Tyne and not Newcastle-under-Lyme. ^_^

    Mmm, I guess Britain is pretty bad for drugs. Hence the movie Trainspotting...

    We're going to see it for my friend's birthday. Considering dressing up for it as well, although that might look a little weird trooping into the cinema sporting top hats. Though if we went to one of the first showings it would be a little more justified...!

    Ah, I don't have that problem because I only ever type straight into Word. I find it pretty hard to write straight onto paper. Which is just as well, because I'd probably lose all the notebooks...
    February 21st, 2010 at 02:17pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well, you just answered the next day, so that's pretty good!

    Mmm. I think it gets called Further Education over here... higher education is purely A-levels... I think. Maybe not. It's all too confusing!!

    They should reply about a week after the interview. So I should be know in two weeks, tops. Which is nice, but it then means I have to decide where I want to go quickly, or UCAS declines everyone for me. It's pretty mean of it, but you get a time limit once all your universities have replied. Do you have the same sort of system over there? Ours all works through the web.

    I do quite like geography. Looking at maps has always been quite a favourite passtime. But I only ever see shapes. The little dots for cities and squiggles for roads and boundaries never really made much sense to me. Well, I live outside of Newcastle, which is somewhere along the east coast. I know it's on a bump, but there are a few bumps...

    Well, they're not called the 'weird sisters' for nothing!

    There's quite a lot of people in my school do drugs. Cannabis mostly. I know it's awful, but to them it's just an extension of the drinking, which is illegal, and the smoking, which is illegal. 2 times illegal is about the same as 3 times illegal in their heads.

    That's weird. I always thought our school was extremely homosexual when it came to socialising, but maybe we're more diverse in our cross-gender-communications than I thought!

    Huh, sounds kinda cool. There's always so many good films out at this time of year, it's so annoying. You can never go see them all. And then when you find time to go to the cinema, there's nothing good on and you end up going to see some silly romcom that you'd never even heard of until you got to the cinema that day...
    February 12th, 2010 at 09:58pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ah, please, do not apologize! I understand completely. I have been known to take months to reply to comments before, although my current record for reply-time is fairly short. But then, I'm not particularly busy at the moment.

    Most big cities have a couple of universities nowadays, since the old polytechnic colleges turned into universities. Hence the University of Manchester, which is the old university, and then Manchester Metropolitan University which has only been a university for about 20-30 odd years and up until then ran vocational courses etc. And yup, Manchester have invited me to an interview, which is this coming wednesday. I've got offers from the other four, so this one will probably decide where I choose once they've made an offer/ declined me.

    Meh, my brain never did work greatly well with Geography. I'm still unsure of where I live in relation to the map of the UK...

    Ahah, Macbeth! Just got back from our second proper rehearsal. I am Witch numero uno! Geraldine Cooper got Lady Macbeth, which is awesome because she's a great actress but has never had a really big part before. Plus, she's extremely good at evil! Us witches are going to be evil tea-ladies who appear everywhere.

    By 'bad boy' I meant smokes, drinks, does drugs. I'm just about over the aforementioned crush anyway, which is just as well.

    Mmm, that was a misquotation. I must have been 13-14 because I was in year nine. And that was the first ever relationship I had, and to be perfectly honest, it wasn't a proper relationship in the first place. He attempted to kiss me once and I ended up just about running a mile... it all went downhill from there.

    I've been wondering about that film. What's it about? I've only seen a trailer once and a few movie posters. I'm a bit wary of all vampire/ werewolf films and/or books at the moment, because there a so many Twilight-alikes around.
    February 11th, 2010 at 08:09pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Urgh, it's the worst thing in the world. Especially when you've just typed a massive essay of a reply. Just watch, it'll happen to me now. Touch wood.

    I move the laptop all the time. To go to the printer, or if I want to type in the living room or something... So yeah, it happens quite a lot!

    I think I like Manchester best, but they're the only one who hasn't replied! Almost certainly don't want to go to Manchester Metropolitan, which is where I went Wednesday. They just seemed so unprofessional. They didn't even interview me after all. It was literally just wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. Er, without the sex and with a drama workshop instead! XD
    Drama workshop is basically just so long doing various drama exercises. Like you walk around the room to warm up, retell a fairytale in a minute, mime packing a suitcase, something simple like that. It can be quite fun, but the Manchester Met. one was really boring. I could have lead a session like that myself, and that's not being big-headed...

    I've had the one, then there's one this Thursday, and then the next the Wednesday after that. I don't know about Manchester because of the no-reply thing. ^_^

    Mmm, guess you are if you add Norway to the equation. It's a rather big peninsula though!!

    Now, if he turns out to be Macbeth, and me as Lady MacB. That would be fate. Nah, I probably don't want to go out with him. He's a bad boy.

    No, I'm not going to grow. From now on I will only shrink. I've been this height since I was 12. I've only grown one footsize as well! But I like my height. It has its advantages. I can sneak through crowds easy. And people underestimate my strength. Mmm, I wouldn't really know about the hugging thing... I dated one guy once who was about the same height for two days... that was quickly over. And the relationship before that lasted 9 months, but involved nearly nil physical contact... we were only 12 at the time. And we were both stupidly shy.

    Mmm, talking's on the table. ^_^
    January 18th, 2010 at 08:08pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Touch pads? Like, instead of the mouse? I have both. Can be a little confusing, especially when the mouse isn't plugged in, so it won't work no matter how hard I wave it around...

    Awesomeness, glad you like it. ^_^

    I applied to five, and four have them have replied so far. One of them has given me a conditional offer, saying if I get these grades I can come. The other three have all invited me to interviews, to see whether they like me in person or not. All of them involve a 1 and a 1/2 hour drama workshop, and then an interview itself. If they're interviewing, it's like saying, you look good on paper, we just want to make sure you're right in real life. Because it's drama I'm applying for it's difficult to make sure someone's good at acting etc. just through paper. You have to see people supposedly, to make sure.
    Plus, I haven't seen any of the universities yet, so this'll help me make my decision as well.

    I kind of imagine it would have quite a bit in the winter, but then, you're mainland Europe, and weather conditions change weirdly once you cancel out the sea... although I guess you've got one coastline...

    Oo er... once every other day or something? A few words on the bus or something. We used to talk quite a bit because he acts as well. He was in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and he's also auditioned for Macbeth this term.

    Well, be proud of your 5ft 5"! I'm 5ft2", so you've got a good three inches on me. I just remind myself that it means that I've got a lot more guys to choose from, as most men won't date a woman taller than themselves.

    Well, obviously I would love to be Lady McB. She's crazy cool. But I'd also quite like to be a witch or Hecate... Any random will do though, I'd just like some lines.

    I think he might run away screaming if I attempted any such thing.
    January 11th, 2010 at 09:45am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    * heehee, just found this icon and thought of you. Sadly it doesn't quite match up:
    January 9th, 2010 at 05:21pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mmm, I know. I've got interviews with Unis this month, and it's really bringing home how little time I have left...

    Ours just keeps on coming! We've got about a foot now, and school was closed today because of it. Our area has run out of grit for the roads as well, apparently. Bad organisation probably, we haven't had snow like this for years. Since 1982 according to the news. ^_^

    Liam's a guy I have a very silly crush on. He's in the year below me and on my school bus. He's very tall. XD

    Well, we're doing Macbeth as a 1980s sitcom shortly. I auditioned before Christmas, but they're still to cast. So that should be cool. If I get in I have to cultivate a texan accent... =S

    No, I haven't! I have a really annoying feeling that it's going to be one of those really good films that I keep meaning to see but then passes by! We were going to go see it over christmas as a family and then never did.

    I think it was one of the those days in the week before the christmas holidays, where the teachers can't be bothered to do any actual teaching, so they pretend to be teaching you through movies. We watched it in Spanish with English subtitles.

    I'm constantly blushing. My cheeks have a permanent flush, it just changes shade. At the moment it's a pale pink. Make me embarrassed and it'll flare to beetroot. It can be rather annoying.
    January 6th, 2010 at 05:50pm
  • shatterglass_110

    shatterglass_110 (100)

    United States
    I can see it now, a suicide pact amongst laptops across the globe. Maybe they are part of a cult. This is only the beginning!

    And I believe I recognize you. From where exactly, I haven't a clue. I kinda suck at that whole "memory" thing.
    January 5th, 2010 at 02:46am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Exactly! I've only got five months of school left, ever. It's a rather scary fact. We've got snow too! We hardly ever get it, so it's pretty cool. Pretty cold as well. Liam gave my gloves back, so I had toasty fingers today. ^_^
    Plus, they smelt like him. Guilty of smelling them for this very reason.

    It went really well surprisingly! No massive slip ups, although there were a few here and there. Was amazing fun though.

    Urgh, sounds horrific! Good luck. I have to revise for some exams in January, but they're most memorise the facts type, so I should be ok as long as I put in the effort.

    Weird, again, I'm the opposite. I thought Twilight had a better feel for the book...

    Hah, I watched half of Love Actually with my Spanish class in year 10 and nearly died of embarrassment. My excuse is that I was only 13... Everyone took the mick out of me for ages afterwards for sitting there blushing bright red.
    December 18th, 2009 at 10:00pm