yoshimi / Comments

  • starlightdreamer

    starlightdreamer (100)

    United Kingdom
    Random, but I like it! Who says I'm not a madman? *twiddles thumbs evilly* muahahaha...

    Or maybe not. :)
    July 23rd, 2009 at 04:50am
  • PACE_girl

    PACE_girl (100)

    United States
    I was thinking about his personality last night and came to the conclusion that he is just going to be full of himself. And a jerk. But hopefully the kind of guy that people for some unexplainable reason like. Or at least something like that...
    July 23rd, 2009 at 01:15am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think you may have figured it out, as you have a picture in your profile. You want the html code for just the picture, and to put it in [ IMG ] [/ IMG ] brackets. Or alternatively, the image code, which already has the brackets.

    I have a dreadful memory. Except for memorising playscripts, which just tend to stick. Which is nice, considering that I'm probably going to attempt acting as my career.

    No, grilling ain't too fun. I can swim for hours though. Unless it looks vaguely like there might be something in the water, in which case I get panic attacks. I can't swim over rocks for that very reason.

    Hmm... I could try but I'm afraid most of my friends have a very different holiday ethic to myself...

    Er, we start back on the 8th this year, but generally it's as close to the 1st as possible... I think it's because we work in the three-terms system that we get such a short holiday. Do you guys work to the two-semesters system?

    Which sentence? [i]Well, that's me for you, so, no surprises[/i]? Cos that looked fine until you said so, and then I wondered... maybe it's not entirely normal.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 05:59pm
  • PACE_girl

    PACE_girl (100)

    United States
    Yeah... I am getting that from a lot of people. That's kind of the way I was headed.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 01:10am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's nice for the beaches. And there are some pretty little hamlets. But if you're a busy person, it's not the greatest. You could probably do most things in about 3 days... But that's my opinion.

    Well, for one thing, I'm about to embark on a thing called 'IMMENSE AND VERY SCARY STUDENT DEBT'... for another, I'd be scared to go alone without my family!

    Mm, words can be slippery.

    Heehee, it's shoemaker bread... I guess it does look a little bit like a shoe... Hah! Literally 'carpet slipper'! That is pure awesomeness.

    I have two more weeks left. Everyone's really confused as to why I'm still there! It's funny. I guess in England we have later summers? Or shorter at least. We go back in September... but we tend to get off school towards the end of July. I've already moved onto the year 13 course though.

    Um, well, it's about 2 hours away from me... considerably longer from you! Sailing becomes instinctual after a while, but it tends to take a couple of days to get the hang of it. It's the jibing and turning that's confusing, because the ropes have to switch hands as you move across the boat. There were several moments where I ended up in the lake in a tangle of rope and sail when I was first learning. It's super fun once you get the hang of it though. In fact, capsizing (tipping over) is nearly the funnest bit!

    Oo, sounds... mental. ^_^
    July 10th, 2009 at 09:35pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow, it sounds awesome! I must say, I'm terribly jealous - you having only just been to Amsterdam a little while ago. The last time I went out of England for a holiday was about six years ago for a week in the Canary Islands, which is hardly the centre of culture, or particularly gorgeous.

    I like words. They are the building blocks for my thoughts, like pebbles on my tongue... I mold them and shape them and make great impossible structures from them, and hope to God they stand up... And when they do? Oh, such a rush.

    Is that how you actually spell it? Chiubatta? I wasn't sure and then the spell check came up on it, but without any useful suggestions...

    I've still got three weeks of school, but then I'm off to the Lake District for a fun-filled week of camping in the soaking rain, and sailing across the lake... I haven't sailed for like a year, so I predict dreadfulness and a lot of capsizing... Although that's pretty fun in itself. You got any plans?
    July 6th, 2009 at 08:45pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    How was Rhodes apart from the English people?! Our accent is kinda funny. Although it varies soooo much from county to county. In fact, from hill to hill, it varies.

    I tend to get very confused when the teachers talk about 'conjunctives' or sommat in connection with some new vocab. All I need to know is what the word is and what it means!!!

    I tend to kiss random people in my dreams... so I tend not to tell people if they make a guest appearance!! Dreams rock though. I get to fly around quite a bit...

    Mm, olives in salad are pretty good. As long as they're cut up a bit - big chunks are rather nauseating. Olives in chiubatta aren't bad either.
    July 4th, 2009 at 04:11pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow, that is pure awesomeness. I don't think I or anything I've ever made have ever reached someone's subconscious mind before... at least, not knowingly... actually, now I come to think of it, there might be several people who've had dreams with me in them, and they've never said... generally it is rather untraditional to inform someone that they've been in your dream. I had a very odd dream where a boy from my English class turned up as a wizard and made me jump hurdles a while ago...

    Definitely. Wishes should always come true, unless they're stupid... like [i]I wish I'd never been born...[/i] That's rather a waste of a wish.

    Urgh, olives are not nice. Well, to me. My mum absolutely adores them all of a sudden, so they're cropping up in the fridge all the time. Thankfully she doesn't inflict them on the rest of us.

    I always take a notebook and a pen. Or several pens... it's an essential item. Almost more essential than underwear... I may need to get my priorities sorted out!

    Hmmm, maybe you're just found in greater proximity over there... maybe it's the water.

    I have no idea what a conditional clause is. I know about grammar but I cannot put [i]names[/i] to the things I know... Apart from the standard comma, full stop etc.
    June 26th, 2009 at 05:43pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well, they haven't actually got toffee in them, but they taste like it. You mix golden syrup and melted white chocolate into the batch. Or evaporated milk, and that makes it taste toffee-y. Plus they're always kinda chewy.

    OOooo... hang on, where is Rhodes? It rings a bell as a cool city, but that's it... my brain is blank otherwise. Is it in France? Possibly...

    I probably flatter myself, but I feel like I understand you pretty well. You and Fronkensteen seem to be on the same wavelength as me... Maybe I should visit Sweden... And I don't think I've ever noticed any grammatical errors in your typing. ^_^
    June 20th, 2009 at 03:56pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mmm, you've made me think of toffee cookies now... they're like heaven... Gar, I think I need to make some.

    Too true. I guess I'm gonna try and follow my dreams regardless, but I'm still working out what my dreams are!!! I just know they involve books, play scripts and stages... Hmm, that would make a good title for something.

    Yes, I have been known to look rather odd in school corridors...

    Me and my bro used to play... some related to hippopotamus's when we were at the beach. You started off at the top of the wet sand and then you had to roll into the sea. And then you ran back up and rolled in again... I have no idea why it was related to hippos... I also enjoy diving through waves. That's always kinda fun.

    Ramble away my dear, I am completely at your rambling mercy. ^_^
    June 19th, 2009 at 07:07pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No, you're not supposed to bake them for very long, which is why timing has to be so accurate. So, one minute out-of-time can completely ruin a batch. Ah, the drama!

    Wow, I envy her too. I've always gotten really good grades, so people expect me to go into the academic side rather than drama... But yeah, drama training is tough. You have to put so many hours into it.

    HE'S BACK!!!! *does celebratory dance*

    Hmmm, that's kinda cool. Doing a deal breaker with fate or what-have-you... I just tend to do a funny dance. If it's not a situation that enables a funny dance I do one mentally.

    Very annoying. I've always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with water anyway. One minute it's all fun-and-games, and then the next my over-active imagination is re-enacting Jaws for me and making me run out of the water screaming because something touched my foot.
    June 17th, 2009 at 12:14pm
  • Fronkensteen

    Fronkensteen (100)

    I love that movie. <3

    I got a gift certificate at the Science Fiction bookstore. I'm gunna use it =D
    June 16th, 2009 at 10:46pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooo, that sounds majorly complicated.

    Cookies are quite different to muffins. You have to time cookies very carefully. And if your oven has hotspots you sometimes have to take half the cookies out before the others, or swap the tray around... It's a little complicated with our oven.

    I'd love to study further. I don't want to not study further, that's just not an option in my head. I'm a primarily academic person, and I'll probably end up in teaching at some point, so further studies are the way to go. So yes, university is most likely. I'm currently stuck between studying English Literature or following my dream of working on stage and choosing some kind of theatre related course, either at a drama school or uni.

    Did you get Sephan back? I know you said you were gonna try the janitors on monday, and today is said day. =S

    I looooove the sea. It's like a great big pile of water, all ready for your delectation... yeah, that was a lame description. The sad thing is, although the sea is only roughly 45 minutes drive away from us, it is freezing, because, of course, I live in England. Therefore, coldness.
    June 15th, 2009 at 06:00pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Really? Ooo, sounds clever. I guess it relates it to the number of digits you have.

    Awesome. I'm particularly good at making a certain type of cookie. It's like squidgy in the middle, so it's kinda chewy. With chocolate chips... But I don't think I'm a cookie prophet. And hopefully I won't poison anybody anymore.

    Aw, I can't wait until I graduate next year. And then I get to go to UNI! Maybe... I don't quite know what I'm doing yet. =S

    Did you manage it? Hang on, I'll do it too. If you do it for someone else you have to add in another pirouette at the end. *spin spin spin... pirouette, vague hand-stand, step-ball-change, pirouette...* Wow, I am so dizzy... I don't think I thought that through when I invented it.

    Okay, candy... *writes a little note*
    June 14th, 2009 at 03:50pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooo, wow! You have rainbow-ness on your profile! Did you manage to find a code from somewhere? Yes, you have, it's at the bottom of this comment... Wow, it's so much better than my attempt to do it bit-by-bit.

    You're a muffin prophet?! *bows down* Speak to us, oh Blessed-One!

    I'm sure I can find it somewhere in my heart to forgive your slow ways. XD
    How was graduation?

    Aw, poor Sephan! Alone in the world... *crosses fingers* You should do the good-luck-with-finding-items dance. It involves twelve spins, a piruoette, a vague attempt at a hand-stand and a step-ball-change.

    I agree. Marzipan = horrorland.

    So at the next Mibbian banquet I must have both raw and squishy carrots... better write this down... any other items you would like to order?

    Awesomeness on the scholarship front!!
    June 13th, 2009 at 09:32am
  • Fronkensteen

    Fronkensteen (100)

    HELLO! =D

    I am in love with my graduation cap, I think. I hope you got home all right this morning and that you weren't attacked by some nasty bushes or empty beer bottles or whatever on your way. Which was, what, twenty metres?

    Anyways, I thought I'd tell you I'll bring your sticky thing tomorrow and some books that you might wish to borrow (I'm a poet and I know it), and perhaps you'll give me yours?

    Btw, is that Masquerade stuff on your page from The Phantom or did you come up with it? 'Cause I really like it!
    June 11th, 2009 at 11:40pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I prefer ink as a drawing medium. If I can get my hands on a berol fineliner then the worlds my oyster. Sadly they run out quite fast, so I often have to make do with a biro.

    They were across the valley on a private estate, so hopefully no one was wandering around in the vicinity of the shooting.

    Mmm, hay smells delicious. Sadly, it does not taste as it smells.

    I know behaviourism! We've done it in Biology. We linked it in with learned behaviour. They showed us a video of a poor chicken which they electrocuted if it stepped over a red line. And I know about it because I once ate some marzipan and then went down with a stomach bug, so now marzipan makes me throw up quite spectacularly.

    I don't mind carrots, but they have to be cooked to quite squishy. I'm particular about my squishiness of vegetables, as you can see! Hmm, school dinners are often dodgy.

    I know how to do it the long way, which is to put in a separate code for each letter. There are codes which people have written to make the colour fade from one to the other, but it's difficult to find one you like, and often people copyright them, funnily enough. Type rainbow html code into google and it might give you something.
    June 9th, 2009 at 05:23pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My drawing skills are generally zilch, but I do do the occasionally good doodle.

    They were probably clay pigeon shooting, it's not the right season for grouse or pheasants. Plus, there was a LOT of shooting going on, and it came in regular bursts, whereas when they're hunting it's generally irregular...

    I don't think I've ever stopped to smell mist. I do like the smell of the sea though. And the smell of wet ground, just after it's rained... and grass cuttings.

    Ooo, what's behaviourism? Sounds... more action based? I succesfully analysed myself yesterday and prevented myself from making a big mistake and dedicating myself to five evening rehearsals as a stage hand. I usually love helping out with shows, but I've been majorly stressed this week, and I realised that I'd been putting off going to yesterdays dress and tech, so I decided to throw in the towel. They'll manage without me.

    Mmm, veggies are good. I particularly love cucumber. I can eat a whole one for lunch if Mum lets me. Broccoli is also nice. And peas. But they have to be cooked to the correct consistency, otherwise they can be very weird.
    June 8th, 2009 at 01:45pm
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aw, dear, I don't think Mibba is very happy. Either it's depressed or you're doing something to upset it... Or maybe your computer is depressed.

    Ooo, sounds awesome. Oh, hang on, you posted that comment yesterday. Man, I missed the day of drawing dragons... I'll have to draw some today to make up for it.

    GARRR! There are posh people shooting across the valley and it's really really really annoying. They haven't stopped since about 10:00am.

    Indeed, I have attempted it, and did thoroughly mess up.

    Camp-fire and mist? What kind of freaky tea is that?! Should tea smell of... well, tea?

    Rounded shape lead to suicide? Well, I'm going down the drain then, cos I'm pretty rounded... Eeek.

    Ah good, you are sensibly rationing, which is good to know. In fact, if Swine Flu hits properly, you will be able to make it last you a long period of being in isolation.

    Hmm, yes, it is kinda dodgy. But they have done several experiment and most of the time it works. It's connected to someone-or-others [i]Small World[/i] theorum...
    June 7th, 2009 at 11:50am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooo, I'm really not that good at it. I could never write a whole one. Mostly I just experiment with the basics. I've fiddled around with Dujo's basic green to get rid of the 'this picture has been deleted' thing that was at the top, and changed the headings. I accidentally changed the font at the same time, but I like it better like this! I've got a genius friend who can write just about anything in html/ css who taught me some stuff, but I mostly found it too confusing to understand. The Wikipedia stuff I learnt from Wikipedia.

    Hmmm, sounds simple... *puts on serious face* Ladies and gentleman, my deduction of the pyschoanalysis of this teapot is that its problems can only have evolved from from a series of traumatic episodes early in its life, spiralling into an emotional complex which has developed a series of evident physical symptons. In short, dear comrades, it has suffered from being dropped, resulting in cracking.

    Sounds like our standard exams. Then again, if it was dreamt up in Cambridge then it would be kinda similar to our grading system... Well, good luck! *crosses fingers*

    Did you eat all of it in one go? O.O
    That would have been a lot...

    You don't know about the six degrees of seperation?! Ok, right, um... There's this rule of, um, what-ja-ma-call-its, er... it's not logarithms, it's the other one, beginning with 'ex' or something... Oh dear... Well, the basic principle is that you can reach anybody on earth through 6 other people. You start with one person you know, and then you go to one person that person knows etc, until you get to the last person. Supposedly you can get to everyone through a maximum of six people. Really that's a bit of a myth, but you can get to most people through less than ten people. So voila. Badly explained, yes? Perhaps wikipedia would explain it better than myself.

    June 5th, 2009 at 11:07pm