Don't tell me where I don't belong

Hey, the name's Tequila, Tilly for short.
Music, Love and Life, are the fundamentals.
School can be tough, but stick with it, It can be very Rewarding.
Remember to stick to life, and live to the fullest..
Be the Boss.
Don't you think?

Tequila,, Life Brings Happiness.

Hidden messages in secret songs

Take That
Greatest Day
The All American Rejects
Gives You Hell
Vanilla Sky

Secrets Don't Make A Romance

Take That AAR Radiohead ♥SS501♥ ♥Boys.Before.Flowers♥
What do you say?

Original Image©:
From First to Last

Created: November 26th, 2007
What do you say? Are you going to steal.
HELL no.

Every day gets worse

Time: FutureLoveBaby ^ ^ (10:30)
Mood: Groggy
Music: Greatest Day: Take That
Well, I feel like starting a new story. My first Story in fact. =) I guess this will be exciting. YES! Oh And Yeah Can Someone Send me a Message on how to put a Cbox in my layout. It's so confusing, and every damn time I paste the code into the spot I want I save and check my profile, but it's still fucked up. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!

Your words are deadly weapons

Featuring: The main character(s)
Chapters: ?/?
Status: Active; Hiatus; Finished
Title Credit: Song?, Person?, Other?
Summary: A little bit about the story

Featuring: The main character(s)
Chapters: ?/?
Status: Active; Hiatus; Finished
Title Credit: Song?, Person?, Other?
Summary: A little bit about the story

You try to cover all the lies