So you're gone and I'm haunted

February 29th,2009
Time:: ?:??
Noise:: Song - Band
Feeling:: ???
Updates go here.

The Girl
I thought you'd want the same for me

This is where you make people wish that they were as cool as you. Unless you're a loser, in which case they'll be glad that they aren't. The headers are from A Fine Fenzy, which you should totally check out.

Almost lovers always do

The sweetest sadness in your eyes

Put whatever you want here.
Maybe a music player or a poem or something.

And I bet you are just fine

Featuring: The main character(s)
Chapters: ?/?
Status: Active; Hiatus; Finished
Title Credit: Song?, Person?, Other?

Featuring: The main character(s)
Chapters: ?/?
Status: Active; Hiatus; Finished
Title Credit: Song?, Person?, Other?

Can't you just let me be?

Layout©: Makeascene
Image©: larafairie-stock
Headings©: A Fine Frenzy

Friend Friend Friend
Friend Friend Friend