My Chemical Romance on MuchOnDemand.

I allready posted this a couple of days ago but I'm postinging it again.My Chemical Romance will be on MuchOnDemand on The Much channel on August 21at 5:00 Toronto time. I encourage people to watch it. Also if you go to you can vote for Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. Please tell your friends about My Chemical Romance being on MuchOnDemand. Thanks.
August 13th, 2007 at 03:49am

My Chemical Romance on MuchOnDemand.(PLEASE READ!)

Ok I was just watching MuchOnDemand on The Much channel and it said that My Chemical Romance will be on the show on Augest (?) 21. The show comes on at 5pm Toronto time(I forget what it is.) I have Satilite(?) and it comes on channel 570. :)I'm putting it up here only because I know there are alot of My Chemical Romance fans on Mibba, and some people will hopefully watch it.
August 9th, 2007 at 05:31am

10 Comandments of Frank Iero.

[Someone made something called 10 comandments of Tre Cool, Mike Dirnt and Billie Joe Armstrong. I liked that idea, so i'm making one for Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance.]10 COMANDMENTS OF FRANK IERO1. Thou shall wear tight pants.2. Thou shall eat skittles every day.3. Thou shall play thy guitar.4. Thou shall kiss Gerard when on stage.5. Thou shall be sexy in every picture.6. Thou shall be...
July 6th, 2007 at 08:41pm