
My name is Magelly Moogelly, but you can call me whatever pops into mind. I have grey eyes, interestingly coloured hair (most of the time), and I'm quite small. Hobbitlike, really.

I Life and all the things that are necessary to it. Although John and Paul tell me that all I need is love, I think I need some good food, drink, and laughter to keep surviving. I love people, I love music, I love dreaming, I love living, I love dogs, I love cats, I love rodents, I love loving, I love giving advice, I love receiving it, I love drawing creepy butlers, I love the Beatles, I love listing things that I love, I love ranting about whatever I'm crazed over at the moment, I love writing, I love reading, I love eating, I love laughing, and I love the Beatles so much they deserve a second place in this list.

I'm really not that interesting, but if you want to know more about me, just ask Sarina. She pretty much knows it all :)

I get by with a little help from my friends;
I get high with a little help from my friends;
I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends;
The reason you cannot see these words is simple: you are not a ninja. If you WERE a ninja, you could read this...but you'd never admit to being able to read it, or even knowing it exists. A real ninja never reveals its identity! Just like a true pirate never operates sober, or with more than one hand! Wait a're reading this...Oh my god! It's a ninja!