
Joined date
January 26th, 2009

Who I Am

I really dislike it when you have the greatest idea for a story, but you don't know how to put it down on paper, and you think of a million possibilities, then you put it off till some time later. Then 'some time later', you end up thinking about it so much, that you lose interest in the idea/plot. It really sucks.

For me, writing stories is such a hassle, even though I think about the plots of what I have in mind, ALL THE TIME. I want to write them, but it's hard. Poems are so much easier. You write what you have in mind and you GET TO THE POINT. In stories you have to plan things out in order to the climax of the story. The stories I have in mind are meaningful and, hopefully, different. They aren't about vampires or werewolves or actual celebrities/fan-fics or teenage pregnancy or arrange marriages. Not that there's something wrong with that 'cause I do read stories written about them on here.

I'm just saying that I'm not really good at writing stories, so read my poems instead. : )
Sorry, that was completely pointless. (...)

I Believe

I believe in God and that miracles are always possible.
I believe everyone's life is very important because everyone has this one special person that loves them no matter what.
I believe that the good side of someone would always conquer if they really tried

I Love

I love my family.
I love my friends.

I Like

I like food. Yum!
I like reading books/stories. Not so much as romance, but books/stories with meaning.
I like watching movies. Pixar Films and Hayao Miyazaki's Masterpieces are the best.
I like music. I listen to anything besides rap. I listen to indie, rock, pop, classical, country, alternative, anything. I also listen to post-music (is that right?), as in post-rock. I also like songs from musicals. : )
I like skiing and basketball and track & field.

I Will Never

I will never be able to be a vegetarian. I love animals, I do, but it seems impossible for me not to eat meat. : (
I will never change who I am to impress someone.

I haven't completely found myself yet, but I'm pretty sure of who I want to be. And that's all that matters right now. I don't want a boyfriend, right now. I don't want to find out what it feels like to be in love. All I want is to know exactly who I am.

My DeviantArt : http://xxyouholdthekeyxx.deviantart.com