Can someone help me make a layout for my stories

Okay so I don't like my layouts for my stories because everyone has it cause there one of the pre made ones you can pick from. I've tried to make one but it doesn't work for me. So I give up. So if someone can give me either step by step direction or would want to make me one it would be greatly loved. If you are kind enough to make me one then just read my stories to get the idea on what they...
June 15th, 2009 at 10:37pm

It really bugs me!

It really bugs me on how I go to find a story to read and ALL I can find is stories about a girl that falls for a guy in a band they get married they have great friends and they have kids. THERES ONLY SO MANY BANDS! I really want to find a good interesting sorry that is diffrend from the girl falls for boy or vis versa. I want something diffrent! Any one have any stories they've found or wrote...
May 23rd, 2009 at 10:22pm

I need help with....

how do you underline, cross out, bold, and make them side ways (I don't know how to spell the word for sideways so you can help with that too. If you want to I mean you don't have to.) But if you can help me with the codes or what ever to get those into my story that would be fantastic.I will love you tons if you help. I think that will give my story the extra little thing that will help it be...
March 3rd, 2009 at 06:38am