Ghost. / Comments

  • Hey!

    How are you?
    December 7th, 2007 at 04:41am
  • That sucks that you gave up on your schoolwork stuff- I hope you don't give up on your story either.

    I saw your pic-there is no way you look like a girl. You have awesome makeup, but you can tell it's a boy.

    Well, if kisschasy is that awesome, then I will listen to them more.

    I straightened my hair again-it's so much longer than it is when it's curly.

    I hate most sports-running is the only thing I can really do, I don't exactly have the coordination for other sports lol But I've gotten a lot faster than last year
    what kiinds of dogs do you have? I love dogs! I have one. And yay for running!

    Weather here is just plain freezing. It snows on and off, it's windy, and not the greatest runnng weather, but I go anyway.

    I'm excited about christmas! but lately i have no time for shopping for presents for people :( that's one of my favorite parts of the holiday, shopping for stuff.

    anyway, my rambling here is done. message back when you can!
    wow, i just realized how much i hyped running. so i edited it.
    December 6th, 2007 at 08:43am
  • you're welcome! I like reading it.
    That sucks about having to redo all your work. :( and i hope your computer is okay soon.
    Aww....I really wanna see your pic! It looks so cool, but it's so small, it's kinda hard to see. Please? lol
    Aw, what's going on? At least you got to go to a concert! It must have been fun, besides falling.
    I've only heard one Kisschasy song, it was cool.

    I'm doing ok. I don't have much homework, I got a babysitting job, and track practice is freezing cold. FREEZING. but it's fun anyway. Do you do any sports? and what kind of weather do you have now?

    lol, i feel talkative today
    November 29th, 2007 at 08:48am
  • I miss you!
    November 25th, 2007 at 02:22am
  • I read your 2nd and 3rd chapters, go check out your comments!

    I'm glad you actually keep updating, I hate when people start a story and then don't keep going.

    That's a cool picture of you. you should put it up on your profile so people (me lol) can see it better

    but anyway, how have you been doing? how's your weekend?
    November 18th, 2007 at 06:16am
  • I've been good.
    Not too much has been going on.
    What was bothering you?
    November 16th, 2007 at 11:23am
  • It's okay, but i missed you!
    and i gotta read your story update.

    who is that a pic of in your profile pic? they have cool makeup.

    November 16th, 2007 at 10:27am
  • you're welcome for the comments and for telling kelly. I definitely think more people should read your writing, it's very good.

    my hair isn't very long, it's down about a couple inches past my shoulder. It used to be longer, until I went to the salon of doom, where they cut it shorter than I wanted.
    lol how long is yours?
    November 9th, 2007 at 09:13am
  • I'm good. A little tired.
    How about you?
    November 8th, 2007 at 09:28am
  • well, I straightened my hair now, and it looks good! woo!
    now i'm off to check out your story and poems.
    November 7th, 2007 at 05:01am
  • Yes hello. (Humph) bored are you? just like I am lol. I hate being at SCHOOL lol. Don't you?
    November 5th, 2007 at 08:50am
  • depends.
    what year is she in?
    November 3rd, 2007 at 02:11pm
  • sorry it took me so long to reply, i haven't been here in a long time.
    my crazy hair is a bit tamer now lol
    how are you doing filling in for god?
    November 3rd, 2007 at 06:16am
  • Marion ish.
    I go to Mitcham Girls High.
    and thankies ^^,
    Love the iconage on yours :D
    November 1st, 2007 at 05:49pm
  • You're from Adelaide?
    OH SNAP :D
    Its always great to see fellow Adelaidiens on here.
    November 1st, 2007 at 04:35pm
  • Ohh… Lol. Woops. xD
    I reckon. I’m always expecting something to pop up and tell me. I wouldn’t have even know you’d commented if you hadn’t said so, and you’re right… we should. :D
    Ohh… They sound the same as to dudes at my school. Lol. They’re pretty much all stupid, literally. Apart from a selected few. x]
    Gahhh… I miss being able to sleep heaps. I used to sleep atleast 12-13 hours a night, now it’s more like 3 hours… and that’s all the time, holidays included. You’re lucky. Jealous am I! D:

    Lol the guys at my school should die. Not joking. Excpet Ben, Dale and Nick. Who're awesome. but some chicks should die too XD
    I'm sleeping in tomorrow *evil smirk* Hehe making you jealous XD
    Yeah day off tomorrow, but I';m going to school at like.. 1pm to see my mates <3
    October 29th, 2007 at 04:07pm
  • hi!
    i like your profile
    October 29th, 2007 at 08:30am
  • Good. :D
    I've been on a vacation sort of thing for almost the past two weeks now! And so I've only gotten on a few times for a while.

    How are you?
    October 28th, 2007 at 01:29am
  • I know that name... and not from "the simpsons"... I think I saw it on a map once I think...
    Ohh... I better check. =P
    It annoys me that they don't have a "You have new comments on your poems" or soemthing like the do for stories and such. I like knowing when I have comments. =P
    Ahh... thank you. You're one of few.
    LOL... I like your way of thinking! Are they a lil' bit c*cky or something?
    Yeah, I like sleeping in. I've just been having trouble sleeping lately. It sucks majorly. xD
    What time do you normally sleep into til'?
    -Noah. xo.

    LOL The simpsons are awesome as! But my town name is pronounced Mo - E. hehe.
    Yeah. they totally should have that, it's not like people look at there poem comments all the time, we should be notified *bangs fist against desk*
    The guys at my school are just stuck up, they think they're cool, and stronger then everyone else. And they aren't lol.
    I feel sorry for your lack of sleeping =[
    I sometimes sleep in until 12:00 lol, thats on holidays, cause when I have school I can't XD
    Well... sometimes even when I have school I do hehe.
    October 27th, 2007 at 02:06pm
  • Hello Shannen! =]
    You're from Vic.? Which part-ish?
    Thanks alot for stopping by, and reading one of my poems & profile... and don't worry... it's fine if you didn't comment... buttt... which one did you read? =P
    Oh my gosh... Amazed? Wow... normally people just think I'm an over emotional brat. Thank you so much... I feel special now. =D
    Just so you know... there's a good reason I'm a bit different to the guys at your school... Unless they're gay. =P
    I've got plenty of time to chat... I infact haven't got much else to do at the moment... now that it's the weekend and all...
    -Noah. xo.

    Hey again =]
    I live in a little town called Moe =]
    Pretty annoying but yeah lol.
    I ended up commenting haha, it was... interigation I read =]
    You don't seem like an over emotional brat to me =]
    Lol , the guys at my school are just so... you could just hurt them you know?
    Violence is always the answer XD
    Yes, weekend. My time to sleep in hehe.
    Do you like sleeping in 0.o
    October 27th, 2007 at 12:28pm