All Time Low Concert.

So last night I went to the all time low concert in Toronto and it was pretty facking epic, we the kings were there and days difference and cartel.I loved every second of it. We the kings did a Jimmy Eat World cover (The Middle) and played skyway avenue, check yes Juliet, stay young, all again for you. etcAll time low was definitely my favourite part though they did remembering sunday acousticaly...
July 17th, 2009 at 05:35am

Birthday Cakes, Tiaras, BFF moments and concert tickets.

So instead of rants like most of my journal entries are I'm going to talk about how much I love life.I turned 15 today and proceed to walk all around my town wearing a seven year old princess tiara because I thought "Awh hell, today's mine" yeah, I'm sure you can Imagine the looks i was given.Anyway I also spent the day with some of my best friends anddddddd I was ablem to seem my friends that...
July 15th, 2009 at 04:55am

this doesn't even make sense.

Alright, so around 6 years ago my grandpa died of cancer, I was sad when it happened but life went on. Then around last year, as I started to really grow-up and become the adult i will be eventually, I started thinking about him lots. all the what if's keep running throw my head. and it hurts because there were memories, but not enough. i just don't think it's fair. and i don't get why it hurts so...
February 22nd, 2009 at 07:03am

ugh valentines day

So i do NOT like valentines day, It should't even be counted as a holiday.I understand that it feels great to be loved and it can make the darkest room light but one day shouldn't be the basis of love.If someone loves you they should show you that EVERYDAY, not just on valentines day!This isn't becaue i don't have someone, no I'm fine with that, I just don't think people or ouples should put so...
February 11th, 2009 at 02:43am