Laces For Hanging. / Comments

  • I actually deleted Ignorance so I'm sorry about that. & of course I can. :D

    Happy New Year to you too. (:

    January 2nd, 2010 at 06:24pm
  • You read my "The One Who Really Messed Me Up" story and I thought you might enjoy my NEW slash story. It's called "Ignorance." (:

    January 1st, 2010 at 08:03am
  • Haha, I can understand that. I don't get attached to things very often though, when it comes to my work. Though I love the stories I'm working on now. I actually wrote an update for the one you're working on. It's over 900 words which is the longest update for this story. (:

    & no problem, I really enjoyed that one shot.

    December 30th, 2009 at 09:40pm
  • Hey there. Russia's treating me quite well, if not a little boring. Anyway...

    I remember that. I watched Paris, Je T'Aime last year. I believe the gay guy thing was my favourite film from there. I really wanted to see the end of it and how it turned out. In Love The French guy was so cute with his hair and his arms and his muscles and his face.

    I'm glad it reminds you of BTD, because I really miss that. tehe
    December 30th, 2009 at 08:27pm
  • Haha, I know how you feel. Though, if I can't come up with anything, I tend to end up deleting whatever it was in general. I don't write one-shots very often, though, because they always make me feel like I need to update them & of course, they're only one-shots. Oh, & I'm making point to check out some of your work, I just have to get around to doing it, lol. (:

    December 30th, 2009 at 08:00pm
  • That's how I feel most of the time. Usually, I do comment what I read though other times, I don't as often as I should. & yes, I do update frequent. It kind of bothers me when I take a long time to update & then I lose interest in the story. It's actually quite bad, but lol. Thanks for enjoying my work. (:

    December 30th, 2009 at 06:57pm
  • Thank you so much for commenting my story, I'm extremely glad you enjoyed it. The comment meant a lot, so again, thanks. (:

    December 29th, 2009 at 06:10pm
  • You're more than welcome :]
    December 10th, 2009 at 07:43pm
  • new deadline for the used songfic = 12th december.
    November 28th, 2009 at 12:31am
  • Heya...I'm just commenting the people in the used songfic to tell em they've got about 10 days, and all. Checking to see how everyone's doing, or if they need to pull out. :]
    November 19th, 2009 at 09:38pm
  • Hey, I'm doing well, you?

    Also, sorry chapter's taking so long, been busy with school plus I confess I may have slightly forgotten, I am onward to write it though. :)
    November 11th, 2009 at 08:50pm
  • Oh, and I just did my make-up like Effy, and it's past 1 am. XD Yeah, what a life. I didn't put enough black eyeshadow on, but by watching tutorial videos, I've figured out the secret, and how to use a few of my products I don't usually use. Yay! ^^, Anyway, I'm thinking of wearing it to school next week, which will be kinda scary, 'cause I haven't done dark eyes since last year, (excluding this Halloween, where I failed anyway). And yeah, the Halloween photos are up! XD I look crap 'cause I haven't modelled in about two years, so I've forgotten all my how-tos. XD

    K, bye bye now!

    November 7th, 2009 at 01:20pm
  • AH FUCK. Just wrote a comment and then clicked on the wrong spot. >_<

    So, as I was saying, yeah, that's my birthday, and yay for you buying me a book also! ^^, I bought yours online, so I gotta pay for it on Monday, then wait for it to come to me, which might take ages, because they're sending it via plain post, which stinks.

    But yeah, anyway, good luck for your gig! Will you do covers or originals or a mixture of both?

    I know what you mean about the parent freakout. I once came home stoned and Mum was sitting there and lecturing me about how bad it was to go to a friend's house without telling her or something, and I was just trying to concentrate on what she was saying. Then she said something like "Do you understand?" And I just nodded madly, even though I couldn't remember what the hell she had just said. And I was 13 at the time as well... >_>

    Anyway, I'll see you a month and a day!


    (Have fun replying to my uber long email!)
    November 7th, 2009 at 01:18pm
  • Oh, well, you can't refuse now, 'cause I just bought it. ^^, It's second hand though, I hope you don't mind.
    November 7th, 2009 at 01:33am
  • Wow, that sounds really cool! I've never heard of anything like it before. I'll read it, after I've read the stack of books I already have on my to read list. Maybe I'll buy it just before I leave for Europe to read on the planes and such. I'll have to take quite a few books with me then.

    Ah, I wish exams would go away too. Can you imagine - I only have three more days of wearing uniform! Well, seven, if you include the exam days, but other than that, just three! And then holidays, then year 13! I won't have to wear uniform then. Whoop!


    Damn about you getting too drunk. :( I've gotten too drunk before but I never told my parents about it.

    K, I love you, and I'm sending you an email!

    Bye bye!

    PS: I really hope you find Tomorrow All Will be Beautiful, because it really seems like a book you'd enjoy. But I doubt you'll find it, because it's a NZ writer that wrote it. If you want, I'll buy it here, if I find it and it's not too expensive, then give it to you next month. (WOW!!!! NEXT MONTH!)
    November 7th, 2009 at 01:30am
  • Haha, we've had fireworks for the past two nights. WHY WON'T THEY STFU?! -headwall-

    -cough- Anyway... Halloween was pretty cool for me too. I went to a party, drank too much Russia juice and embarrassed myself majorly. So, yeah... >_> And now, like half the boys from the party are adding me on Bebo. :lmfao Well, you know, I DID act like a bit of a whore, but whatever.

    Sure, I'll read it. Just not now. Probably tomorrow, when I'm procrastinating my studies. I got exams soon and they're not pretty, so... yeah. XD

    And I haven't read that book, what's it about? How was your Halloween?
    November 6th, 2009 at 10:09am
  • Sounds awesome. XD

    Is that a book or... ?

    I'm alright, and you?

    Got my UK visa a while ago by the way. Now gotta sort out the French one.
    November 5th, 2009 at 10:33am
  • oww, i love laura marling *.*
    (sorry for randomly commenting you)
    October 26th, 2009 at 10:40pm
  • Hey! Sorry I haven't been in touch these last couple of weeks. School's just started again, and music and stuff and it's kinda been over my head. But you know how it is...

    Thanks so much for the story comment. It was lovely... I was really inspired by this book of short stories. It's called 'Tomorrow All will be Beautiful' and it's by Brigid Lowry. She's a New Zealand writer, so I'm not sure if you'll be able to find the book in Scotland, but if you do... I strongly suggest you read it. I think you might like it. Especially since it's a lot like HD&S.

    I'm glad your chemistry stuff went well. ^^, I wish I still did science, kind of. I kind of feel like I'm letting my family down - my grandmother's a rocket physicist, or something like that, my dad's just good at physics and is the manager of an electric appliances store, and my mum used to be a biology teacher. It's all science science science, and I'm all music music music. But you know, I love music. ^^,

    I hope you have great things ahead of you.
    October 24th, 2009 at 12:04am
  • Awwh, yeah, I had Chicken Pox when I was your age too. It was baaaad. Me & my brother got them at EXACTLY the same time. And he's seven. So he didn't get it as much as I did. He only got a few across his back. I got covered fom head to toe in them! It was horriblee! ><
    And yeah, I LOVE my job, it's actually the best one I've had so faarrr. (: Which is always nice :D

    October 23rd, 2009 at 07:16pm