untouched reality

untouched reality
United States
Joined date
January 27th, 2009


umm lets see i'm the kind of girl that will cry during a kids movie...i will open a book read the first and last sentence then read it all the way through...i wish for the days of the hippies to return...i can help any friend with anything but never can help myself...i'm one of those people that can tell there mom anything cause in the end i know she will be there no matter what(we have blood connection she may one day need a kidney)...i will yell at you if you make fun of any of my gay friends(ask my father he gets it constantly)...i'm the kind of girl that with out my friends i would seriously stay away from the world...i have been known to laugh at the wrong times cause of something that happened 2 weeks ago...i go to church and love god but that doesn't mean i'm a bible pusher and i do know how to have fun...i care too much about others and not enough about myself...i love twilight(the book) and i'm a fan girl when it comes to the jobros and i'm not afraid to admit it...i'm not proud of some of the things i've done but i do not regret anything and probably wouldn't change anything cause those are the things that made me who i am today...

If you knew me yesterday, please don't think that I'm the same person that you're meeting today. I have experienced more of life, I have encountered new depths in those I love, I have suffered & prayed, & I'm different.

layout by Charlatans and Saints