daydreamer2006 / Comments

  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    June 29th, 2010 at 05:19am
  • boycott love

    boycott love (100)

    United States
    awh, thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :)
    June 25th, 2010 at 09:18pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, thanks for the story comment. =) I'm glad you liked it.

    How come you haven't updated in a while? I'm anxious for a Fall Away update! x
    June 13th, 2010 at 07:39pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hiya, thanks for the story comment =) x
    June 2nd, 2010 at 08:05pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Saaame. Silly parents. I thought I'd be able to work my way up but nooo.

    I've made my dad do that when I saw Cobra. He just walked from his work and picked them up and I was like THANKYOUUUUU.
    Haha I should've paid HIM service charge x).

    I'll lay back down and feel like I've run a mile. My heart'll be pounding. It sucks x).

    Oh yeah, when there's open bars and stuff. I think the Rave has one of those… one of it's many downfalls in my parent's book. :\

    I know. He's an amazing dude x).
    Haha I do that with song. I'll be watching a YouTube tutorial or something and be like "That's definitely within my very limited skill level! Yesssss!"

    We couldn't even stand up XD.
    Dude, I don't really like them either! And it seems like everyone suddenly loves them for unknown reasons. I'll eat them, but… eh. I just don't get it.

    Haha same! They should make pretend ones right next to the real one that's like, "IF YOU HAVE AN INTENSE URGE TO PULL THE ALARM ABOVE, "PULL ME INSTEAD!"
    But that'd probably cause problems in an actual fire…
    June 1st, 2010 at 05:05am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Haha that's true. I swear my mom is working backwards about the whole concert thing. Like she'd let me go to them, but now she's getting more and more skeptical. My mother gets these notions in her brain… blah.

    Me too. I mean, "service charge"? Really? Wtf kind of service is it giving me that I can't get elsewhere?

    Agreed. It was so messed up. DX
    I hate that! I'll be on the edge of sleep, and my thoughts will be wandering around, and I'll be thinking about a physical activity or something where you could potentially fall, and then my subconscious will make me fall (in the dream thing), and then I freak out and wrench myself out of bed XD.

    Haha wow. My dad humors me about most of the music stuff, but for the most part he just takes it as some weird teenage phase thing x).
    But then my parents come from the time where going to a concert entailed it being at a club with big drunk sweaty guys and there air being half marijuana smoke, sooo… I can sort of see why they'd be hesitant.

    Yup, same with me. Jack's Mannequin first, and then Soco later.
    I've never listened to that song. It was huge back in like 2007 or something right?

    Yeah I was playing it on my dad's Touch yesterday and I was mad it wouldn't do everything for me x).

    They made us stay in classes. But luckily I had friends in that class, so we robbed lunches and I got my friend's clementine, but none of his Sun Chips.
    You can get in huge trouble for that. I hate standing near those pull thingies because they're just so tempting XD.
    May 31st, 2010 at 06:52am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    It's on the other side of town. So it's close but not 15 minutes close.
    And see, I only have ONE x). You are lucky.

    Shiiiit. That's ridiculous. That's like JoBro nosebleed seats expensive 0.o

    Haha too much information? That dream legit freaked me out. I thought I had mental issues.
    Which I probably do, but you know… x)

    That sucks. If there were even that many concerts coming around here my parents would probably do the same thing, though… Stupid parents. They just don't understand x).

    I remember that picture, I think. It is. (:

    I take forever to learn songs because I took lessons third through sixth grade, and then didn't TOUCH a piano for a year… I can still put things together, though.
    Definitely. It's great on the Nano because you don't have to think. Like, if you click on the card it automatically shows you the possibilities of where it can go. Solitaire for stupid people x).

    Haha I look foreword to seeing it.

    November? Wouldn't it have been cold?
    And it sucks you didn't get to go home x).
    Pshhh we have fire drills every month, including the winter. They probably try to pick days that aren't ridiculously cold, but still. It sucks.
    May 31st, 2010 at 12:14am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    laskdjflmvlaksufia LUCKYYY. I want a damn venue 15 minutes from my house. xP
    Oooh really? Jeez, that's a LOT cheaper. I noticed the tickets weren't ticketmaster, and I'm like YUSSSSSS.

    I never remember my dreams either. The last one I remembered was super messed up. I was like hallucinating that I had these horrible gashes all over my legs and shizzz and I woke up and was like "WTF IS WRONG WITH ME." Cause it was actually pretty gory and 0.o
    So yeahhhh…

    Yeah, I was just wondering about that. Cause you said you had the camping thing, but Soco is so close to that… But at least you can go to one of them. It would be awful if you had to miss both.

    There were like four pictures on each page that were like a "theme" x)

    Ha, I sorta do that too. Except the rare time when I feel like attempting to play guitar (which I suck at) or learning a song on piano…
    When I take road trips solitaire is the only thing that keeps me sane. I play it CONSTANTLY on my ipod x).

    Hahah nooo it won't. Layouts are horrible with time.

    Same over here. It's literally 90 degrees out, it's awful. And today someone called in a bomb threat so they had to evacuate the school and we all had to go sit on the tennis courts in the sun for an hour and a half. I have never been so glad to go back to school. xPPP
    May 24th, 2010 at 11:11pm
  • WatchingGravity.

    WatchingGravity. (100)

    :) Haha, quite awhile indeed! And it's probably just as much my fault as it is yours. Oh well! Your welcome, by the way. I really enjoy reading it! Haha. ;)

    Ahaha, thanks! I really apreciate it. I already delted 'Losing the Lyrics', and 'Modern Day Cinderella'. I am really enjoying Ginger by Midnight. And i have to get my Spinoff from the desktop transfered to my laptop soon, so that i can put it up on here. :) I'm nervous though, because i hate spinoffs. Call me a hypocrite. Haha.

    I hate electronics just for the part when they die. Then it's almost more of a hassle then having it to begin with. :( Haha, but i guess having something is better than nothing. And as long as you can write, the 'family' laptop is better than nothing, right?

    And Oh Gosh, so much is new with me. It kinda gets all caught up in one, you know? But basicly, i got a kitten, lost a friend, and started getting ready for my summer vacation.

    What about you? What's new with you?
    May 24th, 2010 at 03:12am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    x) Nice. You're sooo lucky, I asked my mom and she wasn't too happy with the idea, and that last time this happened it was… bad. My mom has issues with Milwaukee, it's so stupid.

    XDDD I think that's crossing the line a bit. I never dream about actual things, I'm so weird.

    I'm not sure. My dad is okay with Milwaukee, but like I said, my mom is… delusional. xP
    It sort of sucks because Warped is there on July 29th and Soco is only five days after that so I'm getting the feeling that I'm probably going to end up having to choose between the two. And for some weird reason I have the feeling my mom would feel better about Warped than a normal concert because she's let me walk around with a friend alone at Summerfest, which is a hell of a lot rougher than Warped, I think.

    Haha same. And I did. I noticed all the time they used the same picture but cropped differently XD.

    When I'm sick I usually end up watching infomercials and/or court shows. XD It sucks.

    Ooooh sounds cool. Beware, though, codes are time vampires. Even more than Mibba/Facebook.

    Dude, it's like SUPER nice here. 80 degrees and sunny and everything. I went to a birthday party yesterday and we had a water fight first grade style XD.
    May 24th, 2010 at 01:56am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    YOUUU DO!!! I saw your post on the thread. (:
    You're so lame, you get to say you're one of the first people to see Something Corporate on a TOUR since 2005 xP. That's intense. I have to be SECOND.
    I BETTER get to go. I will throw a serious bitch fit if I don't. Complete with screaming XD.

    Aww get better! Being sick when it's not winter is awful.
    May 20th, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    OH OH OH.
    Check thisssss.

    & on the topic of Soco, I bought Played In Space.
    May 20th, 2010 at 03:14am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    GUUUUUURRRL. April 7th for Fall Away? Really? I need me some awesome names XD. I've been working on Jeremy, gonna try for this week-ish. (:
    May 20th, 2010 at 03:11am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Damn, I have to double.

    I'm usually more dialoguey, too… This whole story I've been trying to get away from it, though, and I think I'm doing pretty well. The chapter was supposed to be more like a prologue of sorts for the second part; I didn't want to just leap right in without some weird… thing x).

    Haha good. That's what I need. Now I'll know if I'm making sense or just being delusional XD.

    Okay fine, I'll ignore it. Just this once x).
    I have the first part of the next chapter written, but it's sort of lame and I need the next part to be… better, obviously. Because the next few chapters are going to sort of be cliche.
    May 6th, 2010 at 01:05am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Haha thanks x).
    Speaking of Played in Space, I'm now obsessed with the song Letters From Noelle… it's the only one I've been able to get a hold of via my super-reliable illegal downloading x). I'll need to buy the physical regardless, but…

    XDD Nice.

    It IS. I was like, 80 yesterday. But now it's gonna be colder tomorrow, I guess… :\

    You just have to mess around with the codes. I just take a premade layout and change the colors and fonts and images and whatnot until it's unrecognizable.

    Haha, I saw you did! I read it, but then I had to go to my cello lesson so I didn't get a chance to comment, so I'm gonna do that after I write this.

    My brother's taking a crapload, too. He's loaded the AP courses on this year and last because he wanted to start college as a sophomore, which I sort of think is stupid, but whatever floats his boat, you know…

    It was. I went to bed at 8 and was still exhausted the next morning xP.
    I get the not processing words all the time, like even when I'm not tired and just distracted because it's last period. But I've never really had the crying. It made me more frustrated cause I was like, "THIS IS SO STUPID. WHY AM I CRYING?"
    Haha, she was like, "Allison, are you sure it's not a boy? Because boys are usually what makes teenage girls cry like this…"
    I read between the lines x).
    Nooo, he doesn't, he's obsessed with my friend. Though he's trying to get over her now apparently.

    Ooh ooh ooh. I will! Maybe I'll go buy it when I get my hair cut this weekend because I actually have MONEY :O

    Yeah, it is. It's not like a amphitheater, but it's one of the bigger clubish-type places if you know what I mean?
    Agreed. I'm scared to ask my parents if I can go or not, to be honest x).
    May 6th, 2010 at 12:59am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    So I'm looking under your notes thing, and I'm noticing that the Olympics are STILL distracting you?
    OCD tendencies are kicking in, here. x)
    May 5th, 2010 at 01:45am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Yes, yes there should be.
    It's getting to be that time of year where I gain a social life because you can actually walk places… and simultaneously the teachers start piling us with homework DX. I think I maaaayyy post something today though. And then I'll practice my cello, do my homework, work on the next few chapters and not walk because we had a soccer tournament last weekend and one of the teams tried to kill us. :P

    I was fishing through photobucket and saw squiggly monsters and flipped, basically XD.

    x) Exactly.

    Hahaaaa. AND I'm about to update mine so you'll reallyyyy need to get on that.


    Yeah, we've got AP tests. I'm not taking any though… notttt looking foreword to that. Good luck. (:
    Oh my God, speaking of sleep deprivation. The soccer tournament was out of town so my team stayed in a hotel and everything and it was super fun, but on Sunday I was like a freaking zombie. I got home, took a shower, ate, watched Glee on Hulu and then tried to do my homework, but I was so tired I just wanted to sleep and it was frustrating me because I couldn't process words. And my friend was texting me, and he pissed me off cause he kept asking me who I like. So I was pissed and tired and frustrated and I ended up crying for NOOO reason. And then my mom walked in and thought my nonexistent boyfriend broke up with me.
    True story. Get your sleep x).

    I neeeeeeed iiiiiiiitt.

    Pshawww, like I'd get to go to that anyways. Let me guess, Milwaukee, The Rave? Since they're on Warner Bros now…
    Wisconsin gets skipped on a fair amount, too. It sucks. xP
    This is the problem with Warped… it's like a tour-sucker. EVERYONE'S on it x).

    XD niiiiice.
    May 4th, 2010 at 11:16pm
  • WatchingGravity.

    WatchingGravity. (100)

    Hallo! :)
    Long time, no talk. Haha.
    How are you? Love 'Scent of Summer' by the way.
    You totally have me addicted.

    i'm starting a new story, & promise me you'll read it?
    This sounds lame, but one of 'em is a Twilight Spinofff.
    FAIL. :( Haha. i'm starting a couple more..
    And i am deleting my old stories.

    Haha.. oh Gosh. I prolly sound so stupid. : /
    I finally got my laptop back! It was effing 120 dollars, repair.
    There goes half my camera money. :(
    April 28th, 2010 at 04:47am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    XD Exactly. If characters were never irrational, stories would just be [i]boring[/i].

    Hahaaaa. That makes me feel smart.

    Shoot. I'm gonna have to get on that…

    Same. Except, hiatus, writing-block thingie.

    Arghhh I'd rip my hair out. I can't STAND when my hair gets greasy and sick. xP

    Me too. Me too.
    That never works for me. I'm always watching the clock and being like, "Damn, now I only have three hours left! Rrrrrrgh I have to get through all these board notifications!"

    OH MY GOSH HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ima have to give you the next chapter as a birthday present. B{D (yes, that smiley has nerd sunglasses AND a mustache. Just for you.)
    Dude, a ton of stuff is happening today. Like your birthday, AND my mentor's birthday, AND the day I get confirmed. And my grandparents' anniversary! Jeeez.
    April 26th, 2010 at 05:03am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Heyy, thanks for the story comment =) I'm really glad you like it. I was scared what people would think because some of my PYH readers didn't want a sequel.

    Oh, sorry, well, John and Lyss have been together for a year so this story takes place 1 year after PYH happened and Caleb and Lyss met mid-way through PYH so they've known each other for a little over a year now =) Hope that makes sense =) x
    April 25th, 2010 at 11:28pm