daydreamer2006 / Comments

  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, thanks for the story comment. Thats so sweet of you. I'm glad you liked it =) x
    February 25th, 2010 at 07:06pm
  • formerlyknownas

    formerlyknownas (100)

    United States
    Haha well I'm glad you enjoyed it! And that you're going to subscribe to Home. :D I'm suuuuper excited about writing it haha.
    February 24th, 2010 at 08:46pm
  • HopefulRissa

    HopefulRissa (100)

    United States
    Yeah, and man Tom is always super cute and adorable and I find myself rooting for him sometimes, even though I'm writing the story and there's really no need for me to root for anyone. Heh.
    Thanks for following the story into the sequel, that's awesome.
    February 24th, 2010 at 10:16am
  • m3gAn

    m3gAn (100)

    United States
    Haha i know right?
    I was just limke hmm.. atleast i like it

    and thats cool.
    You sould definetly get that money from her. lol
    February 17th, 2010 at 12:03am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Yeah, I don't think it stopped in Minneasota…
    It was VERY good. It's been too long since I've been to a concert…
    Have you ever heard of Sparks the Rescue? Because God, their lead singer is INTENSE live. He was throwing his microphone all over the place and jumping around and annoying the guitarists and asking people to tie his shoes… XD
    It was great x).

    XDD Nice.
    I think you can surprise people. Because I thought I knew what was happening about twenty times before you got to the lists and I was wrong on all of them x).

    I need a friend like that. :\

    I know! I always make typos it seems like. And I KNOW I didn't make them that much when we actually had the edit button…

    x) Mine either.
    Ooh, really?! :D I like it when libraries have CDs I actually listen to…

    XD Actually, there probably are some things wrong with it… we'll just ignore that.

    Dude, me too. I'd burst or something x).
    I would beg. Even though if it was on a school night anything I say would be lost on my mom, I would BEG. And then I'd make her feel super bad about not letting me go.
    Even though that's really mean… It's soco! Come on! XD
    Haha, mine too. They seem bent on the illusion that every single person on the internet who you don't know in real life is a pedo and wants to lure me away from home to kidnap and kill XD.

    I have a friend who doesn't like chocolate. Actually, he's not really my friend. He's this really creepy kid I've known since first grade and, quite honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned into one of those internet pedos my parents are scared of.
    I'm fairly certain there's something wrong with him, too. 0.o

    Eh, I've never listened hard enough/to enough songs to tell x).

    x) It does. He's the only reason I know who Kim Kardashian (and etc) is.

    x) You better start emailing those labels.

    Mine do too! I'll be staring at the fire or something because I just woke up from a nap, and my mom will come in and be like, "Allison, what's wrong?" when I'm really very happy I actually got some napping time in x).
    Ah, speaking of napping time… I got a four-hour one yesterday and another 20-minute one in American History today XD. It was soo nice…

    XD Nice.
    I remember once I woke up at six in the morning, for unknown reasons, and two of my friends were STILL up, and they were talking about fast food. God, it made me so hungry. It was horrible, just listening to them…

    Why thank you x). I didn't do so well on this one though…
    February 15th, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • Erinnnn.xo

    Erinnnn.xo (100)

    aha same it`s so confusing.
    i have a lot more websites if you don`t find anything you like on that one.
    And I`m really good how about you?
    February 13th, 2010 at 05:50pm
  • WatchingGravity.

    WatchingGravity. (100)

    Oh I completely agree. Everything gets so crazy and it sucks.

    Yeah, I know how that goes. You need the people that keep you grounded. Otherwise it can get.... well, even more crazy I guess.

    Thanks :)
    I've actually written more of the middle of the story than the beginning... so now I have to connect the two.
    Which isn't as fun, but is worth it :)

    Haha, you are correct. :) Sometimes life just seems to overwhelm me, and kind of drown me out. It catches up on me soo fast sometimes i can hardly breathe, let alone go online!

    I think without them, i would lose my sanity. Or at least the little i have left. :) Without them, i'd truly be lost.

    Your extremely welcome. :)
    Your an amazing writer, truly fantastic. You have an awe-inspireing talent. Did you ever think of pursueing it as a career?
    I will always read your stories. XD

    Haha, so what do you have planned for Valentine's Day?
    February 13th, 2010 at 07:18am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    That was surprisingly short for being three comments worth x).
    February 12th, 2010 at 10:53pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Sorry, you said hey hey hey and I couldn't resist.
    Gracias. I LOVE that song. And I'm seeing the Dangerous Summer today!! :D

    x) I don't really know where it came from either.

    Whoa, really? Maybe that psychic story thing is actually working!

    XD Yes, very lucky. All your writing would just fall apart without me.

    I have an aversion to hair dryers, so…

    I miss it too. :(

    Yeah, my brother told me he was gonna go out to Colorado and be a ski bum, and then whenever that went downhill he'd go to NYC and be an ACTUAL bum. XD
    Me too. I bought it, I couldn't resist.
    Yeah, I do. Those poor, untouched souls. x)
    XD Nice. We're such fangirls…

    Definitely. We should get to meet the entire band. Mhmm. We deserve it XD.
    Haha, THEY BETTER. That'd be so sweet if it stopped here or in Milwaukee or something, and then my mom actually let me go to the Rave and I could see a reunion tour!! Oh God, that'd just be amazing. And then maybe you could come and we could go to a concert together! XDD

    0.o That's just… that's horrible. My friend said today she'd never had cotton candy so we had to practically shove it down her throat. (we were at the movies)
    XD Yeah really, how did that happen?

    The songs I've heard the dude's voice is so WHINY. It's like… I don't even know, but it doesn't sound very good x).

    x) Nice. That would suck.
    XD Me too! I think it's cause Michael Buckley (whatthebuck on youtube?) always sang it in his live shows…

    It would. That's a good resolution.

    I am the queen of that stage.
    Hah, nice. I lot of things I do could be considered wallowing, but they're really not. Maybe you were though, a little… I know I'd be wallowing if I thought I was seeing JM and couldn't. :(

    I love watching movies all night. At sleepovers we always start one at like two int he morning XD.
    February 12th, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • m3gAn

    m3gAn (100)

    United States
    Haha lol :)
    I got a case for mine too
    I liked the case so I put it on my itouch and then couldn't get it off so I decided to buy it. Lol
    February 12th, 2010 at 06:56am
  • crossed out name.

    crossed out name. (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for the story comment (:
    I'm not going to say anything in response to your theories (I know, I suck, haha) but I'm glad to hear what you think is going on! Don't worry, more and more is going to be unraveled for the next few parts. I'm working on the next part now, so it should be updated relatively soon (:
    Thanks again!
    February 12th, 2010 at 06:03am
  • Erinnnn.xo

    Erinnnn.xo (100)

    yay :),
    and no I wish, it'd be so awesome to have that talent.
    I got it at:
    and then just added the heart, peace sign and dove picture.
    February 12th, 2010 at 04:34am
  • formerlyknownas

    formerlyknownas (100)

    United States
    Yeah it's definitely a short story haha. But you'll be excited about the surprise! :)

    Tommy is the typical boy. He can be mean all he wants, but as soon as she breaks down, he's done for, haha.
    She never really wanted to leave him, she wasn't lying when she said that. She was just afraid of being left. But Tommy is helping her get past aaaaaall those fears. ;)
    February 11th, 2010 at 12:18am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Showers almost always end up being the number one priority for me, believe it or not. I make myself stop doing stuff to go take a shower because my hair take so freaking long to dry XD.
    YESS, Fall Away update! :D

    True, true. But they may be freaks; they attack my pencil case with gusto.

    Ah, the joys of the edit button…

    x) Nice.
    XD Yeah. Ah, just think of how poor Eddie had it… he must of had a dirty, dirty mind. So much for being a virgin XD.

    x) Mine always glance on it in passing.
    XD Nice. My Word always takes forever to load, so that would be a no go for me…

    It's so unnatural. Who even thinks about that stuff? :P
    My one friend knows Punk Rock Princess, If You C Jordan and Konstantine (because I made them listen to it all the way through). So I guess that's three. I'm trying to get her to listen to North. North is amazing.
    XD We're so devious. Trying to pimp out bands.
    Ahhhhh talking about SoCo makes me excited for Bamboozle Left (sorry, CALIFORNIA :P) and I'm not even going. :DDD
    Attractivity. No, I don't think it is. You go ahead and patent it!
    It does increase the attractivity by a ton, let me tell you x).

    Possibly. I think a long, ranting e-mail would do the trick though XD.

    Yeah, that's what I thought. If you have two singers you might as well do harmonies, though. I don't get it.
    I've never really listened to them, honestly XD. I should, because they have such a giant influence, but… I don't x).

    XD Nice. I'd flip out if someone stole my Garrett from me for a whole day, but if they were listening to something good, and not just the three popular songs I have on it… (which are 7 Things, Fireflies and Heartless XD)

    0.o Dude, that would be horrible. You need to be more trigger happy with the credit card x).

    Ah, flipping out at people is never good. I tend to do that too, but I never get to the all-out screaming stage. I just get to the broody, easily-irritated stage x).
    XD Way to think on the bright side, sheesh.
    You should MAKE it fun. Drink tons and tons of caffeine beforehand or something.
    February 11th, 2010 at 12:10am
  • formerlyknownas

    formerlyknownas (100)

    United States
    Haha well prepare, because the next chapter is coming in five minutes. :)
    February 10th, 2010 at 05:07am
  • Isadora Pierce

    Isadora Pierce (125)

    United States
    ;) I love playgrounds too, as you can tell from one of my other stories banner.(:
    Don't worry, he gets...found...sorta.xD
    February 10th, 2010 at 04:01am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    When I have chapters pre-written (not often) I'm always just like DAMN, look at all these pages! I can now start doing all my homework instead of writing! So then my writing gets behind, and my homework goes back to being second priority x).

    XDD Oh geez, I didn't even think about that! Argh, they're gonna have a field day with my yearbook… Maybe they'll have outgrown it by then, though. Late bloomers x).

    I love one shots like that. Unresolved ones. They're great. I that's one of my favorite things about one shots, you don't have to stress over an ending as much. Like there's a climax, and then you just kind of leave it hanging.

    x) Nice. I'd try and base get to know you stuff off my friends, but they're all so… unnatural x).
    XD Yes. You could go mind-shopping and be like, "I wonder who has a good story today…"
    But then I have a feeling that there'd probably be a lot more smut around. x)

    x) Nice. I usually click out if there'd swears or kissing or anything, but since I've just got into the habit of it, it's automatic.

    x) Yeah. Gosh! Why does he have to get a decent education! He COULD just drop out but nooooo…
    XDD That's awesome. If someone could list of a bunch of crap about SoCo, I'd be like, "CAN I BE YOUR BEST FRIEND?" XD
    At the moment, you're the only person I can gush about them to. Because although I've forced Soco down their throats most of them still only know one or two songs. x)

    That would be sweet! I don't really know anything about the classes (like those matter, ha) but I think the campus is really good. I wouldn't mind living there at all. And plus, there's Ian's Pizza… God, that stuff is good.

    Ugh, I know! When are they gonna catch on!

    More bands need that. I can't even think of one that has two vocalists singing a good amount… I mean, Blink, I guess, but do they do harmonies?
    XD They did! So it's justified. My friend got this poster of ATL since I preordered Nothing Personal for her and they're holding a sign thing you can write on, and so my friend says she wants to change it to, "Sorry Stella but, on second thought, DON'T take me home. Nothing personal." x)

    Dude, that woul be ridiculous if you saw the fee and hesitated for a bit and then your three minutes or whatever it is was up and it was like SOLD OUT. XD I'd be so pissed.

    Well that's good at least. My mom kept trying to get me to do stuff, and I told her I just wanted to wallow. And then she said that was horrible but my dad told her to let me XD. I needed a good wallow anyways.
    But being with your friends will definitely make it better. (:
    February 10th, 2010 at 01:05am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Heyy, thanks for the story comment! I'm glad you liked it =)
    February 9th, 2010 at 06:35pm
  • m3gAn

    m3gAn (100)

    United States
    Has your child been dropped yet?
    Mine hasn't.... Yet

    and lol I agree. Haha
    February 9th, 2010 at 05:14am
  • Isadora Pierce

    Isadora Pierce (125)

    United States
    It may have something to do with the fact that I plan stories backwards.x)
    Thank you(:
    February 9th, 2010 at 03:55am