daydreamer2006 / Comments

  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Thank youuuuu for the story comment!

    It sort of says why she leaves in the story, but I think it's such a weird reason no one plays attention to it x). It's cause she doesn't want to depend on anyone, and she's pretty much just being stupid about it.

    You've never heard a line like that before? I'm flattered XD. I know I've read it at least twice somewhere… So it's not necessarily original, but hey, it was in the song.

    Haha, it was x).

    I don't think I'll post it for a bit, because I want to get some chapters written up in advance, you know. But I'm going for within two weeks. Like before May.
    Month or so, maybe x). I was just waiting for the deadline to get closer on KYG.

    Same here. My mother just doesn't seem to get that.

    I don't think I could do that either. I mean, I sort of am, but… none of them are really [i]active[/i] XD. So it doesn't really count.

    YAYYYYY!!!!!! That would be sweet if you got to go.

    I think actually GOING on Warped would be just brutal. Like there's all these stories about the band inviting the girl along with them and crap, but if (let's say we live in an alternate universe) that ever happened to me, I'd be like HELL no. A week maybe. At the most. And only if you didn't go anywhere farther south than like, Missouri.

    x) Nice.

    We have those, but they're in the start of the year. WKCE. I think it's like Wisconsin Knowledge…Comprehensive…Exam.
    I'm grasping at the C, but whatever x).
    April 18th, 2010 at 07:27pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    I'd just like to let you know that I think I wrote a whole chapter of Spun Down.
    It's a prologue-y thing to the second part, and it doesn't make much sense, but I am [i]proud[/i] of myself. :D
    April 18th, 2010 at 02:43am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Mhmm, I noticed that too. x)

    I hate that. She'll tell me to clean my room, so I'll pick up the clothes on the floor, and then she comes back in and says it's not clean because there's still piles of stuff on my desk and everything. Those are my ORGANIZED piles. And if I didn't have them, NOTHING would get found.

    Blah. Editing.
    I was debating weather or not to add more to Bathroom Walls, but I decided it was fine… I mean, there's no set length as long as you get what you wanted to say out, you know? I wouldn't feel obligated to add more.

    I probably will too. I haven't gotten a chance yet, though. xP
    XD That's for sure.

    Exactly! It sucks.

    I need to check out the lineup for Summerfest. I'm going to be gone for the start of it on a mission trip, but I think my dad is coveting tickets for the Eric Clapton and the singer of the Who day, so I might go then…
    Yeah, I think there's a lull in the spring between Bamboozle and Warped because they're both so big and they need time to… recooperate x).

    That'd be sweet if you could just sit down on a piano bench and play something that just sounds INTENSE. I want to be able to do that.

    I will! Eventually! :P
    0.o Must be just for Minnesota.
    April 15th, 2010 at 10:41pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Ah, spring cleaning… My mom honestly did most of it for me while I was at this Confirmation retreat. And she didn't move all my stuff around so I couldn't find it! (for the most part)
    I was soo happy. Now all I have to do is move stuff around. (:

    Yayyyyy! You better post it this time, too x).
    Ah, that just broke my heart. In a good way. I'm so glad it got played live again. I don't think they could have NOT played it, you know?

    That sounds amazing. I wish we had that.
    It's sort of like what I do with feta cheese. It's the only cheese I'll eat plain, and whenever we have it I eat it while looking for other foods in the fridge.

    Dude, I know. And then if you want to respond to something, it's already been debated or is really old.

    Except me! x)

    XD That would suuuck.

    :DD You'd better.

    Blah, us too.

    It's by Nicolas Sparks, right?
    Ha, that reminds me of when my dad heard Justin Bieber was gonna be at Summerfest… He's like, "Allison, I think I'm going to have to buy you tickets." x)
    I sorta want to take lessons over the summer again… But I'm not really sure. It always takes forever to find a teacher.

    I miss it too. I sort of got this brilliant idea to kick off the second part a few nights ago, and I'm really anxious to write it, but soccer's starting up again and everything… But it is spring now, which means my caring about school is going to steadily deplete so you never know. I'm going to try really hard to get back into it, though, because this idea is definitely better than what I had before (a bunch of random scenes - I'm probably going to end up doing that eventually anyways, though.)
    April 12th, 2010 at 11:43pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Nonsense! It's an excellent thing! x)

    Right back atcha about the story comments.
    I don't really know where it came from either… I really wanted to write something in second person, and then the last line got stuck in my head so I just built off that.

    Bugs Bunny can cheer anyone up. When I'm down I always watch Aladdin. It's my favorite movie ever, pretty much.

    Dude, I need to do that! That seriously did not cross my mind.

    Same here.

    Whenever I tell people they always freak and say they couldn't live without chocolate. It wasn't a big deal, though… the only thing I really missed was Cocoa Krispies x).

    Mine are mostly board updates. It's ridiculous how much you get after just like, two days…

    Rambling is totally fine by me x).

    I quite enjoy having conversations with myself. XD

    XDDD I love how that's the first thing you think of when it comes to a family with all boys.
    I can tell. x)

    It would be. Whenever I tell my friends he got accepted, they're all like, "MINNESOTA? TRAITOR!"

    0.o Whoaaaa. That's just strange.
    The youngest brother, Ryan, got these lines on one side of his back that looked like the marks that steaks get when they're on the grill XD.

    Mhmmmmm. Just the orange would have been enough.

    Aside from me being insanely jealous… Seriously, though, that's awesome. I hope you can go. (:

    LUCKY! I don't think we get hardly any days off until the end of the year.
    My mom's pressuring me to clean my room, too. So I feel for you x).
    Oh, yuck. I don't even want to read the BOOK now since she's in the movie. xP

    I am. See, look: (:
    April 9th, 2010 at 12:28am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    XDD Yup, thugs is totally interchangeable with things…

    Duuuude I hate writing on those things. I hate writing on touch screens, period.

    Okay, that's good. I was getting worried there x).
    April 6th, 2010 at 10:49pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    I'm just going to talk AT you. I'm tired of this gone-for-months business x).

    Happy Easter!
    I celebrated by eating chocolate for the first time in 40 days, going to Steak n Shake and driving. A lotttt. Then getting home and spending like four hours going through all my e-mails (thanks, Mibba…).

    Oh, all this driving! For what reason, you ask.

    Back from Florida. I went to Disneyworld for spring break! :D
    We went with this other family from our church, too, so it was nice not being around JUST my family. Although hanging around all boys definitely has put a dent in my hygiene habits.

    Ooh, all boys, you say. How scandalous.

    Yes, their family has three of them… one that's a year older than my brother, going to the UW; one that's a year older than me, and one that's a year younger.
    Well. Seven months. He's immature anyways.

    And OH! Speaking of college, guess where my brother got accepted?!


    YEAH, MINNESOTA! So he's for sure going there in the fall. I think he's very happy at himself.

    Um, anything else interesting? Not reallyyy…
    I got back from Florida and now the grass is insanely green here. Like, REALLY green.
    My legs are sunburned and I'm really hoping they stop hurting because I'll probably need to wear pants to school. They haven't really liked touching anything for the past day, so I'm thinking skinny jeans are not good… Unfortunately, I don't own much else [i]besides[/i] skinny jeans…
    I cut open my foot like three weeks ago. Maybe it was two. The doctor said it took off as much skin as a third degree burn would 0.o. So in addition to not being able to wear long pants, I'm not really able to wear shoes other than flipflops, either…

    I think my body is forcing me to break out the summer wardrobe. Very painfully, I might add.

    It's mostly healed now, though, so I'm hoping I'll be able to wear tennis shoes on Tuesday, too. AND MY NEW GOOFY SHIRT! :D
    That shirt is amazing. It's bright orange and has Goofy's ass on the back. Need I say more, huh?

    I'm honestly just rambling now, but heyyyyyyy. You deserve it. You better read every word. And SAVOR it. Cause when you're gone for two months, you at least need to take some steps to notify me you aren't dead.
    Just saying(:
    April 5th, 2010 at 05:04am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Heyyy, thanks for the story comment =) I'm glad you liked it. Haha, well I wouldn't put a new character in if they were unnecessary, just sayin' haha =P x
    March 20th, 2010 at 02:26pm
  • Stifler

    Stifler (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you for the lovely story comment :)
    March 18th, 2010 at 05:57pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Heyy, thanks for the story comment. Haha, per chance, do you love the story? =P. I'm really glad you do. Waiting anxiously for the next update of Fall Away =) x
    March 18th, 2010 at 04:56pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Yes, that would be awesome x).

    Ah, me too. They're both time vampires.

    XD Nice.
    Kay, thanks. (:

    I can't. :( I can definitely see their reasoning--lots and lots of people crammed in a pit for twelve hours would probably get violent.
    I still need to try out bouncing around Chi-town for most of the day and THEN going just for SoCo… but I have a feeling the answer would still be no. Even if we got seats.

    I love it when that happens though. As irrational as it is x).

    I know. Math is so time-consuming. :P
    I'm really happy with myself because I just finished a one-shot AND a layout for a contest I'm doing. I'm waiting until it's closer to the deadline to post it, but I'm still really proud of myself for writing (and finishing - I've been doing a lot of not finishing) something.

    Me too.

    I'm so bad at listening to CDs people burn me, that'd probably never happen x).

    Haha, me too. I could get potentially arrested for stalking him.
    Dude, I had a dream once where I saw Andrew in a Starbucks. I was like, "Dude, you're from Something Corporate!" And he's like, "Yeah, I don't hear that much anymore." XD
    It was epic.

    Same. He's so inspiring! *swoon* XD

    x) Definitely agreed.

    Ha, that sucks. Sometimes I need my friend to explain math stuff for me, and whenever I still don't get she starts flailing and ends up calling me stupid.
    And then two minutes later I'll be like, "OHHHH NOW I GET IT!" XD

    Naps are just… They're amazing. I took one on Sunday, I think.
    Haha, same here. Except I'm excellent at doing homework with white noise… I actually prefer it that way.

    Yes. Yes you do.

    DAMN! LA! It's warm there!
    Aw, that sucks. When I write poetry (if ever) it's always late at night and then I spend about an hour the next day in school changing/adding stuff and snarling at people who come within a two foot radius of me x).
    March 9th, 2010 at 10:31pm
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Heyy, thanks for the story comment. Do you want me to answer those questioins for you or were they kinda rhetorical and you want to wait for the next update?

    Thanks again! x
    March 5th, 2010 at 11:47am
  • drown her to sleep

    drown her to sleep (100)

    United States
    March 4th, 2010 at 03:25am
  • ButterflyBandage

    ButterflyBandage (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Heyy, thanks for the story comment =) I cant wait for the next update of your story either =D x
    March 3rd, 2010 at 02:44pm
  • drown her to sleep

    drown her to sleep (100)

    United States
    You should try that and Duma Key
    March 3rd, 2010 at 04:52am
  • drown her to sleep

    drown her to sleep (100)

    United States
    You probably would! It's amazing
    March 3rd, 2010 at 04:22am
  • rachel in the sky

    rachel in the sky (100)

    United States
    Yeah, he's a bit of a jerk so far :)
    Thank you so much for commenting!
    I'm writing the next chapter right now.
    March 1st, 2010 at 04:39am
  • Erinnnn.xo

    Erinnnn.xo (100)

    aha, that's good. I can't wait to see it.
    nothing's really new. we were supposed to get a snow day today but we didn't so now i have to go to school.
    how about you?
    February 26th, 2010 at 01:52pm
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    DAMMIT! Now I don't get to see any pretty layouts OR updates? :(
    Stupid health. God, no one cares about that subject in the first place.

    XD Yeah, that always somehow happens to me too…

    I'm gonna fucking preorder it. I never preorder stuff, too. I'm so excited!!! :D
    Do you think you could possibly send me this download link?

    Going to a Bamboozle IN CHICAGO is almost as good though! It's something I might actually be able to go to!
    But I agree, a tour would be awesome, even though my chances of going to it would be tiny.

    I didn't really like them that much, but now that's I've seen them live they're like 10 times as awesome. x)

    Do it. Screw the health paper!
    I'm such a good influence…

    Oh yeah, I remember that. That's one of the things I'd scream at people about if they made me do insistently x).

    XD That's actually kinda true… I abuse the edit button as it is, so it's definitely not good for me.

    XD That sounds extremely time-consuming.

    Haha, okay. So I just won't tell you about the time I snuck into Andrew's house and… XD

    x) Me too. There would be lots of crying involved. SoCo is practically the reason I even started playing piano again.

    Dude, I know. Plus I know YOU'RE not a pedo, because if some old man wrote romance stories with supernatural twins and lists and Sethie Seth… he'd have to be some new breed of pedo who's super equipped to deal with the teenage mind. And then he'd have to learn all about this music and these slang words and…
    Yeah, not happening. x)

    It's really not. He just needs to… I don't know. Chill. x)

    Mmm, tough decisions x).

    I really wanted a nap as soon as I woke up today XD. I'm like, "Allison, when you get home, I want you take a nice nap."
    Haha, is it the Olympics? That's what's been keeping me up x). I'm really glad that Evan guy beat that Russian big-nose guy in figure skating…

    XD Wow, that was… very, very random.
    And poetry slam?
    February 26th, 2010 at 05:14am
  • loverfayce.

    loverfayce. (105)

    United States
    Sorry, it's been more then a 24 hours x).

    And did you see the thing about them recording a "Greatest Hits" album?! They're re-recording songs from this really old EP and stuff. There's a thing on AP about it. :D
    February 25th, 2010 at 10:31pm