Not able to post.

hey guys... My computer crashed. Which means I can't post any chapters until I get it fixed. So yeah, be carefully on what websites and e-mails you open. And I'll continue write but this time on paper. So when I get back, I'll be posting X5 faster, promise. :) ( ok seriously this thing won't lat me post unless I have 100 words, lame right? Ok so ignore this.: G j. H. I hsihd hsdifif Hejira dhdjdbd...
April 18th, 2009 at 10:43pm

the Key to life

Life’s hard right? Your blind to the future and you can only look back on the past. The present. That’s where we are. Every second ticking by and becoming part of the past, every word, every action, wrong or right, are written in stone. The memory forever engraved into your mind for all eternity. The sad thing is the ones we tend to remember are the bad ones, the ones you wish you could go...
April 1st, 2009 at 03:32am

heh heh... yeah (why i haven't been posting)

Sorry I haven’t been updating my stories lately :\ , I’ve been real busy these days. Would you believe me if I told you my team had an 11 hour ‘fun raiser’ and for all those hour all me and my team did was work out? Well ya’ should because it really happened and now I’m really sore. On the bright side I caught a cold the next day! (yeah not my best week.) but any ways as soon as my...
February 25th, 2009 at 06:16am