Lost in the Music

Lost in the Music
United States
Joined date
January 28th, 2009

Welcome to My Life

I'm lost in the music...

...and I'm feeling good

Okay. About me. Well, here goes:

I am addicted to romance stories and any kind of music
that has a melody (i.e. no rap or screamo).

I play the piano, guitar, and flute, I sing,
and my motto is "Who needs drugs when you can have music?"

I have a mild case of Catagelophobia (look it up).

I aspire to be a psychologist of some sort,
and possibly publish a few books on the side.

I love writing, but I don't think I'm as good at it
as all my friends say I am. Maybe I'm better off writing
screenplays and scripts because I'm good at writing dialogue.

I am currently on a boy diet,
because I am not going to let some stupid guy
ruin my senior year like TWO managed to do
to my junior year

I'm proud to be a Christian, and I don't care who knows it.

I like to talk. A lot. Especially when I've had caffeine.

I'm a morning person.

I eat my muffins upside-down.

I'm on color guard and very much enjoy spinning flags,
so much so that I brought a flag home for the summer
just to mess around with it.

I love my friends to death, and I don't know what I would do without them!

Feeling: blehhhhh. Girls with PMS should not be allowed to make emotional decisions...
Doing: going over stuff in my head in hopes of making my life a little bit better.
Wishing: that I haven't screwed things up monumentally. Stupid emotions......
Wanting to say: I'm sorry for everything, I still love you, and I hope you don't hate me.