...a bird that won't fly

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...a car that won't start

...a clock that won't tick

Story Title

Story Title

...a star that won't shine

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...a heart that won't beat

Image, Layout & Coding © Chimerical Slumber
Content © YOUR NAME


United States
Joined date
January 28th, 2009


HI! My name is Marissa, I'm sixteen years old, and here's what you should know about me:
1) I talk. A lot.
2) I'm a thinker. I love pyschology and just exploring the human condition.
3) My mom is still trying to teach me the lesson that I won't actually die if I leave home without my iPod...
4) My passions are playing guitar and piano, writing, singing, painting and drawing, dancing, and acting.
5) My friends and my music are my top priorities.
6) I LOVE mint chocolate chip ice cream and strawberries.
7) I am in love with Ben Barnes and Edward Cullen and Jacob Black.
8) My favorite shows of all time are House and Dancing with the Stars.
9) Everytime I blow out my candles on my birthday cake I wish for world peace.
10) My hair is a crazy, curly, brown mess.
11) My eyes are brown and shaped kind of like almonds.
13) I'm allergic to dust, mold, peanuts, and seafood and I hate pasta, nuts, and blue cheese.
14) I'm a pretty sensitive person and I give good advice.
15) I love chocolate chicken. (just kidding, but I've never tried it and I want someone to try it and tell me how it is :)
16) I want to see the world.
17) I am deathly afraid of rollercoasters but force myself to go on anyway.
18) Majorly hypocritical or shallow people drive me insane.
19) My fave color is blue.
20) I have an unhealthy obsession with Diet Coke, and recently, purple.
21) When I'm tired, I get really insane and hyper... and then I crash.
22) I have abandonment issues.
23) I have a fear of clowns and being locked up in tight place and being tied up.
24) I loveeeee all animals- esp. dogs, dolphins, and birds.