General Anxiety Disorder

GAD, General Anxeity Disorder, that's my illness. At least what I know of now. I am off work for a couple of weeks to get in phase with my new medication (which gives me horrible stomach pains) and put my poor mind at ease.There is only two things that makes me feel good are beeing at the local theatre and get out and run (I'm horribly unfit, so a jog is a healthy way of hurting...
March 8th, 2011 at 10:14pm

Messy mind and annoyingly long waiting.

Hey, Shelly here.Stepping out of my dark coner where I have been lurking. I'll be visible for a while, at least.Personally, I'm not in tip-top shape right now, I suffer from my usual spring depression, which is triggered by an uncertain summer and a sick father.Thankfully, I found some prescription free pills that calms me down before night time. The key to surviving this utter piece of shit is...
May 10th, 2010 at 08:43pm